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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. 10/10 You should be more careful while carrying something heavy by crane. Now go and ask that crushed person for excuse, if the weight was not too great. A humanly stupid joke, isn't it?
  2. No. The rat looks and likes it. Is a thinner version of hamster a sausagster?
  3. The Kerbal xrocket championship has ended. It's a time for xricket.
  4. Banned for geolocating a user. Also, don't you know that in Australia they have the clock hands running counterclockwise, so maybe he was meaning the opposite?
  5. I will not. I'm not guilty in someone's overpopulation. Actually, Russia has never occupied something even close to the equator, so why should it? Though, still insisting on the cultured meat. Just to avoid unnecessary kills. Also, cultured meat = vegan cats. That's funny.
  6. The enchanted cookie starts singing chantey. Chantey Cookie.
  7. Banned for neglecting the medication and thinking that he is a clock. ("5 am", "6 am", "11 am"). Also banned for speaking English like Latin, with a noun instead of "I" before "sum" "am". Also banned for using barbarian digits instead of the Roman ones when speaking English like Latin. Please, write properly: "V sum", "VI sum", "XI sum".
  8. The Peacemaker (2021) series is rather kind and nice, at least in Russian audio track (idk about the English translation). Deadpoolish.
  9. They can replace Layka, Belka, and Strelka, as the developers don't want the non-Kerbal lifeforms for humanism reasons.
  10. Unless it's not a balloon, but an exogenous bloodsucking parasite having a good lunch. The horizon tells us, there is an atmosphere there. So, such amount of blood can't be floating neither by density, nor by zero-g. What if that's a stem rather than a rope, so the bench itself is an exogenous trapping quadrupede, and the bloodsucking thing on a stem is its casual symbiont?
  11. They should start a bookmaking. Three most precise bets would take the cash.
  12. Also the babies can fit smaller capsules and use the junior version of heatshield.
  13. ... and a scary thought comes into your head. What if the tower is actually toroidal, and you are just doing circles all this time.
  14. No. @AtomicTech, they are looking for you!
  15. Floating stones... Volcanoes... Wait... That's what they were for! The original ones have brought their ancestor by water, but there is no proper floating stone there, so the population became stranded on island. They keep making them, but have to leave staying. So adorable...
  16. Jeb has been smoking too much, so is seeing mostly hallucinations.
  17. A pair of Maxwell goblins making the perpetual motion machine to move. Floor 2365
  18. They would ask, why are you flying to nowhere, as everybody knows that there is no Dres. What's the origin of the non-existing Dres joke truth?
  19. Floor 2363+: A plate of the Kraken cracklings just fried,
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