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Everything posted by Frozen_Heart

  1. Wait do all 4 of those reach orbit? As like a quad SSTO?! That is epic! Also my screenshot wasn't a rocket SSTO, but a two stage rocket. Frist stage does a boost back and aims for the KSC (and misses) while the second stage does a full orbit before landing. Managed to figure out a flightpath that gave enough time to keep the second stage going and then be able to jump back to the first stage. I managed to land both stages quite close to each other but both landed too far west from the KSC.
  2. All my working K-drives no longer work this version, and the devs mentioned that some forms of K-drive (wheels based ones) will not work next version so I suggest you wait until them to start trying to get them working again.
  3. If you fancy. I don't really use tactics, just fly to first ship I see and shoot it...
  4. didn't even think of that. though I think the section with the weapons I need is unpowered so can't undock.
  5. I don't have any armed ships left so pretty sure that is a win for you..... Unless you fancy mopping up the unarmed stragglers
  6. Ok turn taken. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pt3d9dpiokd27ee/persistent.sfs?dl=0 I took my last fighter to the Argentum and fired everything. I think I heavily damaged it but it still has an engine and a pod so it might still be usable.
  7. Ok about to take my turn. Finally found the time.
  8. I've decided rocket SSTOs are a silly idea so I've gone for another approach... It is working much better but sticking the landings is a challenge.
  9. I'll take my move at some point. Now on day two of hangover so not really able to concentrate much atm.
  10. Hmm that is considerably more than mine. Barely getting 4500m/s. I changed to 3.75m tanks which improved it to about 4800 but now it prefers to glide backwards. Might try the wingless approach and do propulsive landing. Harder to hit the KSC like that though.
  11. What kind of dV values are you getting from your rocket SSTOs empty btw? Atm I'm getting about 4200m/s (atm) which while enough to get to orbit, isn't enough for payload.
  12. Are standard rocket tanks able to survive re-entry heat? Also if you turn the Mk3 tanks on their side the cargo bay doesn't line up anymore. This is really making me wish that SpaceX style boosters were viable but they just end up despawning before landing.
  13. Damn only 1 ship left with weapons. :/ Interestingly those shots hit the armour but still destroyed the internals, so maybe armour doesn't help much.... Going to have to take my next turn tomorrow evening as that is when i'm next free to play.
  14. This is the version i'm on now. 3 Vectors but only 18mt of payload. However it glides at 25m/s so I think I can lose a wing or 50. Trouble is without them it looks awful, like a bunch of fuel tanks stuck together.
  15. They were originally going to publish them summer 2015. I'm pretty sure we aren't going to see anything from them.
  16. Wow I didn't realise SSTOs had to be so big for that kind of launch. Their payload fractions seem to be closer to that of real life launch vehicles than the 10% or so I always worked from in KSP. I wonder how the fuel cost stacks up to just throwing away stages... I really suspect that Vectors are going to get a massive nerf at some point so I'm hesitant to use them. They are such an OP engine atm. I'm happy with them being 1.25m as that is needed for shuttle engines, but they have the power of a launch engine with good efficiency both at 1 atm and in space.
  17. Having multiplayer in game wouldn't affect you in any way though. You would never even have to click on the option and there would be no downsides to it being there at all. It just gives the players who want multiplayer to have the option to play it. I would probably barely play it at all but I can see the benefit to those that would.
  18. Ah it wasn't running on my PC when I updated the folders. This should work: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pt3d9dpiokd27ee/persistent.sfs?dl=0
  19. It is vertical take off but gliding landing. Means I don't have to use fuel and can hit the runway. I'm aiming for something like the Venture Star SSTO.
  20. Trying to build a rocket only SSTO and struggling. It can limp up to a 75km orbit and return on fumes but can't take any payload at all. Not sure how to improve it from here to make it actually useful.
  21. That is how I built my older ships when they were purely combat based. Central spine with heavy armour round all important bits, often several layers. They were really tough to crack for the time and some people just rammed them with their capital ships to kill them. Though these days a single missile would split them open as weapons and armour have moved on so much since then.
  22. The problem with using mods if that it then forces all the stock builders to use them to be able to compete. While a modded version can still use the stock parts unless you have deleted them. A stock ship using stock weaponry isn't going to be able to fight a 500m long dreadnaught with lasers that can shoot them across system.
  23. The weapons sections aren't controlled at all. The only probe core as far as I know it directly in front of the crew pod and that is still powered. Has no weapons or propulsion though. Also have done my turn. Maneuverer a fighter up to the Aurum and fired at its engines. Fire volley didn't damage it while the second one shattered it. Pretty sure it was a phasing glitch as usually I beams don't affect armour like that. After that the fighter had no weapons left and the Aurum's surviving weapons sections had no docking ports to steal them so I put the fighter in a highly elliptical orbit. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pt3d9dpiokd27ee/persistent.sfs?dl=0
  24. Not sure until I take a closer look but I think you hit the crew pod directly maybe? Each of the separated sections looks pretty undamaged just missing the one part that holds it all together. Edit: Yep the crew pod was the only part of the ship destroyed from what I can see.
  25. I think this was it. Was playing for a while before this but never found out the button to take pics. This was 0.19 I think.
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