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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Space LV tend to be cryogenic, so poor as ICBM. But LV derived from ICBM are hypergolic, and good for both purposes.
  2. I believe, it's more releveant to say "hydrogen bomb" or "simplified hydrogen bomb", as in any case it would include a fusion gaseous booster. And why bother with the simplified design when even advanced ones are known for a long while. I believe, they already have special Lego kits for that for decades. With catgirls and pokemons included. Just proper Legos should be combined in right order. When it's relevant. they are derived from the ICBM. Some of them on tanks. Of course they can. Otherwise how could a Mars-based interplanetary bomber return for reload?
  3. For the Starship itself it would be a literal b/hurt. But unlikely would bring anything but fried stones without dust which was blown away.
  4. Got it. They need superconducting bioelectromagnets to save the energy. So the feet should be cold. But they should live at cryo temperatures and should be veeery slooow. So, a question: is there a way to magnetically stick to the layer of the natural metastable metallic hydrogen?
  5. Still can't see any connection between the (access rights and buffer overflows) and GUI.
  6. May Riddick come to Dune! Let them make a crossover, to let the bald ninja show to those talkative addicts whose are spice and worms!
  7. Currently it looks more like they urgently launched an expensive picking rover with having no idea how to return the samples and why. The idea was looking strange from the very beginning at least because it means landing another billion-costing probe at the same place to take the already studied samples from the very local place. Now they are trying to develop the Plan B while even the Plan A was not included. Such a systematic approach...
  8. Pay attention for the sulfur and vinegar contining food tastes and smells. Will the sulfur compounds (eggs, meat, onion, garlic) be smelling like disgusting sweet, and marinades like burnt powder.
  9. (Imagines ceilings full of sticked gecko feet after something hunted the geckos).
  10. It can be an endemic inhabitant of sunken steel ships evolved from the sailors' remains. Can't. The rust isn't magnetic.
  11. In 2030 the nuclear interplanetary tug flight to Jupiter is scheduled. If rent some place, it can pick up the box from the Martian orbit. So, they must just lift it up.
  12. No, by Soyuz landing. The teeth were good... The speed was high. But at least it was falling descending slower than Soyuz-1, and also the cables attaching the service module burned earlier than the capsule hull. Yes. When a mosquto lives in a desert, even 300 km is not too high to find some food. Some of stayed motionless on the windscreen (same video).
  13. But they would just fly away radially. And these ones appear from all directions and get to the view, then leave it... Also several ones made loops. In vacuum... Nothing similar is on the ISS videos. The flight itself was real. Otherwise how could Volynov get an occasion to replace the upper teeth.
  14. Because the chicken was from Heretic, and it was actually a weredragon. If it was from Hexen, it would be a piglet. *** Who can imagine how much I miss that Serpent Riders time?
  15. A rocket flyer, the caption clearly says it. Where did the chicken find the road to cross on Kerbin?
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