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Everything posted by klesh

  1. Thats really strange thing for the devs to have done, seeing as an aim camera button isn't really a tweakable? You're not tweaking focal length or shutter speed or some aspect of the camera.
  2. Can you flip the cargo bay so it opens to the bottom, dock the small ship to the (now) top of the cargo bay, and let it fall out to deploy?
  3. The OP to this thread need an animated .gif of Trey as a boy in the classroom in Boyz in the Hood, where he points to the class and tells them "all y'all". Seen here at 1:10 (explicit language for you kiddies!)
  4. You guys should have a read of this thread, one of my favorite mission reads around:
  5. A fully intended typo.
  6. Thanks for the news. I hope the console guys can end up having a great experience. Let's hope Blitworks has an easier time porting KSP than Frying Tiger did.
  7. Something using terrain scatter would be cool. I wonder though, does the game see the ocean floor as the same terrain type(s) as dry land? If you told the sea floor to produce terrain scatter, would it be trees rocks and cacti? Would another terrain type need to be created and painted only on the ocean floors? Interesting idea for sure!
  8. In Massachusetts, a yellow light definitely means "speed up because you can totally get through this intersection!"
  9. There is nothing "wrong" with your design per se, other than being 3x more rocket than you need. Some people dig that, you don't always have to go places on the smallest, most efficient way available. Some thoughts: Too much monopropellant. You wont need nearly that much, and it is a very inefficient fuel. 2 of the rounded monoprop tanks on your lander should be plenty. That big yellow 2.5m mono tank is definitely too much. That first stage, its really far too large (for my tastes). Try using the big orange tank and something like a skipper or mainsail as your main lifting engine. You should be able to take the giant Mk3 parts and SRB's off (saving huge amounts of weight) and replace them with just 1 or 2 2.5m fuel tanks and a big engine. You could lose both of those 4k inline batteries and run with just a few of the radially attached much smaller ones. A few of the 100-unit tiny ones with the green light on them would be fine. Your solar panels will recharge them. The post above yours shows a rocket that is more similar to the sizes I fling at Minmus. Indeed, sometimes smaller is better. Also, the better you get at flying, the less margins you will need to build into the craft. As that build stands, you could land it on Minmus with tons and tons of its fuel left onboard. Each time you get better, you can think to yourself "what did't I need on this trip", and scale back your design accordingly. Good Luck, keep asking questions.
  10. Yes, that was only rectified very recently. I pretty much would use a quick timewarp to halt rotation when letting SAS flip my ship around. The "new" correctly working version of that feature is indeed a godsend.
  11. Thanks for the bugfixes. Please look into the big seams on the planet surfaces that came with 1.2 prerelease. A more concerning topic is Squad's console strategy. There are only a few weeks left in 2016 and still no word about the launch of the PS4 version in Europe having been delayed by 6 months, and absolute radio silence on the WiiU edition of KSP. Its still being advertised on the Nintendo pages as coming out this year. I'll presume that project has been cancelled altogether?
  12. Smart move, you'd be inviting frustration otherwise.
  13. On builds where ~ is the default to go back to your ship, what does backspace do?
  14. Unfortunately, I don't participate in social media. No pictures of Kerbals from Boston for you!
  15. Hey no sweat mang, I was just wondering why no one had commented, it wasnt seen very much. No biggie! Maybe its a recognition for a company's first game on the xbox marketplace or store or whatever its called? Its clearly not an award for a great ported game, nor probably one for smashing some sales figure.
  16. Jeeze guys, I posted this here on Sunday but no one noticed. I figured it would cause some discussion. Strangely the xbox tweet doesnt explain what the award is actually for.
  17. It would appear that KSP is receving some kind of recognition from the Microsoft XBox team? https://mobile.twitter.com/XboxMexico/status/797298678927069184 Its pretty vague, even after translation... but why in the world would they be reciving some kind of reward or regognition? Sales numbers etc? I mean, people are actively seeking refunds for the console versions. The XBox patch that took months to fix one issue didnt fix it... Am I missing something with my logic and or common sense here?
  18. Consider an internal ballast of fuel to move the COM around for re-entry; I carry an amount of monopropellant to shift my COM.
  19. C'mon mang, no style points awarded for the Mohole?
  20. Heh, looks like it was old news in 2013 as well.
  21. Interesting! Thanks for the insight, as I don't speak Russian at all.
  22. Whats wrong with "Vasya"? I'm presuming its a feminized William "Vasily" in Russian perhaps?
  23. The XBox edition had a patch to fix the saving bug. From what I have read here that patch did not fix the problem. Console players are adrift in a sea of unknown.
  24. That's fair. I wouldn't go as far as calling SQUAD con artists, but I can see how they feel like they've been duped. Most of us PC folks are here from the early access days, and in all honestly the game still feels early access.
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