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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. No it cannot be fixed by end users. Blackrack will have to fix that himself. As for the other options, I assume you are using SVE. I purposefully disable those effects because they hit performance hard and too many people complain about them. I will not enable them.
  2. Scatterer works fine in 1.4.3. It does not work in the tracking station, but if you would actually fly a vessel to orbit you would see the atmospheric effects.
  3. We have the same specs, and this still holds very true.
  4. Scatterer does not work in the tracking station. also EVE only does clouds, not the terminator colors. That’s Scatterer.
  5. the renamer is still there and doesn't require anything. If you are loading an old save with the name "Kerbal" the old names will persist. And GPP does not use TR or TRR it uses Sigma Replacements. All the links are in the install instructions
  6. Only the footprints. I haven’t delved far enough into the other plugins
  7. You don’t. That’s what happens when you stretch textures 10x their original size. There is nothing that can be done. edit: there is something that could be done, but that would require recreating the maps at 8k or bigger so that it’s not so noticeable.
  8. No, I only “warped to morning” in the SC and went to the tracking station to take the screenshots. With the current KK settings, there is barely any sun rise at all. The sun should be fairly high when you warp to the next morning.
  9. @Ger_space Its two min later. It's still 24 mins earlier than how stock does with mornings. Here is something i quickly threw together. As you can see, the KSC is still in darkness when you warp to morning with KK. This is obviously with GPP, but at 1h49m, that is 0h0m in stock.
  10. Should be updating soon. Until then, install manually.
  11. Make sure you report to KK. There is still some weirdness with it. Have logs ready for the dev too.
  12. It should work, but I would hold off on using rescale until I update it to deal with changes to EVE cfgs. They look terrible currently with Rescale. I plan on working on it this weekend.
  13. Yeah, ksp doesn’t like it to be changed, so it doesn’t display properly. If you go into your settings file, it will show what preset you chose correctly.
  14. UPDATE Changelog: v1.6.3.0 REQUIRES GPP_TEXTURES 4.2.0 Fixes to KK sites Added isles for KSP 1.4.x launch sites (Larkes and Woomerang) Prevent these launch sites from appearing on Gael in GPP Scondary Added KK launch site for testing rovers Kerbinside is now compatible while playing with GPP_Secondary installed GPP no longer indiscriminately deletes/unloads planets and planet packs that have loaded before itself. It specifically deletes only the stock bodies so planet packs such as After Kerbin, Before Kerbin, Extrasolar, and even GEP, will remain loaded without having to perform MM voodoo Accommodations for new features in GEP 1.0 Updated EVE configs for GPP + OPM installations Minor fixes to Gael in GPP Secondary Renamed Sigma skybox files for Sigma Replacements/Texture Replacer compatibility Fixed some scatterer issues Made Lili 20% more awesome Added detection in resource configs for Kerbin vs Gael for GPP Secondary Terrain Detail Presets are now built into GPP. (May require a fresh settings file.) *NOTE the readme in the download is a little outdated, but the one on github is good to go. Download and install instructions in the OP.
  15. You can be underestimating when the capabilities of 4gb is well documented, especially with KSP. If you look through the forums for this subject you will find a lot of threads where people with 4 gb just had to accept that their system could not run certain mods. Definitely mods smaller than this one. Frankly, I don't see GPP running well, if at all on 4gb, even with a pruned system, but feel free to try. we have worked very hard to keep the pack performance and ram friendly, 4gb is not what we had in mind.
  16. You want people to give you the planet textures from the packs they use?
  17. Scarrerer does not do city lights, that would be EVE. If this mod doesn’t have city lights you can either add them from the default EVE cfgs or use another visual mod
  18. @Ger_space I think you went the wrong direction on the "warp to next morning" settings. Now the warp to morning stops at 1h13m in GPP. That's 7 min earlier lol! I guess kerbals need to beat that early morning traffic to get to the space center on time.
  19. Just drop this in your GameData folder. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hilss93rvcjakib/EVE_2D.cfg?dl=0
  20. Just drop this in your GameData folder https://www.dropbox.com/s/hilss93rvcjakib/EVE_2D.cfg?dl=0
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