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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The 502s usually happen in evening in Moscow Time, i.e. in the Green Witch Time afternoon.
  2. Banned because 502 are providing such possibility.
  3. Calling 911 in Venice because of the sewers leak.
  4. Gets youtube. Inserts vimeo.
  5. Windmill generators. The faster it runs, the more it provides.
  6. The apprentice is kidnapped by the harpies. To be banned in their nest.
  7. Calling 911 in Venice because you can't find your parked car.
  8. Inserts it back into the mashine.
  9. Our tables are equipped with special cushions for that. Awaiter! What are we waiting for?
  10. Googled. Buxtehudestraat 7, 8031 KS Zwolle. Let it be a sentence, too.
  11. Sounds like Overlord 2, but that one was also fertile.
  12. P.S. (offtopic) I haven't even heard about. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aberoh_and_Atom
  13. Calling 911 because Moon is sailing.
  14. A compromise: drop'em into volcano. They will be available asap or from time to time.
  15. Receives Yucca Aloifolia Inserts a cribbage board.
  16. (from https://www.yaplakal.com/forum28/st/50/topic2782174.html?hl=#entry133998745) "The intelligence is an ability to formulate from two ideas a third one. The animals almost don't have this ability developed.There is a classic example about the monkey in a cage. They put a cup of water in front of it, too far to let the monkey pull it by hand. Then they had stuck a rpe through the cup handle, and put the end into the cage. The monkey was pulling the rope end, the rope was slipping from the handle, so the monkey was still getting nothing. Then they had shown to the monkey that he/she/it/they should pull both rope ends at once to pull the cup. The monkey tried this, and successfully got the water. But the sneaky people stack through the cup handle several ropes more, and put all ends to the cage. The monkey was pulling two random ends, instead of finding a same rope pair, and again was losing. Conclusion: the monkey, like other animals and primitive people, with poor intelligence lacks ability of summarizing/generalizing of the experience, and of synthesizing of new solutions based on the received experience. For them 1+1 is always 2, while the erudites know that it can be also 2, 3, or 5. *** Also, the animals except the human don't understand the indicating gesture, they are looking at the finger and sniffing it. So, while the animals definitely have an intelligence, we shouldn't overestimate it. Most probably when the cat is showing its friendship and purring, he/she doesn't think: "Oh, my beloved human friend! Look at me, what a pleasure is to be with you, and let you enjoy my lovely purring!" Instead of that, it's probably: "10:24:23. Oops. Big-human-beast-id-3264. Is he angry? Alarm on. Purr! Are we friends? Reaction detected: we are friends. Alarm off." "10:24:41. Oops. Big-human-beast-id-3264. Is he angry? Alarm on. Purr! Are we friends? Reaction detected: we are friends. Alarm off." "10:24:54. Oops. Big-human-beast-id-3264. Is he angry? Alarm on. Purr! Are we friends? Reaction detected: we are friends. Alarm off." While the cat definitely has a landscape route it its head, can plan a sequence of movements in mind, and then fulfil the developed script.
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