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Everything posted by SheepDog2142

  1. Yes! Ive been looking for one for the MK2 thats analog. Cant wait to use it.
  2. This looks really good. Ive been working at doing something similar with unkerbalized start. Got around 40 mods supports 90% but this looks like a way better distribution to me.
  3. What is this for? I am curious.
  4. Not sure what im doing incorrect here but none of my planets seem to have any detail. However I can still get science from them and take pictures of them with the telescope. Im sure im doing something incorrect here.
  5. Looking forward to Cryo Engines and really looking forward to Universal Storage 2.
  6. Really love your IVA's. Glad to see them out there.
  7. Of course! I love your work.
  8. V1.3 has been released should update to CKAN soon. There is probably more changes then this I am missing as allot was added and adjusted. Many updates and fixes to already supported mods as well. New Supported Mods Rocket Motor Menagerie (Support from Sheepdog2142 ORANGES (Support from Sheepdog2142) Photon Corp (Support from Sheepdog2142) Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (Support from Adventurer13) Smart Parts Continued (Support from Adventurer13) USI Series (Support from Adventurer13 & jthero3) ALCOR (Support from jthero3) Bumblebee (Support from jthero3) Coriolis Space Systems (Support from jthero3) DaMichel's CargoBays (Support from jthero3) HullcamVDSContinued (Support from jthero3) Luciole (Support from jthero3) Mk2Expansion (Support from jthero3) NSS/OctoSat-SOAR S3-A300t (Support from jthero3) Planeside Exploration Technologies (Support from jthero3) Additional Subcategory Support: Buoyancy Cameras Cores Expansion Boards Fabrication Fluid Containers Life Support Manipulator Arms PLC - (Programmable Logic Controller) Resource Utilization Visual Scanners Additional Bulkhead Tags: 11m size8p8 15m size12 20m size16 30m size24 PCB CircuitBoard
  9. Updated support for KSRSS Reborn due to broken links for KSRSS textures. Added Occlusion support for Earth, Mars, Luna, and Mercury.
  10. can you send my your log and ill look into it and see why it might be conflicting.
  11. Looking forward to this being on CKAN. Thanks so much! Question: Is there a reason the recolor for Near Future Aeronautics is not on CKAN like the other are?
  12. Possibly. Its got a tone of parts. Ill need to reinstall it back because I cull out all the parts and just use the configs for support for MKS and PBS.
  13. Tested it and its really close but not exact. I think its a different mod of the same cockpit.
  14. Would really like this to be possible. Its one of the many things I prefer about KSP2 that would be great to see in the first game. The beeps and boops and 8bit sounds give such a charm to the game that KSP 1 does not have.
  15. If possible with Dynamic Battery storage could you get it working with blizzy toolbar and kerbalsim electricity. I know its probably allot to ask but at least put it on the list of things? Love DBS but it being locked to the stock toolbar is really annoying to have to scroll to it every time to activate.
  16. Sounds great! Yea the EC changes cause all sorts of issues. Im having to write a ton of patches for universal storage II to get the solar and power parts to work properly.
  17. Got to say this is looking great! What's the rough estimated percentage of completion for a release?
  18. I really like many designs from this mod and I love restock to. I think im going to look into making a compatibility patch that uses B9 part switcher to allow people to swap between the textures the same way you can with colors or modules in BDB. Im surprised no one has done this already.
  19. Have you gotten volumetric clouds and parallax continued working when removing Kerbin solar system and starting on Suluco? Parallax continued seems to be completely broken when using homeworld switcher and Volumetric clouds even with the config seem to be black and theres no atmo on the planet.
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