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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The largest hybride airship evah. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_Air_Vehicles_Airlander_10 90 m in length puny 10 t of payload. 2017.11.18 crashed after being gone with the wind. Just a terrestrial wind, not a usual Venusian hurricane. I wonder how many 10 t airships is required to lift a farm (all its plants/cows/machinery/soil-or-hydropwnics) or a factory. And btw how to cool the factory in the air (i.e. no effective radiation cooling) but without water (i.e. no heat sink). And how much fuel would eat that spaceplane to service it. If you mean that the colony should be hanging in orbit, then the mentioned diving plane should first aerobrake down the plane speed, then apply 8 km/s of delta-V to return to the orbit. See above. A ridiculous 10 t payload needs such large thing. How many 10 t airships are required to the whole industrial and agricultural town, and how to keep together that flying continent of 100 m balloons.
  2. Hydrogen is contained in the sulfic acid clouds, though enormous size of required balloons (to keep in air farms and factories) makes the whole idea hopeless.
  3. KSP-2 is becoming interstellar.
  4. ...or US could decide to disassemble its obsolete warheads to extract HALEU for peaceful needs.
  5. Use a file to make a powder and a match to light it. Why does the matter consist of quarks rather than of cheeses?
  6. Warhammer 40k is much better than its fantasy sibling.
  7. Why did you pour the whole salt shaker into the hot soup? It melted. Waiter! Why does this honey smell like maple? Do your bees gnaw trees?
  8. Spots of ketchup on the walls and ceiling.
  9. "Don't read the things causing too much emotions. Remember, when your soul is flying up to the skies, possibly somebody is trying to possess your body on land," (c) Remember that your fear is what feeds the mass-media, "if it bleeds, it leads" / "a corpse makes a (photo/video)frame alive".
  10. A perfect term to describe a deadline status. "...It's just an infinitesimal of time till we get ready." "...You have an infinitesimal of time to do that." ".. We need a infinitesimal of money for that." And in other cases to describe something very small.
  11. (Tries to imagine a typical farm or a factory hanging from a myriad of balloons when the biggest airship ever could carry just 20 tonnes).
  12. https://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/63a070f39a79473ab049402b https://www.rbc.ru/society/19/12/2022/63a06ed69a79473a22fc183c The hole is 0.8 mm wide. The backup Soyuz will be ready by Feb, 19.
  13. As the North America has two Wests (Midwest and another West), I would be surprised if there are just two South ones.
  14. Since Senusert had dug the channel, they are two different continents. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suez_Canal#Second_millennium_BC
  15. Swedish. It's to the North from France. And not Imperial, but officially international and used everywhere except some former British colonies.
  16. Just heard that the Avatar sequels, sesequels, and sesesequels are close to cancellation. Idk who needs them, when I didn't watch even Avatar-2 and amn't going to do that in future.
  17. It cooled down and stopped smoking. Also they stated that have found the leak place, next to the zachekovka point.
  18. Like always, this hockey cup was great!
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