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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Are you running 1.2.2 or 1.3? if 1.3, see the following:
  2. Thanks, I've downloaded, will go over it on Sunday. If someone else gets a chance to look it it also, that would be helpful.
  3. No log, no support. This isnt a crash issue, but we still need the log file. Read my sig for info on how to get the log file
  4. No, I did not say that. Read the last sentance from my previous post. To rephrase: The only thing that this changes is the physical limits of the editor. You cannot rollout those massive rockets until you upgrade both the VAB and the launchpad
  5. It doesn't. It simply allows you to build vessels which are bigger than the building. But you are still restricted as to what you can get out of the building and onto the launch pad/runway
  6. Did you install the correct dependencies pack? You havent said which version of KSP, nor have you provided a log file.
  7. Refresh your CKAN, it is there. There does seem to be some funky stuff going on with CKAN, though
  8. Have a bit of a problem here. Val is on a rescue mission, was frozen, about 77 mods installed of various types. I unfroze her, no problem. She went EVA to get to the command pod, when she entered, there were two portraits for her. See the image below. Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hvnh4q8zl2csiy7/AABvDHHKh-dxGWw58MRxh_u3a?dl=0 Is this a bug, or something else?
  9. I don't know, but the following thread is a better place to find something like this:
  10. That is a different meter, called a VSI (Vertical Speed Indicator) meter
  11. It's not going to happen, so please stop asking. I may adopt it, if @m4veither doesn't get back to me or tells me to go ahead.
  12. It's the new repo in CKAN which I'm avoiding, too much chance of confusion
  13. I'll think about it. The problem is that this is starting to take the functionality out of the range of a smart part and into the range of a dumb auto pilot, which I've been avoiding. In fact, I've been asked for somewhat similar things in the past.
  14. Can you do 3d modeling? The code isn't difficult, but I don't do modeling.
  15. Sorry to see you go. If no one else picks up the Filter Extensions, then I will. But I hope someone else does.
  16. It was different, as was crew transferred, but I have them both working now.
  17. For those who wish to record your efforts, the Kaptain's Log is for you. This mod will automatically record events as they happen. For many of them, an optional window can open to allow you to enter your own notes. Release Candidate 2 https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KaptainsLog/releases/tag/ Fixed some typos on the Intro screen Fixed performance issue in SpaceCenter and Editor Beta history in spoiler below Functionality Automatically record events as they happen Automatic screenshot at time of event, savable as either JPG or PNG format, or both Configurable thumbnail size of screenshots Display optional window during event record for personal notes Manual entry of logs at any time Optional overriding of Escape menu when in flight screen Display of log entries on screen Selection of which fields to display Ability to filter on any of the fields Ability to sort on some vields Export to CSV Export to HTML using template files View individual images Quick export single row (from the Image Viewer screen) Attach selected image to a manual log entry Captures Screen Messages Display Screen messages in window Screen messages can be filtered Filter specified screen messages from list Ability to add a screen message to the log Intro window with full explanation of all screens UI can be hidden for individual events for screen capture Edit existing entries Delete single entries Delete selected entries Collapse of view when sorted by vessel id, name or mainbody Settings can be specific to a single save or global for all saves Events Recorded Flight Log Recorded Part Died Launch Stage Separation Part Couple (dock) Vessel Modified Stage Activate Orbit Closed (enter orbit, not from a launch) Orbit Escaped (achieve escape velocity) Vessel Recovered Landed Crew Modified Progress Record Kerbal Passed Out From Gee Force Crew Killed Crew Transferred Dominant Body Change (SOI change) Flag Plant Crew On EVA Manual Entry Data items being captured are: Vessel name (or Kerbal name) Universal Time UTC time Mission Time Situation Body (which SOI is the vessel in) Control level Altitude Speed Event type Notes (entered by player) Screenshot (both full size and thumbnail) The HTML template files are in a simple format (not yet finalized). Essentially, for each template, there will be three files: Header file Detail line file Footer file I am writing the following simple templates for the initial release: Detailed with Full Size Images Detailed with Thumbnails Details, No images Additional submissions would be greatly appreciated once I get to a beta release. I will be looking for beta testers soon, please contact me if you have any questions. Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KaptainsLog Download:https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KaptainsLog/releases License: GPLv3
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