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Everything posted by Grenartia

  1. If nothing like it currently exists, then from your mouth to God's ears, I hope someone with the expertise and ability to pull it off would make it.
  2. Thank you for the links. I only asked because none of that is actually visible from the github wiki page linked in the OP. Most of the links there seem to be self-referential (i.e., the page links back to itself) , and thus, useless.
  3. I'd say the real devil is in shareholder complacency and apathy. If more shareholders were willing to forego temporary gains for long term sustainability, or ethicality, and were willing to voice that concern in shareholder meetings, then that would shatter the presumption that short term stock price gains is what is in the best interest of the shareholders. To be fair, there is probably also a degree of lack of knowledge on the part of the shareholders. Nobody knows there's a problem until its too late. Take our situation, for instance. Nobody anticipated T2 screwing over the customers, IG (and apparently even PD) until the WARN act notice dropped. Any action from here on to remedy the situation would involve overcoming significant institutional inertia (which isn't to say it can't be done, if enough shareholders told T2 to reverse the closure and reinstate everyone's jobs, it could happen), and the only action that would have immediate results is shareholders demanding the firing of the executives that made the decision.
  4. I actually didn't intend to imply that being unique to T2. But yeah, the legal liability is also another aspect I mentioned in the other post.
  5. That last sentence is exactly something I pointed out in one of the posts that got split off. All T2 will ever truly care about is maximizing short term stock price gains. Literally any other consideration we like to pretend businesses have is only in service to that goal. And threatening that goal is the only real leverage customers have.
  6. Thanks, I'll look into seeing if it repeats this time around and try both of those.
  7. OMG, I'd been having this issue for so long, and with no idea which mod was causing it that I gave up even trying to play the game until recently (and with a new clean install of the game), and I just decided to go poking through my favorite mods' threads to see what's new (if anything), and I come here to find this. Unfortunately, I don't have any logs to confirm (yet, though now that I have an idea how to reliably recreate it, I'll see if I can). Funny thing is that for me, the building lockout didn't happen immediately. It seemed to require a few in game days (in career mode), and sometimes, it would let me into a building, but would lock me out of doing anything in the building, including exiting said building.
  8. I still haven't mastered the art of quote splitting on this forum's software, so I'll just insert numbers for each point. 1. I have not seen this information. 2. The existence of an outside consultant does not preclude secrecy on other fronts, including towards Squad (and ex-Squad), as well as prominent community (and arguably even media) figures, such as Scott Manley. 3. Possible? Yes. Equally possible? Nate was gagged by the T2 suits except for pre-approved persons, such as consultants, in order to preserve secrecy and not harm sales of the current game. 4. By that logic, would a higher up T2 exec even know what KSP is? Its pretty hard to learn enough about KSP to consider purchasing it to transform it into "the next Minecraft" without also becoming familiar with who Scott Manley is along the way. H*ck, for all we know, the exec who thought it was a good idea to bring up acquiring the IP probably heard about the game in the first place from Scott. 5. Yes, though it still falls on T2 for falling for the sunk cost fallacy, and not authorizing rebuilding the game, especially after it became clear that the 2020 release would not be possible, and after every single person in this community stressed to the devs that we want a delayed but playable game more than we want a new game ASAP that is a hot mess on release. 6. Yeah, and while that's true, its also equally true he was told by PD/T2 that he had to do that. 7. If he did "put himself" front and center, it was with T2's tacit approval. If they didn't want him "front and center", they would not have allowed him to be. 8. Alternatively, its likely that he's being gagged by some legal mumbo-jumbo and/or the threat of being blacklisted if he speaks out against T2. Both of which could present much worse consequences (significant legal and financial liability on one hand, being unable to work in the industry again for an indefinite period on the other) than being 'cancelled' by the KSP fandom.
  9. More or less this. Nate's just an employee at the end of the day. Has he made mistakes? Undoubtedly (looking at you, rubber rockets). Has he been complicit in the lack of transparency from T2? Absolutely. Has he been complicit in the hamstringing-orders from T2? Possibly. But many (though not all) of his game design mistakes are arguably a result of orders coming down from T2. Likewise, the opaqueness is arguably being imposed on him from above (either T2 directly, or by proxy via PD). The hamstring-orders are almost certainly coming down from above as well. Now, we as customers and players can say "but he should do X, Y, and Z", but if you've ever actually worked in a non-executive capacity, you'll almost certainly have had a job experience where your boss has told you to do something, and you know its doomed to fail, or less than ethical, but you also know that if you push back on it, you'll get fired in a nanosecond. Its a tough position to be in, and in a world as cut-throat as the intersection of game development and corporate cow-manure, and living in a place as expensive as Seattle, I find it hard to fault him personally for choosing to prioritize another paycheck over doing the right thing and potentially getting blacklisted by one of the biggest players in the industry. I mean, he was probably just repeating something PD/T2 told him. In which case, the fault lies with whoever told him that.
  10. To be fair, this has never stopped people who majored in business before. The system rewards such walking manifestations of the Dunning-Kruger effect far more than it penalizes them (so long as they've either won the birth lottery or kissed the right butts of those who did).
  11. I really think the people blaming Nate and not the corpos at T2 are falling for T2's game. Based on the video, Nate seems more like the designated scapegoat than anything else. Who mandated recycling KSP1 code? T2. Who banned talking to the KSP1 team? T2. Who banned talking to prominent community members like Scott? T2. Who was more interested in instant profit than putting in the effort necessary to make an actually good game that will be more profitable in the long run? T2. If spit lands on you from overhead, and you look up and see its dripping on you from a guy chained to a chair, being spat on by someone above him, you don't blame the guy chained to the chair for spit landing on you, you blame the guy doing the spitting.
  12. Yeah, I remember when T2 first bought the game, everyone was paranoid about the *immediate* bad things that could be done, and nobody could've conceived of any of this.
  13. Just saw this on CKAN, and I'm loving the concept.
  14. In no particular order: MechJeb2 MJ2 and KER for all Where Can I Go? Airplane Plus DMagic Orbital Science Structual Tubing Ablative Airbrake Deflatable Heat Shield SCANsat The entire Near Future Suite Kerbin Environmental Institute Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Material Science Pod The Janitor's Closet Docking Port Alignment Indicator Astrogator Slingshotter Reslung RCS Build Aid Mk2 and Mk3 Stockalike Expansions Science Full Reward and Full Transmit Mk 1 Cabin hatch Snacks Missing History Xenon ISRU Stockalike Mining Expansion Draggable Controls Planet Info Plus Reviva This doesn't count IVAs, flag packs, contract packs, or dependencies. No visual enhancement mods, either.
  15. Could potentially be the new kraken drive.
  16. What are you talking about? I'm having no issues with NF on CKAN at all. I literally just downloaded the entire suite via CKAN a few minutes ago, with no discernable problems.
  17. Out of curiosity, does an i5 4460 @ 3.2 GHz count as better, worse, or equivalent compared to the i5 6400 @ 2.7, for the purposes of these specs?
  18. This is good update, that quells a lot of my concerns, and hopefully those of other people.
  19. I'm mostly excited for the coming features, but the improvements to the flight and building UI look cool and useful, plus procedural wings.
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