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Everything posted by purpleivan

  1. Sent up a fuelling ship last night (5 orange tanks) to fill up my Laythe colony mining vehicle, ready for its departure. After the transfer the refuller had pretty much only fumes left onboard and I planned to use that to re-enter it and consign it to the great waste bin of the skies. Unfortunately a few seconds after undocking, instead of hitting T to turn on SAS, I hit Z, slamming the now very light vehicle full tilt into the side of the fully fuelled mining ship. With the inevitable explosive consequences of course.
  2. Might be worth asking about this in the thread for the mod, if you've not done that already, although there's not been much activity there recently.
  3. I'm curious why there seems to be different attitude towardfs the game on PC and console when it comes to the F12 menu. On these forums the PC debug menu is often referred to. Phrases such as "just F12 it" (e.g. to fix a wonky contract that just won't complete) are frequently made. It's also referred to when it comes to testing and even challenges, such as "2G SSTO to Orbit" making use of to add a level of difficulty. So why should the console version be any different, regardless of what has at some point in time been said by the devs? BTW... this is coming from someone in the same business, so I do understand that there are situations when you don't want debug info/input being publicly discussed. I'm just unclear why the greater need for secrecy about it on console.
  4. Judging by my screenshots collection, sometime shortly before July 25th 2014. My first pic is of a satellite in Mun orbit, so I'd guess July 22/23rd.
  5. I took Jeb out in a micro plane for tour to the runway island this afternoon. A fine machine, if a little unstable, especially on takeoff Phew... in the air at last. Buzzing the monolith Runway island dead ahead. Don't think this will quite make it to the Mun, so better head back to the KSC Jeb. Watch out for the tower. Put the kettle on, he's almost home. This was not in the flight plan.
  6. I installed the addon last night and I'm having a few problems, most likely due to me overlooking something. What I'm trying to do. Change the music played in the Construction scene. Add a new playlist that plays music when I go to the launchpad and play that music from then on (I'll refine this to be more limited later). What I've done. Replaced the music listed in the existing playlist "Construction" but made no changes to the settings for that playlist. Created a new playlist called "Launching (new)" which includes a single music file and has the settings in the image below. No change to any other playlists were made. The problem. The music in the new playlist "Launching (new)" doesn't play on the launchpad or after launch. The new music for the scene Constrution plays fine, but it continues to play when I go to the Space Center scene. What I'm running. Soundtrack Editor 4.4 KSP 1.3.1 I've tried setting the new playlist to use various "Sort this before" values (Construction, itself, Pre-launch Day) with no difference in behaviour. I also confirmed the music plays in-game by selecting it to be played in the Construction scene and there it played fine. If anyone has any suggestions they'd be appreciated. An update... I took a micro plane out for a flight and found that the new playlist kicks in at some random time/altitude around 30 seconds after firing up the engine or 200 - 400m ASL.
  7. I like that the show at least takes a nod towards realism, and overall I've found it very entertaining, but that gravity assist course course had me cringing. The speed of it was completely ridiculous.
  8. I don't have any specific movie suggestions that would be new to this list, but here's some of my pet peeves. Numbers are for nerds - the use of ridiculously small (almost always, but occasionally large) numbers, especially for distances, speeds and financial costs. Training, what training - scientists and astronauts that act like 10 year olds on a suger buzz, rather than highly trained, responsible individuals, operating in dangerous environments using incredibly expensive hardware. Don't give HAL the wheel - the onboard computer can converse with the crew and carry out complex analysis of data, but the spacecraft is flown by some sack of giblets punching buttons and manouvering with a stick. Hands on experience - no matter how technologically advanced, no weaponry bigger than you can carry seems to exist. No missiles, tanks, aircraft etc. Just guys shooting at each other with ray guns.
  9. If you've not done it yet, then a manned Eve return is something to go for. Looking at my old screenshots, it's about that time in my game that I took a crack at it.
  10. Hi truthseekers. It's been a while since I got anyfin from the guy with the special antenna, but hes come thru now. I was getting worried... thought the peeps with the power had got him, so I went his house to find out. He wouldn let me in, he just said he cudn talk, cos a purple unicorn was asking him how to get to Kathmandu. I guess that was code for sumfin. The next day he sends me a pic wiv one of them aliens on it. Said he had to talk to that unicorn to get his brain to see the real picture. He said he cant use his special antenna any more, cos he took it to the store when it was raining and all the gum wrappers fell off. BELIEVE
  11. I got around to this a little quicker than I anticipated.
  12. Have a look for posts by @Overland he's made a lot of trains. Like this.
  13. Ahhh... don't remember, but it was a lot. It was in sandbox so cost was not an issue. If cost is a factor, but you have ISRU, then it sounds like launching something like my nuke upper stages, but mostly empty, to Gilly and fuelling it up there is going to be a better option.
  14. I put together something roughly like what you wanted. According to KER It had enough fuel that from the 91km orbit orbit I put it in, it should be good for 18km/s from there. I took it for a little test drive and took a few snaps along the way. By the time it finished burning I'd reversed my orbit and had pushed the AP out almost as far as Eeloo. If you really wanted to get up to 22km/s, then adding a another xenon tank to the single one that this has would probably take it over the line.
  15. I did some tests about 18 months ago, to find out what kind of speed I could safely re-enter Kerbin's atmosphere at. I managed to make it down safely when I hit the upper atmosphere at 6700m/s. However I don't know if atmospheric heating and part tolerances has been significantly altered since version 1.13. I've had more powerful vehicles in the past, about 30km/s if memory serves, but that was in the pre-nerfed ion days.
  16. I can take a swing at it, but it might be a week or two before I get to it... work is chewing up a lot of my time right now.
  17. Thanks! For shadows what I usually do is to use the one in my screenshot that the "kerbally" component of the image is taken from. Then I adjust it (levels etc.) so that i'm left with something approaching a pure black and graphic of the shadow, that I can then lay on top of the Apollo image. This I can then adjust the alpha/brightness of, to make a decent match to the colour and brightness of shadows in the photo. After that I'll tinker with the edges to give it the look of being on a rougher, more detailed surface than that in KSP. Finally I add any larger scale distortions as an attempt to match undulations in the terrain in the photo. Occasionally I'll need to recreate the shadow, for example if there's any nasty stretching of missing parts, but even with these I'll have the one in the KSP screenshot as reference.
  18. Another shocking revelation of how American astronauts photographed evidence of alien creatures on the moon, that describes the tale of how close to disaster they came when interacting with these strange beings. This new photo was passed to a member of the press at a meeting with a man called I. B. Merrymaker. The meeting with Mr Merrymaker (wearing a long trenchcoat and dark sunglasses) took place at night, in a dimly lit parking garage. He described himself as working for the NASA photo manipulation department, as the head of pixels and poxels. After handing the photo and a debriefing transcript, in a brown envelope to the member of the press, Mr Merrymaker made his way to a stairwell. The member of the press stated that moments later he heard the sound of clinking bottles, accompanied by muffled laughter. However he believed this was unconnected with his source and in no way affected the veracity of the materials passed on by him. The transcript read as follows. "We'd dismounted at station 10 and John was setting up the high-gain on the rover for the TV camera. While he did that I started taking a set of panorama photos standing about 10 feet to the right of the rover. I'd just taken one shot of it with John standing at the front and I swung around to take another with him on the left and Stone Mountain in the distance on the right and I catch sight of this thing hurtling through the sky towards us. It sorta looked like a rover, it had wheels on it and seats with a bunch of these little guys in suits strapped in 'em. Strange thing was it was upside down, no idea why. Those little dudes were hanging upside down underneath it and the wheels were pointing skyward. That darn thing shot straight over my head, cleared me by about 10 feet. So I leaned back as far as my suit let me, to get a good look at them creatures on it as it went past. There was a bunch of 'em, the photo showed eight, and they were all grinning like the cat that got the cream and I swear one of them was giving me the thumbs up. Well as it passed overhead I could see that that rover was in a roll and by the time it hit the surface it had righted. Well what I mean to say is it was landing on its wheel. I guess that was lucky for the little dudes riding it. After it hit the ground it headed off towards our flag and just before it got to it, it swung around to the left to head West. It kicked up a hell of a lot of dust and sprayed a load of it on the flag. I watched that thing head off in the direction of Kaht crater for a little while, but I had to get back to the plan for the EVA, so went back to finishing the panorama. By the time I was done that thing was just a dot heading across the surface with a trail of dust behind it, heading for the horizon."
  19. Jeb went on a high speed trip, or rather a series of trips, as an entry to the Duna Kiathlon challenge. First his vehicle took a quicker than normal trip from the KSC to a 51km orbit of Duna, that got him there in 194 days. Then once in orbit he took it down for a much more rapid than normal descent to the surface. This was by burning for a vertical descent, then burning straight down to accelerate towards the surface, before flipping around for a braking burn to avoid pancaking on the surface. The time to get to the surface was 4 minutes 3 seconds. Not anywhere near as short a time as it could have been, but a lot short than the descent I'd normally take. For the last leg of the challenge, he took off for a rendezvous with a small but speedy runabout he'd left in orbit, to use for the trip to Ike. The time from leaving the surface until he met up with his ride to Ike was only 6 minutes. However the ascent vehicle's last stage was almost full of fuel at the end of the ascent (about 2000 delta-v) so the design for this stage of the journey was not efficient at all. Jeb finally made it to the surface of Ike in 42 minutes from the time he left the red soil of Duna.
  20. A few pics from my entry to the Duna Kiathlon challenge, that involves a three stage race to Duna orbit, it's surface and then to Ike.
  21. Ok, as promised here is my own entry for this challenge. I decided to plan my entry around two vehicles, the main one that would take Jeb to Duna orbit, surface and back into orbit again. A second small one was dropped off by the main vehicle in Duna orbit, that the main vehicle would rendezvous with later for the final leg to Ike. In the end my attempt was ridiculously innefficient, as I'd planned to ascend to Duna orbit using the last stage of my main vehicle, but my I ended up doing that with the landing stage, which still had plently of fuel in it. The "back to orbit" stage had almost all its 2,200 delta-v worth of fuel on board, once I met up with my little Ike dragster. So here's my points tally. Time to get to Duna orbit: 194 days Time to descend to Duna surface: 243 seconds Time for trip to Ike surface: 42 minutes Total score (194+243)+(3x42) = 563 An Imgur album of the trip can be seen here. https://imgur.com/a/jRvlw Here's a few images of the trip.
  22. As Bill's bragging about his triathlon exploits have been getting on Jeb's nerves, so he's decide to show him a real sporting challenge. The Duna Kiathlon This will be a test of engineering, planning, piloting skill and bravado, taking the form of three timed journeys, each of which awards time based points. These timed journeys are as follows. From the surface of Kerbin to Duna orbit. Descent from orbit to Duna's surface. From your Duna landing site to the surface of Ike. All of this based on a single launch from Kerbin. Scoring This is a points based challenge, with the lower the score the better. Scoring is the total of the following. Number of days to reach Duna orbit. Number of seconds to descend to Duna surface. Number of minutes x3 to travel to the surface of Ike. The reason for the x3 on the last item is that this is likely to give the smallest number, so needs to be multiplied to have a proper influence on the score. Example: Time to reach Duna: 200 days Time to descend to Duna surface: 225 seconds Time to the surface of Ike: 70 minutes Score (200+225)+(70x3) = 635 points Classes To allow a bit of variety in how people approach the challenge, the scoring will be split into three classes. Fat Bob: No limit on vehicle mass on launch from Kerbin. Normal Norman: Vehicle to no more than 1000 tons on launch from Kerbin. Slim Charles: Vehicle must weigh less than 100 tons on launch from Kerbin. Rules This is quite a long list, but I'm trying to answer as many of the typical questions that crop up as possible. 1. The mission must be flown from a single launch from Kerbin, so no setting up fuel supplies en-route in convenient places using earlier launches. 2. The mission must be manned, with the trip from Kerbin to Duna done seated inside the vehicle and not in a command seat. However once in orbit of Duna you can fly the kerbal of your choice, "al fresco" in a command seat should you want. 3. You have to fly the whole mission, so leave Mechjeb behind for this challenge. 4. No parts or other mods that improve the performance of your vehicle compared with stock. As for aesthetic (including any stockalike parts that don't affect performance), information (e.g. KER), or convenience (KAC, timewarp etc.)... feel free to go nuts. 5. No cheating... I know that's obvious, but just in case you're thinking of it... don't. This means no Hyperedit, F12 menu shenanigans, or fakery with your timing (the Kraken witll know). However use Hyperedit all you want for testing your design. 6. All times for scoring are the whole applicable unit, so if it takes 213 days and 4 hours to travel to Duna, then the time for scoring purposed is 213. 7. ISRU is allowed, but all gear for it must be on your single launch from Kerbin. 8. Days for scoring purposes are Kerbin, not Earth days. 9. The time to Duna is the elapsed time from launch on Kerbin to when the vehicle establishes an orbit around Duna, with both AP and PE above 50km. 10. The descent to Duna surface time is from the beginning of the descent burn from orbit (the orbit established at the end of the timed trip to Duna) until the vehicle is stationary on the surface. 11. The time for travel to the surface of Ike is from when the vehicle starts it's engines at your Duna landing site, until it is stationary on the surface of Ike. 12. Provide good proof of your flight. Video of your exploits would be great, but screen grabs showing key stages of your progress will be fine. Images or video showing the start and ends of each of the three timed parts of the flight are essential. If you plan to switch between different vehicles in your stack (e.g. if you left a vehicle in Duna orbit to rendezvous with for the trip to Ike) then set the HUD to show UT, to avoid issues with mission timers being reset. 13. Have fun... well, be miserable if you want, but i might deduct (er... maybe that should be add) points I've completed the challenge myself today and will be posting my entry later this evening.
  23. 6702. Go to Mun (did we have that already) Seriously now. 47. Get stranded on Eve.
  24. I'm thinking of taking acrack at this but I've got a few questions about the rules. "All mods allowed, except warp drive and tweakscale." This seems a bit open to abuse as I'm sure there are some insanely efficient parts mod engines out there. In fact someone could in theory just write themselves a mod which gives infinite fuel. "Bring a base". What constitutes a base? "Apollo style". How close does that have to be, can a kerbal be sent to the surface in a command seat based lander and EVA's back to the orbital vehicle, or do the two vehicles need to dock? "ISRU at Eeloo". This gives the entrant an advantage, but it gives a points boost... so I'm a bit confused by that. Thanks.
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