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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I've offered to set up a backup site for kerbalstuff, hoping he takes me up on it.
  2. If this is what you want, then install either NEAR or FAR. This is what I love about the game. It can be as cartoony as you like, or, if you want more (whatever), just install a mod. NEAR and/or FAR both install a new level of realism. If you want the solar system, there is a mod for that as well.
  3. Thank you. when I edited the thread, I didn't see any way to make that change
  4. Ok. I've traced this to the WernherChecker mod. When I removed it, everything worked. I've posted a message in that forum thread for the author to see. - - - Updated - - - To the forum moderators, how can I mark this as solved?
  5. Sorry to say, there is a major bug I came across: I'm having a strange issue. I have a modded install, with about 60 different mods (see below). I traced this problem to this mod: Total memory usage after initial startup is about 2.6 gig. I have my first space station, right now consisting of a zoology lab and a science lab docked together. This is in the save file. I tried setting up a new mission, and things went screwy, so I restored from a backup and so far have isolated the problem to the following: 1. I reduced the new ship to a Stayputnik and an SRB, nothing else. 2. I go to the launch pad The game will briefly show the ship on the launch pad, and then after 2-5 seconds, the screen goes blank. The normal toolbar is showing at the top right, and when I hit the escape key, the menu shows up in the center of the screen. However, it is unresponsive. The really annoying thing is that the game saves a new save file, but my space station is deleted. I can restart the game, but the station is gone. The size of the save file is about 200k, while the size of the file with the space station is over 300k If I replace the Stayputnik with a manned pod, it seems to work. When I remove this mod, it works. FYI, I downloaded the latest version just now before posting (0.3.3) Mod list (with WernherChecker removed): Following installed by CKAN: KSP Version: 0.90.0 Installed Modules: - ActiveTextureManagement-Aggressive A1.0_x86 - AmbientLightAdjustment - AnchoredDecouplerFix autodetected dll - BackgroundProcessing 0.3.5 - Chatterer 0.8.0 - ChuteQuickloadFixer autodetected dll - CIT-Util 1.1.1-unofficial - CoherentContracts 1.02 - CommunityResourcePack 0.3.2 - CrewRosterFreezeFix autodetected dll - DeadlyReentry v6.4.0 - DistantObject v1.5.1 - DistantObject-default v1.5.1 - EnhancedNavBall 1.3.4 - EVAEjectionFix autodetected dll - FerramAerospaceResearch v0.14.6 - FinalFrontier 0.6.1-604 - FirespitterCore 7.0.5463.30802 - FreedomTex 1.4 - GovFunding autodetected dll - HyperEdit 1.3 - InFlightWaypoints 1.2.5 - KerbalAlarmClock v3.1.1.0 - KerbalDebrisFix autodetected dll - KerbalEngineerRedux - KerbalJointReinforcement v3.0.1 - KSP-AVC autodetected dll - LandingHeight 1.2 - LoadOnDemand autodetected dll - MechJeb2 2.4.2 - ModularRocketSystem 1.4.4 - ModuleManager 2.5.6 - NearFutureSolar 0.4.0 - NovaPunch 2.08 - OrbitalMaterialScience 0.3.90 - PlanetShine - ProceduralParts v0.9.21 - RCSBuildAid 0.5.4 - RCSLandAid 2.1a - RealChute - RealRoster v2.1 - Regolith 0.1.2 - RLA-Stockalike 12.1 - S autodetected dll - SafeChute 1.6 - SCANsat 8.1 - ScienceAlert 1.8rc2 - Service-Compartments-6S 1.2 - SmartStage v2.4.0 - SpaceY-Lifters 0.7 - StageRecovery 1.5.3 - StationScience 1.4 - StickyLaunchPadFix autodetected dll - TextureReplacer 2.1.2 - ToadicusTools autodetected dll - Toolbar 1.7.8 - Trajectories 1.1.2 - TWR1 1.16a - UKS 0.22.3 - USITools 0.3.1 - VOID 0.16.4 - WernherChecker autodetected dll - ZeroPointInlineFairings 0.9.1 Legend: -: Up to date. X: Incompatible. ^: Upgradable. ?: Unknown Following installed by hand: Gov Funding KSP-AVC SCART91 TexturePack ScienceAlert Stock Bug Fix S.A.V.E Modified IVA
  6. It's actually $10.71/hour, using 24 hours a day for 70 days.
  7. Hi, I'm having a strange issue. I have a modded install, with about 60 different mods. I'll post the list of mods this evening when I get home. Total memory usage after initial startup is about 2.6 gig. I have my first space station, right now consisting of a zoology lab and a science lab docked together. This is in the save file. I tried setting up a new mission, and things went screwy, so I restored from a backup and so far have isolated the problem to the following: 1. I reduced the new ship to a Stayputnik and an SRB, nothing else. 2. I go to the launch pad The game will briefly show the ship on the launch pad, and then after 2-5 seconds, the screen goes blank. The normal toolbar is showing at the top right, and when I hit the escape key, the menu shows up in the center of the screen. However, it is unresponsive. The really annoying thing is that the game saves a new save file, but my space station is deleted. I can restart the game, but the station is gone. The size of the save file is about 200k, while the size of the file with the space station is over 300k If I replace the Stayputnik with a manned pod, it seems to work. So, before I start doing a lot of digging, I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this before, and if so, are there any mods which might be causing this. As I said, I'll be posting the list of mods this evening, but am kind of hoping that someone can make a suggestion in the meantime. Thanks in advance.
  8. I'm at home. In the list box, the two entries look identical. In the Metadata, they also look identical. Relationahips as well. Contents shows different for each. I shouldn't have to look at the contents to see the differences. Edit: I just tried it with the 1.5.1 version. This one shows a difference in the metadata, the release status on one is development, the other is stable
  9. CKAN is heavily influenced by Perl and the CPAN environment. I think we some patience while they work things out. Regardless, would like to say that I love your mods.
  10. Hi, I was wondering if it would be possible to have an airship packed up very small, and to open it up at another planet? Sorry if this was mentioned, I didn't want to go through 67 pages to see if this was possible. This article sparked my interest: http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/23/tech/innovation/tomorrow-transformed-venus-blimp-city/index.html?hpt=hp_bn5 Thanks in advance.
  11. Well, from what I remember (I'm at work right now), they looked identical in the listing. Thanks
  12. I'm having a small problem with the heatshields, specifically the two heatshields from Bobcat Ind., the 1.25m heatshield. I can attach it to the bottom of a capsule and detach it without any problem. But, I was trying to use it below a science experiment, the Experiment: Plant Growth, although I have seen this with other parts as well. What happens is that it attaches, but seems to be inside the part, so that once it is attached, I can't detach it, and don't even know if it is working or not. I'm not sure if this is a problem with the heatshield or the experiment,although I saw the same issue using the Stack-mounted parachute module from the Novapunch mod and the MRS Fuel Cell, 1.25m from Modular Rocket Systems. I tried holding down the ALT key to stop any surface-mount issue Thanks in advance. Edit: After playing around with Procedural Parts (the procedural heat shield), it appears that what may be happening is that there are two attachment points on the heat shield, on top and bottom, and while I want the one on top to attach, it is skipping that and attaching to the one on the bottom, thereby making the heatshield to be inside the experiment/fuel cell, etc. I'm not sure how to avoid this, suggestions would be appreciated.
  13. I just noticed that the BoxSat is listed 2 times. I did a refresh, it didn't go away.
  14. If you could solve the traveling salesman problem, you are epic! Since this is a huge problem, good luck!
  15. Use the thrust limiter to reduce the thrust to 80%. or less, play with it.
  16. FAR & Deadly Re-entry will take care of most of what you want. Exactly what do you mean by "thrust scaling"?
  17. Some information would be helpful: OS Memory installed Any other mods installed?
  18. You're running out of memory. Try installing Active Textures Management and see what happens. There are two versions, basic and aggressive. I use aggressive, but I've heard that the basic works well if you don't need the extra stuff. If you do use aggressive, the first time you run the game, it will appear to just sit for a long while. Just be patient, the mod is doing the initial compression of all the textures and it won't do that again.
  19. Great, thanks for the quick update. Now, if only Kerbalstuff.com would stay up :-(
  20. Yes, I figured that out as well. Glad to know it's not just myself having the problem.
  21. Just came across a slight bug with the display of the Advanced Heads-Up Display: I have a maneuver node set up, so that there is a display to the right of the navball. I have a ship in orbit, reset all displays. They display normally I then put a Kerbal to EVA, and then reboard ship. The right hand display, the one which gives: Burn Dv Burn Time is squashed into a vertical column. This is running the latest version as installed by CKAN, KSP 0.90, Windows 7
  22. Done, and thanks. one other very minor thing: On Kerbalstuff.com, the link to the forum thread is to the old thread, not this current one.
  23. KSP-AVC seems to think that the version is still 1.1, not 1.1.1
  24. Can you get this CKAN compatible? Thanks for all the hard work Edit: Just installed it (from [Moderator removed defunct website]), get the following errors from KSB-AVC: The currently installed version of B9 Aerospace was built to run on KSP 0.25 The currently installed version of RasterPropMonitor was built to run on KSP 0.25 The currently installed version of KineTechAnimation wwas built to run on KSP 0.25 The currently installed version of Resgen was built to run on KSP 0.25
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