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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Not so safe. Euclid Banked Hill
  2. Banned for saying watermelons are bad. P.S. Wait... Are there now two ban threads???
  3. Granted. Now you have to explain the police the origin of the blue box full of magic. I wish for mana.
  4. Wagons need locomotion. Locomotukie.
  5. Banned for not mentioning Phobias' brother, Thobias.
  6. They say, the heat production of 238U is ~0.1 W/t, and it's almost 40% of the decay heat in the Earth. So, probably you can take 0.2 W/t to add its products decay. https://www.virginiauranium.com/uranium-101/ https://physicsworld.com/a/radioactive-decay-accounts-for-half-of-earths-heat/#:~:text=Decay and measure&text=The combined results have allowed,uncertainty of about 8 TW. (Or you can make a star of radioactive waste instead, then its heat production decreases from 10 kW/t to 1 kW/t after one year.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decay_heat#Spent_fuel *** And then calculate the Jeans mass https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeans_instability https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_density
  7. Granted. The Mole ofAll Moles Why do the chemists use moles instead of mice?
  8. Yes. Again. Why does nobody realize that the orange suits mean Kerbal zombies?
  9. The warp sling shot is wrapped and shot by sling. Minbarian White Star flies to save it.
  10. Achilles XL-size shield figured cookie,
  11. Banned because watermelons are green.
  12. +1 It's like a toilet paper roll and a shredder, but a god weapon.
  13. Banned for mistyping Deep Purple .
  14. A Web-Camera Obscura room. The image is still upside down.
  15. Empire strikes back. Yardoid Cookie.
  16. If its about Fred wearing a hat, a red-green sweater, and a bladed glove - yes. Why did Freddy not wear the famous glove in Visitors?
  17. (Brings the power cord of the Jin Gang Quan/金刚圈 to its scoop and watches its collapse).
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