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Everything posted by Turk_WLF

  1. @CobaltWolf as @Pappystein said Your mod is just outstanding & just getting better with every update... Thank you for all of the hard work you put into it!
  2. @MrMeeb Thanks I needed to see that to recharge my KSP Drive Batteries & it did a great job . @CobaltWolf Of course Thank you for making the mod .
  3. First of all, to the Moderators I’m sorry if I posted wrong section… I need help with an aircraft design; The Problem is as soon as the wings take the load off of the Landing gear. The wings seem to separate from the fuselage. I’m using a High Mount Wing design or where the Wings are mounted at top of the fuselage, I need the extra space under the wing so I can mount a payload. I’m using the FAT-445 Aeroplane Main Wing scaled up to 175%. I’m wondering if there are any tips that I’m unaware of… Thanks,
  4. @blackheart612, I hope your issues are not too serious. As DarkOwl57 said IRL always takes priority over the internet. My thoughts are with you!
  5. I think this might be the Refueling Probes & Drogue shown (see the Link)... http://spacedock.info/mod/1167/Automated Aerial Refueling System
  6. Here is the link that you need... (if it works) Airplanes Plus Tweakscale Download
  7. @blackheart612 I have a possible problem/bug, request (if possible) … Possible problem/bug… Last night I downloaded the Mod, and installed 6 of the Top Left Engine in the Modern Engine on the OP (Sorry not sure of the name yet) I pair them with 4 Subsonic Jet engines in the Classic B-36 Peacemaker Bomber layout. When the Jets got up to speed the Propellers appear to slow down and stopped. I’m not sure if it by design or not. The Request (If Possible)… I’m wondering if it is possible for you to make the Propellers/Engines off of the B-36 Peacemaker… Here a link to a picture B-36 Peacemaker’s Engines… http://img05.deviantart.net/a2da/i/2015/301/0/c/six_turning_and_four_burning__b_36_peacemaker__by_davidkrigbaum-d9epd06.jpg Some may say I just use the Tweakscale mod just to resize the propellers but I find that rescales everything & that throws off the rest of the Plane. Lastly I would like to thank you blackheart612 for your time that you spent on this great mod!
  8. @Angel-125, I'm not sure what happened but I guess I didn't installed v1.5.1 afterall but I did install the latest version on the Buffalo. I just in installed MOLE 1.5.1 & I did get the AVC notice for the update watches. Angel-125 please keep up with the great work & Thank you for all of your hard work & time!
  9. @Angel-125 or anyone who might know, I had an odd hiccup trying to install 1.5.1, I'm not sure if it is something I did or what. I just got a new computer & copied my KSP folder over & here is where the error might happened... I deleted my older version of M.O.L.E. folder before rebooting & Installing v 1.5.1 but I DON'T delete the community folder in the Gamedata Folder, I didn't delete the Community Folder because I'm not sure how that would impact other mods. Now every time I start KSP I get an "ALERT" asking if I want to download the latest version of M.O.L.E. (1.5.1) but I already have & Installed it. what did I do wrong? Thanks!
  10. I feel like such a newbie asking but is this mod design to be flown manually or MechJeb or both? The reason why I’m asking but I can’t get a Hermes/Etoh or Hermes/Muo into orbit while using MechJeb. I’m just not sure if it’s the flight path or the mod. Thanks,
  11. @blu3wolf, I can't seem to find the section within persistence.sfs to delete it. Rats!
  12. Just wondering is it possible to reset or zero the ribbon so I can start all over again, if how do I go about it. Thanks,
  13. First and most all I would like wish... @CobaltWolf best of luck on your NASA science animation fellowship! Secondly I would like to ask for a little help with building & launching the "Sarnus SV Rocket", I'm having problem with the LES (Kane 11 LES PEBKAC LAUNCH ESCAPE SYSTEM), it doesn't stay solidly attached to the capsule. The LES begins to buck left and right (from the default launch point of view up on launch), causing the rocket to oscillate, similar to ripples on a pond after throwing a stone into it. Thanks & once again best of luck @CobaltWolf!
  14. @CobaltWolf/ any user of this mod, Please bear with me, I just found this mod tonight.... I have a question on the "Kane-11-CDA High Gain Antenna" I can't seem to get it to properly placed to the "Kane-11-MBM Service Module" by properly placed I mean according the picture in the manual on page 8. I'm sure it is just me not knowing the mod yet. Thanks,
  15. @Angel-125 or anyone (that uses this mod), I have 2 questions on this mod... 1) Can I create a full Launch Vehicle with just parts from this mod (Gemini/Titan III)? 2) Has anyone else have problem with the chutes tearing off of while landing? I could be in too speed. Thanks,
  16. @Pak Thank you so much for making this mod. I’m wondering if someone would be kind enough to explain to me on how to set up the SRB(s) to the ET correctly. Thank you,
  17. Thank you so much Pak & Merry 1.0 Release Day to you too! . oops forgot to say that I love the picture as well.
  18. I’m sure this has been asked before but I’m just wondering how can we mount the Mk 3 Cargo Bays on to a side of a fuel tank in similar fashion of the Space Shuttle Orbiter? Yes, I know the Cargo Bays are designed/made to be mounted inline, however I can’t see the answer. Thanks,
  19. I just did a Test Launch & it works GREAT!.. now I can get back to playing KSP in a serious matter Also I just want to Thank Both of you @Starwaster & @sumghai for your hard work & time (This is my Second Must Have Mod(s) just right Behind MechJeb)
  20. @Starwaster - I misunderstood, I thought it was just a "test" release that needed some polishing yet.
  21. @Starwaster, So sorry to hear about the Kitties, as for me I can wait until it is done. I'll have you & your Kitties in my thoughts.
  22. I know that people have asked this before but I need some clarification on the finer points of launching multiple payloads from a single launch vehicle. The Example Mission: Launching 4 satellites in a Geostationary Orbit Should I circularize my initial orbit at 80 km & then readjust the Apogee 2868 km on my second pass of Perigee, if so how do I know if I have the spacing correctly for equal deployment? Once I’m approach the deployment point of the satellites, how I when to switch from the launch vehicle to the satellite. Another question I have is, how much delta-vee does each satellite to circularize & will I need any more fuel once the satellite is in its correct orbit & location? Thanks,
  23. Couple of Questions about KSP 1.2 Fuel Flow & Satellite Designs I’m just wondering where do we access the new fuel flow in KSP 1.2, I tried to launch a rocket using the old standard Asparagus Booster Setup & the Rocket stalled short off launch. I know that I had plenty of fuel but it just stopped flowing. I’m not sure why except for the new fuel flow system is my only guess. Also I just need to know how antennas many per satellite in KSP do we need make a good communication system similar to NASA TDRS System (Tracking and Data Relay Satellites)? Plus is there a way to figure the Delta-Vee needed for an elliptical orbit so I can launch multiple satellites at once. Thanks,
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