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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. (obsolete after reading whole post) When the Agassiz icy lake had been dumped into Atlantics, it has cooled it and the Mediterranean. Why should the melted glaciers of Antarctics, much greater in size, not cool the ocean and lower the temperature? Does a 1 m thick ice layer has much lower albedo than a 2 km thick one? If the frozen-but-not-a-glacier Antarctic surface keeps reflecting the sunlight due to the snow and ice, why should the 2 km thick layer of ice not cool the ocean, decreasing its temperature like the ice cubes melting in a cup? Thus raises humidity in coastal areas and falls as rain in mountains turning into glaciers.
  2. Non-rotating docking ports.
  3. So, then it's too late to worry, let's just watch and enjoy. P.S. I'm missing in the article: how many USD do they bet in case if the Antarctic ice hasn't shattered in five years?
  4. The new service module should provide more room.
  5. It was for a whole set of games. 10/10 for it was my entrance into both computers and nukes. From the magazines. Was human I.
  6. 5/10 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Terminator#Plot You can be a cyborg, too. I am human because I remember what's the Joshua5 password from.
  7. Good news. Looks like Infernal Robotics is still relevant,
  8. 5G is much smaller, but the idea had gotten right.
  9. Because a compass at the magnetic pole also can coincidentally show the direction you wish.
  10. 10/10 Only primitive lifeforms like humans still go to school. Others are zooming. Yesterday I was recalling the years of my schoolhood, when I still was a human.
  11. SRB is more complicated in both design and manufacturing. Because in a liquid rocket you solve the problems by plumbing, valves, fuel lines, while SRB should provide all of that by proper shaping and layering. (And still need the nozzle part with its equipment.)
  12. 10/10 Yes, you do. I'm a human because I believe that a random set of binary signals somewhere on another continent in a who-knows-whose data-center is more reliable value deposit than a primitive piece of golden metal.
  13. Jev saw the Delta IX rocket lying on the Mun.
  14. It's our special Titan soup, made of liquid hydrocarbons. It hadn't gone cold, it has gotten melted. Waiter! 'Oamuamua potatoroid fries!
  15. Banned because fast food can be shot instead.
  16. It's Proton, it blows with brown-red on launch, so there is no sense in painting the roof every time. Probably.
  17. They should concentrate on the most popular internet content, the extraterrestrial Phub and kittens (whatever they call "kitten" among their local lifeforms).
  18. Banned because the slow food is easier to catch.
  19. Just one word. Kentucky. Chicken Fiery End Hill
  20. Banned for corrupting the food culture with fastfood,
  21. Tunguska meteoroid is Kerbal. E+ asteroid class, 12 Mt explosion - and no crater, no debris, no meteorite. Like in KSP.
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