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Everything posted by Nightside

  1. I noticed that too. does anyone know if the emissive glow effects work on non engine parts like radiators?
  2. You mean the fat part at the base of the wing? can’t you make it with procedural wings?
  3. Hi @Snark, thanks for this. I have a question: is there a reason that you only specify stock pods rather than a generic patch for all pods?
  4. Read the author’s post just above yours. Im excited to see the radar towers.
  5. Trying to make some Engine Light configs that reflect the awesome pink power of energetic hydrogen... But maybe I went a little overboard! That's looking a bit better! Edit: OK I toned down the intensity a bit and and made it more of a bluish-pink instead of that hot magenta to better match the plumes. I put up a pull request on Github in case @Nertea wants to include compatibility.
  6. @linuxgurugamer, I'm writing some configs for another mod, and I want to make sure my configs don't get overwritten get a second Module defined. Currently the patches are targeted at FOR[EngineLight]. Do you have plans to change these to FOR[EngineLightRelit]?
  7. Congratulations @DDE on making it onto the pages of ATOMIC ROCKETS! http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/enginelist2.php#rd600
  8. @Electrocutor, have you thought of revisiting your idea of a torque resource now that the DLC is doing something similar for robotics?
  9. Depends on how much memory your other mods take, and what else your computer is using RAM for. As described in the OP you can remove the Internal graphics to save RAM, or ditch other, less awesome mods and focus on the glory that is SSPXr.
  10. This is an interesting question, but I don't think this it is a Science or Spaceflight question (considering all the physics defying going on), but more of a fiction workshop question. Given that in your fictional universe relies on a couple of unrealistic tropes common to the space opera genre of science fiction where: Warp drives, and/or; Constant acceleration drives not limited by propellant, heat management or the rocket equation in general (Whatever technology enables this surely allows for nearly infinite energy production in general); are as ubiquitous as semi trucks or cargo ships. With these powerful tools granting access to the uncountable stars and their myriad worlds, why would anyone bother to go to war at all? Storytellers can always invent a new plot twist or device to ward off doomsday at the last minute, and turn around and invent and even more potent weapon or foe. I think the really interesting question in this setting is why would someone want to destroy a planet? Powerful and desperate nations of our own world have nuclear weapons capable of inciting a cataclysm that would end life as we know it on this planet, but they haven't been used since they were first tried in WWII because their use was an atrocity, that is to say, an act against all of humanity, not just against a martial enemy. Similarly, governments and armies would not be able to use this weapon against each other because if one tried it, the others would all retaliate and everybody's planets would get destroyed. But your question was about what keeps a single individual from doing something like this... Well... nothing. Nothing except respect for other life, culture, and the irreplaceable uniqueness of a habitable world in the cold vastness of space. In our own time/world ignorance, fanaticism, and nihilism can certainly cause people to commit acts of violence against innocent bystanders, I think it would be a worthy subject to write a story about.
  11. There are changelogs for BG and 1.7.1 posted on the wiki, but with contradictory information regarding the inventory. I haven’t bothered to update yet so I guess I will just go do that.
  12. Most mods have been pretty stable across KSP updates post 1.4, so even if the version numbers are not current it may work fine. Also if you can’t find an old favorite, just browse through Linuxgurugamer’s stuff on Spacedock. He’s got several dozen under his wings now.
  13. Is there a 1.7.1 changelog posted somewhere? I can’t tell if the kerbal part inventory is stock or DLC...
  14. Is that part of the DLC or 1.7.1? I can’t find a 1.7.1 change log posted.
  15. The IVA camera inside the lander can... what happens if you look out of the window from inside?
  16. It looks like you are using an outdated version of Module Manager. Make sure that MM (4.0.2), and Kopernicus are up to date for the 1.6.1 (I think a compatible MFI should come with Kopernicus).
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