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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Solved my issue with scatterer. Reinstalling JNSQ did it. It seems the scatterer-configs in JNSQ were corrupt. Edit: Didn`t work. After starting KSP new the issue is back.
  2. Go here: https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau Then click the freen Button "Code" and download the zip.
  3. Which KSP-version? Did you download EVE, Distant Object and Scatterer separately because the dependencies which came in a modpack are often very old versions and don`t work with the newest KSP. Also GEA is last updatet for KSP 1.7.3 so it could be that it don`t work anymore.
  4. No, there was no auto-update because I play with the newest KSP-version. The pic should work but here is the URL: https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-011d73-1615473099.png.html
  5. After a little break I played KSP again. Did no changes to KSP or mods but now the Oceans have no water. What can happen this? Before I played weeks and everything was OK. https://www.file-upload.net/download-14517556/KSP.log.html https://www.file-upload.net/download-14517557/Player.log.html
  6. Are you sure they play 1.11.1? Because RSS, KK and Katniss mod are only for 1.8.x.
  7. There is CKAN: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154922-ckan-the-comprehensive-kerbal-archive-network-v1280-dyson/ But it supports not all mods, only if the modder use it. So some mods must be installed manually.
  8. Yes it is possible but be aware that active vessels who are using parts of this pack are deleted too.
  9. Which KSP-version do you use? This mod is really old. I can recommend BDB: It has a Atlas too and many more.
  10. Really good idea. In the past I build some "autonomous Landing Programs" with SmartParts, actiongroups and Diazos mods (ModActions, Landing Height, Horizontal Landing Aid, VerticalVelocity...). Like this (example): - at speed x (measured with SmartParts) open Parachute (execute actiongroup x) - at height x (SmartParts) separate heatshild, activate engine (actiongroups) and slow down to -5m/s (ModActions/VerticalVelocity). The most complex mission was a Curiosity-like landing at Duna (which was successfull). The only problem was: not enough actiongroups in stock. But there was actiongroup Extended.
  11. Great mod @rogerwang86. Waiting so long for a good Ares-Mod (there was only an American Pack (Bobcat) years ago with an Ares V).
  12. You can make one yourself: @PART[nfs-panel-*]:NEEDS[TweakScale]:FOR[NearFutureSolar] { %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = free } } Put this into a .cfg and save it anywhere in Gamedata.
  13. It works mostly in 1.11.x. But beware: it is a big parts pack.
  14. Beause you need Tundra Space Center and all his dependencies (Kerbal Konstructs e.g.)
  15. It works as many people stated here. But you need to adjust the settings.
  16. Do you mean Soiler Panels or Solar Panels???
  17. @rogerwang86Is it also possible to do the Ares V 2006-Version with a smaller upper stage? https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=13737.0
  18. You never should have a zip file of a mod in GamData. That doesn`t work.
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