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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Very nice. The P-38 is one of my favorite planes, so I was excited to see it here. thanks
  2. Tried using this for the first time, took me about 1/2 hour to figure it out. What are the fairings which do NOT have couplers used for? They were very confusing, i couldn't figure out how to make the fairings detach. Don't get me wrong, I love them, now that I have them working. It just took longer than I expected to figure it out. I also noticed that solar panels inside the fairing still receive sunlight. I guess the fairing is transparent :-)
  3. This was recommended to me for staging events. I tried installing via CKAN, but CKAN seems to be looking for a version 2.0.4 Can you get that fixed? Thanks
  4. Why do you say that is pointless? 350 meters/second is about 783 MPH. I can't imaging deploying parachutes any faster than that. Drogue chutes may be different, but you didn't say that.
  5. Feature request: When doing the refresh, have it check the CKAN version as well or When starting up, have it check the current version against the latest available. I think this would help avoid some problems. I've had a few issues in the past few days where it wasn't working, and it turned out that I needed to update it.
  6. I'm not looking for anything complicated (yet). Simply something that will stage a tank when it get emptied. What other plugins do this?
  7. No picture, since there is no craft yet :-) I've seen a number of videos where it appears that the tanks drop off automatically as they empty. I'm just now getting to the point where I'm starting to build ships big enough to benefit from this, and was looking for the "right" or "best" way to do it. Thanks
  8. Quick question (I don't want to wade through 59 pages): The option "autostage on engine flameout". Can it be used to stage empty tanks? as in Asparagus staging?
  9. I ran into the ejecting kerbal problem this morning. I was going EVA to get some science, and the Kerbal was ejected at a medium speed. I was unable to control him, had to go back to the center and then back in to the ship, then switched to the Kerbal and was able to save him. Very annoying, since a burn was coming up in 2 minutes. Made it back with 15 seconds to spare. I think that 1.7d is installed, I did a CKAN update just before starting the game.
  10. If it is compatible with 0.90, can you also update Kerbalstuff? Right now it says 0.25 compatible.
  11. I love it! However (isn't there always), I have one, very minor, issue. That's with moving Eeloo. Let me explain: I'm currently working on a career mode, using a stock solar system (have about 60 other mods installed). I don't want to install this mod until I've mastered the current solar system. The problem comes when I do the install, Eeloo will be moved thereby either invalidating (in my mind) any missions I did to Eeloo, or (worst case) forcing me to restart a career mode. Would it be possible to NOT move Eeloo, but have everything else? Maybe instead of moving Eeloo, adding a new planet where you are moving Eeloo to? Also, I'm trying to only install mods via CKAN. This isn't hurting me right now since I'm not ready for this yet, just a plug for CKAN compatibility.
  12. Welcome back. Re. Eddie Rod, my personal way of dealing with things like this are to give the benefit of the doubt, especially when the offender has apologized. He needs to prove that those actions are past. You can ignore him or not, whichever you feel is best.
  13. Would it be possible to take a part which was removed from one ship and attach it to another? I'm thinking like moving a battery pack to a dead ship in orbit which needs to come back. Thanks
  14. Sarbiam, Online seems to bring out both the best (see all the modders here) and the worst in people. On behalf of myself, I would like to thank you for all the hard work you've done with ModuleManager and your other mods. It would be a shame if a single bozo (would have used a stronger word, but keeping this clean) can so utterly ruin someone's ability to participate. Regardless, whether you continue or not, thank you for what you've done until this point. LinuxGuruGamer
  15. One minor quirk with CKAN on OSX. The launch command had the wrong command line. It showed: ./KSP.x86_64 when it should have shown: ./KSP.app
  16. Hi, First, sorry for accidently hijacking that previous message about the Panda error, I'm going to delete this and repost here: I've been using ckan on Windows very successfully for a while. It's a great package. I'm trying to use it on OSX. I got mono installed, and am invoking ckan using: mono /Users/jbayer/Desktop/Kerbal/ckan.exe I can get it started, I selected a KSP install, then hit the Refresh key, and keep getting the following: ======= Failed to connect to repository. Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ======= I also get the following in the terminal window: mono /Users/jbayer/Desktop/Kerbal/ckan.exe 1062 [1] ERROR CKAN.URLHandlers (null) - Error: Parsing Error: Could not parse file ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list 4059 [1] ERROR CKAN.ErrorDialog (null) - Failed to connect to repository. Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object The first line shows up when the main window shows, the second line when I do the refresh. If you are referring to the CKAN Repository, then it is set to the default: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN-met...ive/master.zip And I was able to download that file manually. I also tried the following after seeing a message about a similar error: mozroots --import --ask-remove mono ckan.exe update no change Any ideas? Laptop is a Macbook Pro running Yosemite, 10.10.1, with 16 gig of memory. Thanks in advance
  17. Ah. Ok, let me be more clear :-) When I load a game from the main menu. or, alternatively: Do a save when the game initially loads, and then follow the other options. I was also hoping to use a mix of the options. For example: Each save AND once per hour. For now, I use (in addition to S.A.V.E) Crashplan, and when necessary, I restore from the cloud. But it's a pain to do that. Thanks
  18. Wow! What a great explanation! Even though it sucks. I'm using StageRecovery, which is better than nothing, I guess. Thank you!
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