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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. That dialog should not show up, it was a bug. Fixed dialog showing up on entry to flight scene https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/DockingCameraKURS/releases/tag/
  2. What makes you think that the chance of ignition is zero when in orbit? The mod gives a base chance of 20% of ignition when the G-Force is <0.01 What makes you think that when a craft is falling straight down with it pointing upwards, that ignition won't happen? Again, it's based on the G force. I did a test, dropping a simple ship (MK1pod, T-400, lv909) from an altitude of 10,000, and very quickly the G force climbed above 0.01. The mod currently does NOT take the orientation of the craft into account when calculating the chance of ignition. I've also tested it during a reentry, and when the G-force finally got above 0.01 (somewhere around 40km in height) the fuel flow went stable. I'll see if I can do something with the ship orientation, but then, what if someone wants to mount an engine upside down, say, as a reverse thruster? What should happen then? Maybe I'll base it on the orientation of the engine, I'll see. Meanwhile, you can try this version: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/EngineIgnitor/releases/tag/
  3. This is working correctly. I was able to get ignitions in space, although I did have to do a lot of them. 80% chance of failure is pretty bad. I think we interpreted the numbers backwards, I set it to be the chance of failure, I'l change that to be chance of success.
  4. I think I found the problem, it was with the resource definition. The flowmode was set to Stack priority search Anyway, not an issue anymore because I'm removing this resource completely
  5. Alt-1 will close the window, or, if you have the Blizzy toolbar installed, you can close it with that the 2250/9999 is the distance at which a remote camera will stop working.
  6. I hear you, and agree, mostly. I'll take a look at what needs to be done to remove it. other than that, did my updates fix the other problems?
  7. I'm working on bringing back the Engine Ignitor mod, and am a bit stuck on this. It has a resource called HypergolicFluid The engine ignitors have some, and I'm adding tanks which contain more of it. The following code is only returning the amount of the resource in the part itself, it isn't getting any of it in the additional tanks, even though the tanks are surface-attached to a LFO tank which the engine is attached to. The debug statement is showing that only the resource in the part itself is considered, it isn't getting anything else int hypergolicFluidId = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition("HypergolicFluid").id; if (part != null) part.GetConnectedResourceTotals(hypergolicFluidId, out _hypergolicFluidAmount, out _hypergolicFluidMaxAmount); Debug.Log("hypergolicFluidId: " + hypergolicFluidId.ToString() + ", _hypergolicFluidAmount: " + _hypergolicFluidAmount.ToString() + ", _hypergolicFluidMaxAmount: " + _hypergolicFluidMaxAmount.ToString()); Anybody have any idea why this isn't working?
  8. And another update, I got the fuel flow simulation working. Fixed fuel simulation code https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/EngineIgnitor/releases/tag/ I haven't looked into the usage of additional Hypergolic tanks yet
  9. And I just found the problem. Updated here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/EngineIgnitor/releases/tag/ Fixed Ignitor update in the PAW when in flight Changed the dash to a colon between the ignitor type and the count remaining Reorganized directories, removed unnecessary OLDD director I did notice another bug, the engines are not using any additional Hypergolic tanks
  10. So, what you are saying is that the behaviour right now is exactly the same as what you reported back in December? That's actually good, in that it's working like it used to. So now I can look at the bugs.
  11. Thanks, but please test with 1.3.0, I'm not touching 1.3.1 until it is released
  12. Google is your friend. You should be able to find her, and at least give her a call. Besides, look at it this way: No hurricanes in Alaska
  13. Ok, I need people to test this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1j6aetleio3dnuf/EngineIgnitor-beta1.zip?dl=0 This appears to be version
  14. Since @TheRagingIrishman doesn't seem to be responding, I'll be taking a look at this
  15. Well, that's a bit different. So you adjust your path to dip into the Kerbin atmosphere, to a Pe of about 35-45km. Make the adjustments as soon as possible, so you need as little fuel as possible to make the adjustment. Depending on the craft and heat shields, you may be ok
  16. Ok. Based on all the feedback, and after reviewing the mod, I've decided that this mod will be retired. I'm sorry to the few of you who are using it. I'm not going to delete the mod, but I'm not going to support it, and not going to update it for any future versions of KSP. If anybody would be interested in taking this over and enhancing it, feel free to do so, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions
  17. Technically, there is no reason. To land on the far side, you would have a descending path which curves around the planet. However, realistically, going into orbit allows you to do a better job of picking your landing zone, and doesn't really cost that much more dV
  18. Rebuilt is the best term, I think. Ok, I seem to have gotten a thing about this. I had started looking at it back in January, and now I seem to have gotten a second wind: Please check this out (it's on Github now): https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/DockingCameraKURS/releases/tag/1.3.0-rc1 Don't forget to totally delete the old folder, I've been reorganizing this. This is a complete list of what I've done: Decompiled code from last release Massive editing to make it compilable again copied comments from old code Removed extra level of directory from release (removed the OLDD directory) Changed Plus and Minus to work with continuous click Fixed up/down movement of camera when flipped over Reorganized release folder Added deploy.bat and buildRelease.bat Added AssemblyVersion.tt Added License file Change scan messages from all upper case to normal case Replaced Debug.Log calls with Log.Info (new class Log added for this) And to comply with the requirements of the forum, here is the source code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/DockingCameraKURS
  19. Didnt see this, you need to ping me wurh @ in front of my full name, otherwise I don't get notified looks like it. I'll take a look, nice job digging. No idea, I'll put this on my big list
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