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Everything posted by Thatdude253

  1. Hey Baha, any chance of high-off boresight IR missile capability, like the AIM-9X?
  2. [quote name='FlamingCygnet']1 question...how does one fire the hidden vulcan? i search everywhere and tried everything none is working...halp ;-;[/QUOTE] Select (either through weapon manager--preffered--or right-click and hit 'toggle') and click the left mouse button. Make sure you have 20mm ammo onboard
  3. It was replaced with the R-73. Kerbal Stuff may have a earlier version with it, but odds are its not compatible
  4. My 2 cents for whatever they may count for. I love this mod, and for a long time it did something that no other mod did--even with dice's earlier releases, I could never get them in the water and the kraken always came calling. With the new buoyancy changes, it may not be practical to update and I understand that. I also feel that I understand better than many that real life will always come first. It's so easy to forget that the person behind the icon actually has their own things going on, that not everyday is dedicated to content production. Many get into it because they enjoy it, then decide at some point or another, they don't enjoy it anymore, that they simply want to do something else. So here's my thoughts. If KSP modding isn't going to work for you, that's unfortunate, for us, for you, hell for Squad. It seems like you truly enjoyed what you were doing, despite the occasional idiots who didn't bother to read what the plans were. Despite financial troubles (as a college student, I can sympathize), despite idiots, despite Squad pretty much ignoring boats, it worked. It was different, and fun. And if you do decide to call it quits, well, that's unfortunate, but I get it, and sometimes, you just have to say its time to hang up the cape and let someone take the reins in your stead. Just my two cents or so. Maybe that's more of a quarter, but whatever, I feel it needed to be said.
  5. As far as I know no one has 'dibs', so go right ahead. And yeah, a conventional Moskit would be great, at least until such a time as he decides to come back (no point in having two if he releases his...later...maybe).
  6. RvB is workin on it (MICA), when he has time in between his real life http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131415
  7. Have you marked a GPS point, then selected that point before firing off your missiles?
  8. Out of curiosity, is a P-270 Moskit in the coming update? I remember you saying something about it, and I also seem to remember LORDPrometheus planning to do one, but with his withdrawl from KSP modding, I doubt we'll ever get the chance to see his.
  9. We'll be here for you whenever you decide it's time to come back. Don't worry, we'll be here if you need us
  10. Guns? You mean the turrets? There are no stand alone guns in this pack
  11. Yeah...just watch how well that 'demand' works for you. Word of advice; respect and decency goes a long way towards getting mod creators to listen to you
  12. It wasn't a dig at you at all (I realize upon re-reading I wrote that quite poorly), more just comment on the state of the forums as a whole
  13. Don't let it get to you. Basic human decency just doesn't come naturally to some people *sarcasm for those who might get offended* But seriously, you have people who have literally just started on the forums making requests without reading through the last couple of pages to see what's been trending so to speak. For those of us here frequently--and by extension have sorta somewhat gotten to know each other--it's annoying but understandable. Rudeness, however, is never going to sit well with anyone.
  14. Personal life comes before strangers on the internet, we'll wait
  15. And here I was thinking that this would go so nicely with BD Armory, then I looked at the author. Good on ya Baha
  16. Yeah, cruisers are pretty great for removing planes from existence. Especially once you get to tier 6 and get the defensive fire cool down
  17. There's a bit more of a practical limitation here too, that being the Kraken will come knockin on EVERYTHING when using this. I can't imagine the game handling mach 10+ in atmosphere well
  18. If you like it, I'm not worried. Anyhow, it comes down to personal preference. You do what you like and I'll probably use it anyway
  19. First off, awesome to have another modder adding their talents to the pool! Now, on to the teaser texture. It's excellent and if it's a good hint of what your going to be doing in the future I'm very happy. Now, if your expecting a 'but', you're right, but its more of a personal thing. Not a huge fan of the colorful scheme (though, to reiterate, it is very well done). I'm curious if your planning for mostly 'display' textures (a la the tomahawk shown, or 'realistic' textures that are significantly more boring.
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