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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. There is a little issue in the TweakScale-config. The Laputa-ScienceLab contains twice.
  2. Why didn`t you use the last version (1.2) because the new version has only a fix for KSP 1.10 and the Kickstage is now in another category. No new parts or other fixes.
  3. @LawnDartLeoYou mean the big ones at the white/red Node? That are the CBMs (C200-CBM) from HabTech2. Recognizable at the thermal cover which can be switched. Look here at the first post. There is a picture. The round things are no petals. They are part of the thermal cover. The little pins above this round things are the petals.
  4. @WellNo worries. It was only a question. Sure I can build a Vega with other parts.
  5. @WellNow we have a P80 and a P120. Do you have plans for Zefiro 9, 23, 40 and the liquid upper Stage AVUM?
  6. I think that`s an old pars or beeing deprecated because there are now separate parts for RS-27, Verniers and engine mount with B9 support.
  7. Release is release. Wheter as official release or as dev-release. Fact is: you can download it.
  8. However, it is released in the last dev-Version (0.2.2, JEM exposed facility).
  9. Sorry, I meant DUNA Direct.
  10. First thing is: new install with only the mod which isn`t working, Duna Direct in your case. I have 80-100 mods running in my game and everything is working, including Duna Direct. @bcinkis still active here. Last visited on May 4.
  11. Then reinstall KSP. I tested it in 1.8.x and 1.9.x and it works well.
  12. Can you please wait? Modders need some time to update mods.
  13. It`s a 1:1 Rescale instead of a 1:0.64 stock. In earlier versions there was a stock-patch or a separate stock-scale-version. You can use Hangar extender (marked at Page 1 as recommended) to build it in VAB.
  14. Thanks for your help. After further investigations it`s neither CommNet Consumptor nor Kerbalism. But I don`t know which mod. I have another savegame where the Antennas need EC too (without Antenna Consumptor --> Kerbalism) but only a little bit. So there is something wrong with my Savegame.
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