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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. The levels are to differentiate the different levels of technology. This is to allow beginners to be able to complete with very experienced players in the Level 1 challenge. You can enter in either level, or both. Each entry must be able to fulful the Challenge parts. re. the three conditions, that's a typo, it should be (and I'm changing it to) four, sorry about that. For scoring, rockets with 1 booster per stage are compared to each other, rockets with a max of 2 boosters in a stage are compared, rockets with a max of 3 boosters, etc. LinuxGuruGamer
  2. I tried it, it is not compatible with 0.25 (edit: it IS compatible, but KSP complains) Bummer, it was exactly what I was looking for. Maybe someone can update it? I'll try contacting the author. thanks
  3. Not worth it. Even if gold were found on Mars, it wouldn't be worth it. From a purely financial point of view
  4. Unfortunately, it's been shown that there is no way to be totally sterile. Even our probes have microbes on the, although they are minimized.
  5. OK. Here is a ship that I'm using as a test bed for a rescue mission: The first stage is configured to fire either 8 or 12 boosters at once. This lets the rocket be able to boost a lighter load higher up. However, I would consider this a 12 engine rocket, because all 12 can be used at the same time. The second stage consists of 4 liquid fuel engines. Because there are 12 boosters in the 1st stage, the entire ship is considered a 12 engine rocket. On the other hand, if there were more rockets in the 2nd stage than 1st stage, the larger number would take precedence. I hope this is clear, please ask questions if you have any.
  6. @chengong Looks good. I need the craft file to be able to verify which entry it belongs in, and to count the number of boosters. I just looked at the pics a bit more. Did you get to low orbit, circularize and then raise it to a higher orbit? Also, were you using FAR or not?
  7. Looking forward to seeing it. On a side note, I'm going to post one later this evening as an example. My post will NOT be included in the scoring, it will be an example I will use to discuss the rules a bit more.
  8. Sorry, I beg to differ. Changing engine parameters is barred by rule 4. However, I did add a clarification to the rule. I was in the process of amending the rules re. the cheat (just never thought about it), it's been fixed already. Again, no offense taken. I've amended it to allow non-FAR entries, and will keep track of those entries separately
  9. No offense taken. I didn't realize the challenge was over a year old. And IMHO, a debug mode is meant for debugging, not for actually playing the game.
  10. Same design. Only difference is the load No part mods, please And you can do either level, one is NOT dependent on the other. I created the two levels so that beginners would have a decent chance of being able to do this.
  11. He did specify "Rules: Stock" I agree about it being nice to have a decent backstory, but the "Infinite Fuel" is taken care of.
  12. Very nice video, I'm going to have to watch the whole thing later (have watched the first 15 minutes). Nice ship, and I really like the "Kerbalization" with all the dialog
  13. Edit: Lets try to keep the total number of boosters in a stage to a reasonable number. Anybody can slap together lots of boosters to get almost any size load to orbit. The challenge is to get the largest load with the smallest number of boosters. The Kerbal Space Center has a problem. All the kerbals who live around presented a petition to them. It seems that there were too many rocket launches, especially at night. They couldn't sleep, and as a result, the available supply of Kerbels for manning the flights was diminishing. They demanded that the space center restrict the number of launches to one a day, and to not do any at night. This presents a problem. We don't have that much technology yet, and require lots of rockets & launches to get stuff up there The challenge is in 2 levels, each with 4 parts: Level 1 Technology Allowed Heavy Rocketry Fuel Systems Advanced Construction Aerodynamics Advanced Flight Control Electrics Space Exploration Landing MechJeb Level 2 All technologies are allowed Challenge parts Build the rocket which can lift the largest load to orbit. After achieving orbit, the orbit needs to be circularized at 100 km Rocket then needs to be able to boost the load to a larger, 500 KM circular orbit Using the same design (only change is the load), launch another load which is only half the weight of the first load to the same orbits It can be manned or unmanned. There is no limit on the number of stages. Definition of circular orbit: Specified value plus or minus 5% (ie: the 100KM orbit needs to be between 95 and 105, the 500 between 475 and 525) Rules Only specified technologies listed below KSP Version: 0.25 Specific Mod Allowed (this is a change): F.A.R (for realistic physics). Please specify if you are using FAR, I'm going to keep the FAR rockets separate from the stock rockets Mods allowed: anything which doesn't change weights, drag, etc., other than FAR. Modification of standard parts is NOT allowed (ie: don't change an engine to give it more boost) Special Mod: Weights Redone, initially supplied to me by TheCardinal, modified by myself for 0.25. This mod contains a number of custom weights in flat disks, you can mix and match them to get any specific weight in kt. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO MAKE A CUSTOM VERSION OF A WEIGHT if you need a weight not included and don't want to stack. You can get it at kerbalstuff.com: [Moderator removed defunct website link] I was recently made aware of the following mod: [Moderator removed defunct website link] I will allow this as well. Be aware that this is an older mod, which, while it does work with 0.25, will give you a warning that it is not compatible. Also, if your rocket has (for example) fuel tanks or other modules which will make up the load, I'll allow that as well. You can use standard parts instead of Weights Redone if you like, as long as they essentially only add weight and not functionality to the rocket Technology Allowed: See rules for each level MechJeb (or any autopilot, this isn't a piloting challenge) While not required, it would be nice if the payload is detachable (ie: left in orbit) You can use any mode (sandbox, career or science), however, only the specified technologies are allowed in the final rocket. Prove, through photos and video, that you actually did what you say you did. All ships will need to be made available for me to examine. It would be nice if permission was given to share with the world, but not necessary. Launches must occur in daylight No cheats are allowed. (ie: No F12, etc) No debug menu No cheaty mods (hyperedit, for example) Only a few part mods are allowed. All stock-a-like mods are acceptable. Otherwise, nothing else unless otherwise stated. All visual mods allowed For bragging rights Launch two and dock them together at 500 KM orbit. If you try this, then the additional technology of Specialized Construction (for the Level 1 part of the challenge) will be allowed, but only for access to the docking ports. Don't use any other parts from the Specialized Construction technology Scoring Very simple. He/she who can hoist the largest load into orbit to fulfill the four conditions listed in the Challenge Parts section above wins (for each level). There will be winners for each level. You do NOT have to enter a rocket in both levels. Also, (this is an addition), I will allow non-FAR entries, and will keep them separate from the FAR entries (see rule 3) If the rocket is adaptable, meaning that the same rocket can hoist lighter loads to higher orbit (throttable or some other way), then a bonus of 10% will be awarded. Scoring Categories will be based on the maximum number of boosters in the a stage. For example, if you have a single SRB in the first stage, but two liquid rockets in the second stage, then the category will be a 2 rocket category. Note that if you have a single booster in the first stage which does NOT get the rocket off the pad, it won't count! Special circumstance for scoring: If, for example, you have two stages which can be combined if necessary for a heavier load (ie: multiple sets of SRBs in initial stage, half of which can be started at a time, all are jettisioned at the same time, but all can be started if necessary for a very heavy load), then the first stage is considered to be all of them as if they were all firing. Scoreboard Totally stock (not using FAR) Level 1 12 engine, 18T: LinuxGuruGamer - Rescue 5 Level 2 19 engine, 600T: astrobond - XLarge Lifter 600T Using FAR Level 1 Level 2 37 engine, 1000T: chengong - 1000T (waiting on craft file for verification, and confirmation it was using FAR)
  14. Just a simple weight. This is for a challenge I'm writing, which will involve boosting a heavy load to orbit. I will either need multiple pieces, each a different weight, or a single one which you can change the weight. Think of a standard-sized cargo bay
  15. I can do better than that. This link contains one part of what I'm looking for. It's essentially the Large Crewed Lab, with the cfg edited slightly to remove the crew and increase the weight to 25kt. http://www./download/do76owgbm56cu83/LargeCargoBay25kt.zip I'd like to keep the shape, but the outside could be anything. If you could make several, in increments of 1kt to 25kt, with the weight on the side, that would be great. Also, if you could add the ability to mount a docking port, that would be even better Finally, I don't know if this is possible, but if the weight can be specified at launch time, then there would only need to be a single module Thanks for responding.
  16. Hi, I 'm working on creating a challenge, and I need a special part for this. It is nothing more than a cargo bay. Right now, I've taken the Large_Crewed_Lab and modified it with what I need, but would really like to have it looking a bit different. Is there anybody who can help me with this? Thanks in advance
  17. Current version is crashing 0.25 What would you need to debug this? Some more information: Windows 7 64 bit 16 gig of memory KSP hits about 3.5 gig when loading Running 32 bit KSP I removed all other mods, and it loaded correctly. After doing extensive testing, I think this is related to running out of memory. bummer. I'll try the Active Texture management mod to see if that helps. Otherwise, I'll just have to wait until the 64 bit version is stable. Update: It was memory, Active Texture Management reduced the memory usage (even with more mods) to about 2.5 gig. Sorry to bother you. Hope this report helps someone else. Thanks
  18. I assume there is a mod which replaces the planets with our real planets, what is it? Awesome accomplishment. Would you be willing to make the vehicles available?
  19. I know how to "share" a folder, was wondering if there was some way to put all the executables in the same folder so that both the win and mac systems could run it from the same folder. Unfortunately, I've been trying to run KSP on my Macbook Pro, and the FPS is very low, so I'm not going to bother.
  20. I was wondering if it would be possible to put both in the same folder (as if on a network drive). I'd like to be able to share things between my systems, and this would make it easier. If so, what is needed? Thanks
  21. So I don't even need to run the installer on Windows, just download the zip file and unzip as needed. Cool
  22. Well, yes, but what about the next version? Not being greedy, but I'm trying to only use mods which will have a good chance to be updated for the next version
  23. Not urgent, I'm using both versions, depending on what I want to install. Thank you
  24. Thank you all for your responses and suggestions. The only issue I have with using the Addon Controller (which I AM going to install), is that there are a few mods (BTSM for one) which change the save files. This is NOT a knock against Addon Controller, just a simple fact. It would be nice if the Addon Controller (I don't know if it does or not) warns you if one of the mods you are enabling/disabling does change the save files. On the other hand, what I need to find out is if (as I suspect) BTSM and others only change the save files when saving, if so, then I could just name the save files appropriately. Addon Controller does have some limitations with regards to Modulemanager. Right now I've been trying out the KSP MOD Admin V1.4.0 program, which, while it does have some limitations, does seem to do a good job of downloading/installing/uninstalling mods from both the Kerbal site and Curse (although Curse is currently broken due to Curse changing their html)
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