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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. I have that seen in other mods: one engine with twoo shrouds and both can disabled with the rightclick menue in VAB.
  2. Do you have plany for the bigger upper stage ESC-A of Ariane 5 ECA?
  3. There is already a (working) New Glenn Mod: Are yours different to this one?
  4. Because Ares V has originally nothing to do with MarsDIRECT/reDIRECT. MarsDIRECT wanted to launch with the (at that time in the 90s) proposed Jupiter launcher, which was never build. Ares V came later in history (after 2004 --> Start of the Constellation Program) and was 2009 displaced itself by SLS. So this mod includes only parts for Jupiter launcher.
  5. I have a bug with Kerbalism in KSP 1.5.1. It happens with all version of Kerbalism. I build a spaceship. Consumption of electicity is only 0.300/s. Volume of the pod is 22.4m3. After save and reload the volume growth up to around 2000m3 and the EC-consumption is >18/s. I noticed this using Kerbalized Soyuz: KSP: 1.5.1 Kerbalism: 2.1.1 Log: https://www.file-upload.net/download-13458948/KSP.log.html
  6. Nevertheless, they have SAS and it works fine. Make sure no other mod causes this issue. Also: which parts do you mean concretly? Log? Which game-mode do you play?Career, science or sandbox?
  7. Which aviation-parts? Tantares has only rocket- and spaceshipparts, no aviation. If you mean the unmanned pods: I cannot confirm, they have working SAS. But it depends 1. of the individual part (some parts have only a stabilityassistant) and 2. of the researched techtree (if you play career).
  8. As you can see, E.T. is dead due to licensing violations. There are downloads for RSSVE: https://github.com/PhineasFreak/RSSVE/releases
  9. Because this mod is quit old and the modder give up. It seems that there is no working download anymore.
  10. I think it`s Nehemia Engineering Orbital Science Mods. There are Sound-Experiments included. There are a few mods:
  11. Can you please wait until raidernick do it himself? We don`t ask for updates in this forum. 1.6 is out since only a few days and the modders need some time. Also: this mod is working in 1.5.x fine because it is only a partmod. So it should work in 1.6.x too.
  12. 1. Why write so big? Don`t scream. 2. Reading the first post of this thread gives you the answer:
  13. I had this issue too yesterday in KSP 1.5.1. After reinstalling SSTU it worked fine.
  14. How are your folderstructure? It must be: - GameData - BahaSP - SoyMoose - SoyStalk You also need ModuleManager.
  15. I know this. But: there are only issues with this two engines. all others works fine. Also Tanks and Pods and all the other parts works.
  16. @Shadowmage I have an issue with the F-1 and the J-2. There is only a black texture. It`s only this two engines. All others are fine. KSP 1.5.1, no -force-d3d11 or -force-glcore because I use a rescaled version of the Kerbol-System and DX11 or GL-Core have issues with rescaling (black ground textures and other issues). Log: https://www.file-upload.net/download-13438441/KSP.log.html
  17. Did you install the KJR version from post 1 of this thread? As the title says: it`s for KSP 1.3, not 1.5.x. Look to the last pages, there you will find a pre-release for a version for KSP 1.5.x.
  18. And how is the problem? Link to Spacedock for download is in the first post of this thread. Download it and open the .zip. The folder strucure is self explanatory: put the folder `Launchers Pack` to your GameData. That`s it.
  19. As @AdmiralSirJohnsaid: KJR works fine in 1.5.x.
  20. I think, @ARTOBAN meant the Energija-derived soviet Vulcan.
  21. @Siminator It seems your uploaded folder structure is wrong because in your GameData is no KRMS-folder like the readme said. For me I corrected it manually and made a new folder.
  22. You must search for Hera, not for Juno. Juno is called Hera in this Mod.
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