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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I haven't even looked at 1.7.1 yet, but I'm wondering if the KAL1000 might be able to control these.
  2. Not easily. I assume they extend using a ModuleAnimateGeneric? Each type has to be coded in, if I like the tug enough I mike make a custom module for it. But why cant you do it in action groups?
  3. It should be the same as some of the other smart sensor, its there to support ActionGroupsExtended I’ll take a look tomorrow What is PSPC? If the throttle isn’t fixed, then it’s not considered an SRB. Edit: It seems that RealFuels replaces the stock module with it’s own. I’ll have to look at that, may be a problem
  4. Still here and kicking. Around 180 mods now When 1.6 came out, there were very few mods which needed to be fixed for it. Same goes for 1.7. For my mods, I don't have time to go through 180+ threads and updating them. At this point, just assume they will work, if they don't, post a message and it will get fixed.
  5. New release, Enabled the following in the editor: Solar panels ActiveRadiator Radiator Cargo Bays
  6. New release, 1.3.5 Removed log spam Add check for vessels undocking Fixed check for vessels with cameras nearby Changed default Noise setting to false for docking cameras Added option to use the standard KSP skin Removed Blizzy option from settings page (now controlled by ToolbarController) Added UI scaling Replaced the lower-right button which cycled through the sizes with two new buttons, one to increase and one to decrease the size Added an "x" to close button in upper right Fixed the rotators so they won't overlap in larger windows Changed the KURS Camera Info window to only show data Updated the wording in the window to properly reflect 1 or multiple (putting an s after vessel when appropriate) Added InitWindow() to docking camera Activate()
  7. Understood. And I'll just have to clear some free space on my drive, about 30 installs there now This gives me a reason to finally start using 1.7
  8. I'm very sad! Now I won't be able to go back and finish GPPI have a whole new set of planets to explore and looks a very very interesting
  9. Make a separate install for the other saves. It's not a good idea to install and uninstall mods like that and a single save but there's nothing in the license which prevents you from making a copy of the entire game in another location
  10. I believe you have to search for a Mun crystal, it's something totally new and obvious once you find one
  11. Ok. Would be nice to have them, but I do understand about support. Let me know when you are ready
  12. Just an FYI, I'll be releasing the B9 Shuttle Style Wings in the next few days
  13. @Starwaster I just became aware of your stock patches here :https://github.com/shadowmage45/KerbalFoundries2/tree/master/KerbalFoundries-Patches/Stock from a comment made in another thread. If you like, I could write up a PatchManager config to make these accessible without requiring the user to do an external download/install. Let me know, I can do it and submit a PR when done, if you like
  14. New release, Added action group control to the SmartSRB, per user suggestion
  15. It's not dead, just on life support. I don't use it, so can't answer. It will most likely work in 1.7, please try it and let me know. If you do have a problem, I can try to fix it. LGG
  16. I don't recommend this. There is a way to do it, the mods I mentioned already use it, as well as (I believe) EPL, and maybe some others.
  17. log file please. I'll take a look, but I don't support or have anything to do with Kerbalism because it changes too much. But I need the log file to determine where the problem is
  18. What were you doing, what scene were you in, Log file, and please do the followup in the correct thread: Thanks
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