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Everything posted by Thatdude253

  1. Any way to make the missile tube tweakscaleable to use with missiles OTHER than MLRS rockets?
  2. Bringing something back from the grave...would that be spanners boomsticks? Or NeverEnoughDakka?
  3. Good progress, looking forward to where this is going
  4. Practical question: how will the VLS cells operate independently when launching missiles? In other words, say its tied into the weapons manager (not to say it is, I'm just spitballing here), how, or will, it not simply open all tubes when one is launched?
  5. YES. I have been waiting with varying degrees of patience for what seems like forever!
  6. Gotta say the SDB may be my favorite weapon you've put out recently...I get kinda stupid over high-tech, low profile weapons like that. Same with the JSOW Any chance of a GBU-39 Gen 1 SDB?
  7. Suggestion, and not to be pushy, but engine effects would be really nice. Kinda kills the immersion
  8. Would it be possible to give the Phalanx a TWS radar module so it can really operate autonomously?
  9. Check out PEW http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117635-WIP-1-0-4-R10-1-P-E-W-%28A-BDArmory-Addon%29 A Bradley turret is coming in the next update. Probably.
  10. ASRAAM is being done by Scoundrel as part of RvB http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131415 As for the others, no clue
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