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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Oops, why didn't I look at that, heh...
  2. Can you reproduce it reliably and without mods?
  3. It's the V4 v2 bug version craft. I've edited the bug report title to include a note about file corruption since that looks like the case here.
  4. EDIT: BOOM! It exploded when I was returning from map menu and I was just sort of flying around. Though it seems to be more like sudden RUD than kraken, not sure there. I'm 99% sure that one was actual RUD and not kraken, going to restart game to see if I can reproduce the bug again. Edit2: I was able to reproduce it again with the same craft after a KSP restart. Edit3: I tried to remove the lower half of the ship and ended up causing the kraken to attack. I think this is the corruption you mentioned.... edit4: Double checked and it's reproducible, theres something on the section below the MK3 fuselage longs.
  5. Try the v3 booster one maybe? I've also now ran into that random sudden unreproducibility as well.
  6. You're most likely right, I checked back at the first output log and the first thing to go is one of the large radiator panels, structural failure.
  7. Is the save or file corruption confined to just that ship or are other ship designs affected? Currently doing a slow coasting test (between 20 and 30m/s) with hacked gravity and other stuff on. Also testing with the radiators extended to see if that affects anything.
  8. Have you tried relaunching it after the bug and use unbreakable joints, no crash damage, and hacked gravity? You get kraken attacked horribly. Still doing some experiments with the v4 booster bugged one since that is reliable.
  9. I tried to launch the V4 one with bug thingking maybe it won't explode, but NOPE. Though I'm not sure if it exploded because of the bug you mentioned or because I dumped ore tanks. I'll upload the log from that run to the bug report....
  10. Dangit, the v3 boostered version exploded on phys load when I reverted to launch..... editwhiletyping, and a SECOND TIME, lol....
  11. Okay, I'll use version 4 then. Also, the v3 boostered version exploded for me at 6km, so, confirmed. Going to try doing that one slower to see if it has anything to do with trying to punch through the sound barrier.
  12. Okay. Got briefly confused on the v3 with boosters, but I've got it figured out.
  13. 3k? HA! I've flown 4k+ part crafts no problem. It's laggy, yes, but very possible. @Arugela Could you upload all the versions of that craft you're using to the bugreport? I've already replied to it though. Edit: I've downloaded them off of here, but probably should at least link the crafts in the bug report.
  14. Hey @nightingale, just letting you know that some of the links on the main page aren't working. Tried to use the GAAP link, which didn't work.
  15. Uh, I've seen some screenshots of Kopernicus planets with rings and I think RSS's Saturn has rings. So, it can just be something as simple as a colliderless texture.
  16. smjjames


    Theres various non-randomly generated kerbal names which are based on the names of real people.
  17. I could take a probe with infinite fuel over and take a look.... Took a look and it's simply a trick of lighting, theres nothing special there. Album in no particular order other than in the way imgur did it defaultly.
  18. I did see the symbol-like thing with an open top triangle and two lines coming off of it, but that's just funky shadowing or something.
  19. I don't see anything that remotely resembles anything, not even the vaguest of vaguely. Plus you don't evem say what symbol. Also, pareidolia is not an easter egg.
  20. They can't fix it if you don't report the bug in the bugtracker.....
  21. That proposed worst case scenario seems too absurd for a worse case scenario. I took a look at the thing and while those names are unknown to me, the guy has a few valid stuff like releasing too soon, but really, most of it can't be corroborated and probably won't be. Honestly, without further evidence, it looks like it might just be a rant off.
  22. Okay captian obvious..... lol
  23. Yeah I'm kind of (or am anyway, blarbity blarbity) in the same situation and kinda bored. Maybe I should get back into Dwarf Fortress or something....
  24. Yeah, I was thinking of those random difficult-to-reproduce crashes.
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