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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. You can do it yourself: But beware: "normal" rockets will not be enough. RSS uses RO, which adapts the parts (engines, tanks, etc.) accordingly. But most mods are designed only for max. 2.5x or 2.7x. You will probably have to build a Saturn V to get 5kg payload into space or you will have to write your own configs for all parts. Therefore I advise you to scale up to max. 2.5 or 2.7, no changes to the parts are necessary here.
  2. That`s wrong. Folder "KIU_Chinese_Human_Spaceflight_pack" must be in GameData/KIU. Also the other packs the same.
  3. It should work in VAB too but in your pic you have iROSA A and B "off". You should switch to "on", then there should be the option to extend.
  4. Roadmap: https://trello.com/b/iHgGdiFb/chrayol-design-org But as far as I know @DylanSemrau has stopped working on this mod.
  5. You shoud ask in the RO-Thread because mostly the modders themselves do not make any RO-configs for their own mods.
  6. K-CEV Phoenix is deprecated long time ago. It was replaced by CEV StarWatcher. Latest release with K-CEV Phoenix was KNES 1.2. You can find it on Spacedock and then copy the folder LiftingsBodies\CEV to your GameData/KNES.
  7. Same as June 10: We are all waiting but that is no reason to ask every few days. Give the modders time. If there is something new, it will be posted here. And if there's nothing here, there's nothing new.
  8. It´s in folder GameData\TantaresLV\parts\SOYUZ and named _b9.cfg.disabled. You need to delete the .disabled to make it a .cfg. Also you need B9PartSwitch.
  9. FAQ: Q: Does this mod works with *name of LV mod*? A: IDK. It has standard sizes 1.25, 1.875, 2.5m, so it works with mods that uses standard sizes. You also can use TweakScale. Q: Do you have plans for HOPE-X? A: No Q: Will you do the manned HTV? A: Well, manned HTV isn't really an HTV. It utilizes some of the HTV technologies but it is not an HTV. So the answer is no.
  10. As far as I know SimpleFuelSwitch does not support CryoTanks. But KNES has patches for CryoTanks so it only need to install CryoTanks and it should work. Option for changing fuel is in the rightclick-menue in VAB. And I can confirm: it works.
  11. First thing is: go into the correct forum. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/15-ksp1-modelling-and-texturing-discussion/
  12. No. But Contares has a Orel/PTK-like Spacecraft and Near Future Spacecraft too. As far as I know Contares has parts for TMK.Problem: Contares has another scale so you must adjust it yourself (rescalefactor in .cfg).
  13. Do you mean the big launchpad? Do you have the dependencies? Kerbal Konstructs?
  14. here: https://github.com/EStreetRockets/ORANGES If the probe core on the payload is your rootpart, it should be the problem. Because the payload is upside down and MJ then tries to turn the right side up. Make sure that the shuttle c boattail is the root part so that MJ recognises it correctly.
  15. I think that is correct because Mercury is not designed for high orbit. As far as I can remember, the Atlas just goes into a low orbit. But it is important to fly optimally and to jettison the booster engines in time.
  16. This mod does exactly the opposite of a fuelcell: electricity becomes fuel. Makes no sense to me, but whoever needs it... But you can simply copy a stock fuelcell, change data name, the partname and the following block in the .cfg from: INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = LiquidFuel Ratio = 0.0016875 FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Oxidizer Ratio = 0.0020625 FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 1.5 DumpExcess = false } into (values are only examples): INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 0.0016875 FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = LiquidFuel Ratio = 1.5 DumpExcess = false } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Oxidizer Ratio = 1.5 DumpExcess = false } Didn`t test this but should work.
  17. We are all waiting but that is no reason to ask every few days. Give the modders time. If there is something new, it will be posted here. And if there's nothing here, there's nothing new.
  18. The crashes are probably caused by different mods. There are errors from TU, FASA, SSTU, bdarmory, raidernicks mods and other mods. So there is something wrong with the whole installation.
  19. Both have their advantages in terms of direct installation. But both also have the disadvantage that only some of the mods are available. More mods are available at Spacedock or here in the forum via github. But here you have to install them manually and keep them up to date. But that's not a big problem if you're a bit familiar with it.
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