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Everything posted by Thatdude253

  1. Couple things to know if you'll be posting here frequently. 1) Respect goes a long way 2) Look at what's in progress 3) Learn to spell correctly 4) For the sweet love of god, don't ask for ETAs Be specific in your requests. Instead of "long range AA missile" (impractical due to KSP's constraints, but you'll learn as you talk to people), say SA-3 or Hawk or Patriot 1 system. It helps the mod creator have an idea what to do instead of leaving it so open-ended. Overall, a little respect goes a long way here on the forums. There are a huge number of fans of BD Armory, some having been around longer than others (myself a little over a year now), but if we all have a baseline mutual respect, take the time to research our requests, and be more specific about what we want, the mod creators can actually produce content everyone loves without feeling hounded to do everything at once. And always remember, mod creators are people too. They have their own lives that don't revolve around KSP. Occasionally they'll need to take a break, or just put it down for a while, and that's fine, because a happy modder is a productive modder, and a sad modder is a sorry thing indeed.
  2. It took me a moment to realize this wasn't just a list of requests that had built up for a while. Wow
  3. Lemme get back to you in a bit with the output log. I also don't see the Maritime Testing directory (strengthening the case for me installing wrong).
  4. Hey, I've been testing the sub (minus BB as instructed), but it crashes the game. A lot. Maybe I installed it wrong?
  5. Are those legit? Like, have they actually built any? Because if so, that is very very cool. Question regarding adding things to the sub. Obviously there's huge buoyancy issues for any non-sub part, but if we want to add science bits, how'll that work? I realize that launching anything from subs is very far off if never
  6. Don't you just hate it when you have random papers pop up on you?
  7. Did B9 ever update to 1.0+ compatibility? Also, that's pretty messed up on Porkjet's behalf if that is indeed what he's done
  8. Definitely seen that before. Absolutely the pinnacle of Cold War paranoia and willingness to use nuclear weapons
  9. I am very definitely, very, very definitely excited for that twin 5"/38. And NAVAL RADAR! FINALLY.....any how....keep up the great work
  10. Yeah, torpedoes have been time and time again pretty much proven impossible without unreal amounts of work basically because of how insane the drag is in the stock water. There's been a few proposed work-arounds, but none that are particularly feasible
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