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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. This is an unofficial working version for 1.2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/99o6gqqp9j98buj/TimeControl.zip?dl=0 Edit: Please note that this is ONLY THE DLL. You need the rest of the mod installed first before adding the dll to it.
  2. I initially wrote this for SXT, which I'm working on, but it is usable by any mod which wants to incorporate it. I believe that Contares includes it already
  3. No it doesn't. But... depending on when you installed, it's possible one of the directories is messed up. Also, there was an update of KW this morning. So first delete the entire KW directory, if you are using CKAN, then remove KW then to be save, go in and make sure the entire directory is removed. Then reinstall and try it again. Beyond that, it wouldn't be KW, but post logs and pics, maybe we can help
  4. You don't need the source, I'm not including source with downloads, it's available on Github You need to move both the VOID and ToadicusTools into the GameData directory. If it doesn't work, then please do the following: Take a screenshot of the GameData directory Send me both the screenshot and the output_log.txt file
  5. Since @Kramer doesn't seem to be around, or at least, not supporting this mod, I'll probably take it over in a maintenance mode. This means that I'll get it compiled for the current version of KSP, but since I don't use it, I'll have to depend on the users to let me know of any problems. I'm doing this as a service to the community.
  6. Here is a test compile of the mod: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KramaxAutoPilot/releases/tag/0.3.2-beta Please note: I did not test it I need your feedback, and if a problem, as complete a description (and a craft file) as possible. Thanks
  7. I checked all the tanks, except for the one that @Shirson pointed out, they all seem ok. Batteries have been updated. Next time, please specify exactly which parts have problems. Makes it easier to find and fix. Looking for a random tank is rather tedious and prone to error. update with these fixes in a few minutes New release is on Github, Spacedock seems to be down right now, I'll get it updated there when it comes back
  8. I'm here, just been busy with other stuff. I'll see if I can get a recompile of this tomorrow
  9. New release: 3.0.20 Tags added thanks @Green Baron for doing the legwork.
  10. Released 1.3.5 Deleted old Mk2TwinTurboJet.orig.cfg file Added antennas to all probes and pods Added Kerbnet and hibernation to probe core
  11. I'm seeing this refrain more and more, and it's annoying. If you don't like a mod, that's fine. No need to argue about it or complain, just don't use it. If you want to use just a single feature of a mod, go to that mods thread and ask about it there. Not here. When some asked me about a single feature of a mod I maintain and improve, he was respectful and polite, in response I spent some time pulling that feature out into its owl dll and sent it to him. For the record, I use this mod, and also use Mechjeb. This mod does a more efficient job of getting a vessel into orbit, but it takes about 1/2 an orbit to do so. Mechjeb is less efficient, but gets a vessel into orbit much faster. I like and use both.
  12. I see the problem, but it's going to be a while until I can fix it. Something changed in the internals and I need to figure out what.
  13. Not sure I can fix that, but I'll take a look later Feature, not a bug. :-) NM, I just added them, will send out an update later
  14. Odd, I thought I had taken care of it. I'll need to look at my packaging script, maybe the are pulling in an extra file. Regarding the antenna and kerb net issues, I'd like to see what you suggest; either a github PR or just the files with the changes. I probably won't be able to get back to this until this evening
  15. There are several good MK2 part packs available. For example, QuizTechAero was just released this morning for 1.2, and has a number of mk2 parts. Others also, I just don't remember them right now
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