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Everything posted by minepagan

  1. @Snark (not quoting, but I would like to adress a few things you've said.) I most certainly agree that Squad needs money. However, I don't think this DLC is the right thing to do. As I and others have already mentioned, most (if not all) of it can be done with existing mods. Some things that I would pay money for, that cannot be accomplished by mods (at least well) would be, as I mentioned, multiplayer or AI. Heck, if they added mod support for console (paid or not) I'd buy both the console version and whatever DLC was required. Changing focus, I have to agree that KSP is NOT finished. I think most people will agree with my definition of finished - the devs have fulfilled all their promises, and there are no (or few) game-breaking bugs. Now, as KSP is built on Unity, the latter is not always in control of the Devs. Some things are beyond what they can manipulate, and that is understandable. But the first point still stands - the devs should fulfill their previous promises before moving on. Promises like the sorely-needed part revamp for older parts. TL;DR: I'm down for DLCs, the devs need money, but this is not the way to do it.
  2. I don't think DLC is evil. I also agree that the devs do need income to support themselves. But this DLC....we'd literally be paying for stuff we already have access to. I think a much better option would be a DLC to add in AI space programs, or possibly a "subscription" (heaven forbid!) for an official multiplayer. After all, those are things that people have been asking for, literally for years....not some stuff that you can already make by going to Spacedock and making a quick search for "historical."
  3. What sells better: "inconplete game with paid expansions" or "completed game with extensive modding community"?
  4. Congrats, Squad. You're first expansion is something already doable with mods. Without even mentioning RO and staying stockalike, there are plenty of mods out there that add the missions, add the parts, literally everything you're trying to make us pay for. Now don't get me wrong here, the "misson maker" sounds like a cool idea. Heck, even that can be done with mods - I think the only "new" thing about it is the scoring system. I really wish you'd instead focus on, maybe, the part revamp that's been promised for quite some time now?
  5. I said it would happen before X-20, and I don't lie! Here's the first 'release' deemed complete & stable enough for normal play, v0.1.0! https://spacedock.info/mod/1259/Cold War Progression Check it out, and give us your thoughts & suggestions! We can't squash bugs if we don't know about 'em!
  6. I second this. Could you add individual versions of all the engines that only come in clusters?
  7. Yes, although IIRC the CBM was only used to dock station modules together on the USOS.
  8. Please elaborate. Do you mean you want more life support supplies? Do you want some sort of habitat modifier for something a living space or fitness mod? Do you just want more crew capacity for use as a 'bus'? "Habitation module" isn't that useful for anyone who wanted to make configs.
  9. Yeah, apologies for the outburst. I was a little high strung, and probably shouldn't have been posting at all in that state.
  10. Well, you see, that's called a placeholder IVA. Which means there is no IVA. If you want an IVA, GO MAKE IT YOURSELF! Rule #1 of being a mod user: If you want new stuff, ask nicely. Don't make it sound like a 'mistake' on the modder's part.
  11. You could possibly try a part welding mod, to join groups of structural parts.
  12. well, because IIRC it was going to be redone, but I put it in the tree anyway, so I wouldn't use it if I were you unless you want your save broken.
  13. All aboard the hype train! All that's left is a few icons & part upgrades, and then we're ready for a release! Guaranteed to happen before @Sgt.Shutesie's X20, or your money back.
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