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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Im working on an update which should fix this, maybe a week or so
  2. Right, but this is for my mod, I can't ask people to do that. I've added a small patch which essentially reverts the changes in my parts. works well, just annoyed by it. Not annoyed at you, since this predated you. But a mod like this should intrude into other mods, it should at limit itself to Squad cfg files.
  3. If this is meant for all modders to to use, then why does it have color coding for specific mods? I realize it's historical, but shouldn't it be updated?
  4. New release, Added MM config to revert changes made by Ven's Stock Revamp @Bit Fiddler I looked at what you mentioned, but I don't have any problem mounting the probe on the decoupler. Can you provide a video showing me the problem?
  5. No, that is the width of the dialog window. Send me the images, please
  6. I have a problem with Ven's in that it is modifying my config files with it's own data. Specifically, I have a mod, the Kurrikane, which reuses a number of stock models and replaces the textures with my own. This is done both for ease of identification in the editor, and to keep all the parts in the mod a consistent color scheme. Ven's has this file, PathPatches.cfg, which just replaces all references to squad models with it's own. This is extremely rude and breaks any mod which depends on the stock squad models. So, Is there any way I can add a config to my mod which would disable Ven's from touching it? The only way I can come up with right now is to add a new config which will run after the Ven's patch and revert the changes. This is messy, and should be unnecessary.
  7. neverShowAgain says not to show the button on the main menu. If ANY of them are true (in multiple config files) then the button won't be shown. No idea, all I can say is don't scale it, or scale it before KSP starts. The code doesn't rescale it on it's own, it merely loads the images. KSP must be rescaling when displaying it,and there isn't anything I can do about that
  8. Just tested, seems to work well. ThumbsUp for finding a good solution
  9. I can only plead exhaustion after 6 hours of streaming. I had done the update, but it looks like CKAN used the cached copy, and installed the new one in the same directory as the old one, so actually it appears that both were there, but in the wrong spot Sorry about that @DennyTX is now controlling the mod. This post will ping him about it.
  10. Oh, maybe the old version was stoll around. I'll check in the morning
  11. @DennyTX Saw the following in my log: PartLoader: Compiling Part 'DockingCam/Parts/OnboardCamera/OnboardCamera' (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) PartCompiler: Cannot clone model 'OLDD/DockingCam/Parts/OnboardCamera' as model does not exist and: OLDD_AssetLoader: finished (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42) You are trying to load data from a www stream which had the following error when downloading. Couldn't open file /KerbalInstalls/1.3 Away with Words/KSP_1.3.1_GPP/GameData/OLDD/DockingCam/Resources/DockingCam.ksp (Filename: Line: 1105) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at OLDD_camera.Utils.AssetLoader+<Start>d__12.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 This happened when launching a vessel.
  12. I need the whole file, please. get into the game, get it to act up, and then exit. Then upload the file
  13. Do you have any planet packs installed? It seems to be crashing somewhere in EVE, but why it's doing that in the Editor is very strange. First to remove is EVE and see what happens
  14. Does this bug affect Thella or the other planets in Regular GPP?
  15. It's in my sig: Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/ I need the output_log.txt It may not be crashing, but there will still be information in there.
  16. Log file please, I see the video, have no idea what's going on. Re. the 5, again, I have no idea. Infernal Robotics is known to cause issues all over the place. I'm not sure if it's related, but that should be fixed in IR
  17. I'm working on CKAN right now CKAN is updated, follow these steps to update: Uninstall the mod in CKAN EXIT the ckan program Restart it Do a Refresh to get to updated file. Install the mod
  18. If the part was missing when you loaded the game, and the game was saved, then no, you will need to get it from a backup
  19. I know, but it doesn't look a cool as what @JadeOfMaar came up with. Edit: Also, would be nice to have some lower-powered engines, for use while climbing the tech tree
  20. Well, I'd like to see the new Kraken engine available before I use it, if possible. No pressure, just expressing an opinion. Also, a suggestion re. this new part: Have multiple sizes and power, vary the texture for the different sizes so that you can use the same model. Maybe the number of spots on each arm would indicate the size? @JadeOfMaar Think you can come up with a kraken jet engine?
  21. I wouldn't know, could you make a video and then upload that and the log file somewhere?
  22. Are these color codings still accurate? I assume the strong green are the stock categories. Are there any guidelines for where to put parts into the CTT?
  23. not actually Could you do one? Edit: I'm considering adding this to my Twitch career stream. Do you know the schedule for your next release?
  24. It won't disappear, but will be depreciated, I think
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