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Everything posted by Rocketology

  1. @SpinkAkron I am doing 1/4 real scale (2.7X stock) and the dV loss from the drag and low TWR (to not push too hard against atmo and cause drag induced oscillation - even with spin stabilization) of the Stayputnik is enough to prevent me from making orbit. Stock scale I could pull it off, but not at 1/4 RS, at least not at this tech level. So the .625 aero shell would be SWEET!
  2. @SpinkAkron A few mods have them such as Ven's Stock Part Revamp has one as well as SSTU. I am sure there are others as well. I haven't used KW Rocketry in a long time but I *think* it has one too.
  3. @SpinkAkron Great mod so far, but I do have a suggestion: Have a .625m fairing moved to early aero? The Sputnik is under utilized but it's aero is so poor that it needs a fairing as soon as possible, especially if using FAR.
  4. @Nertea this is straight up rocket pornography! I mean you could seriously print the blue line drawings out as posters and hang them on the wall for all the adolescents to ogle over in awe.
  5. @StarStreak2109 I hadn't dug into this, just noticed it. I thought it may have been an error in KER as I was using SSTU which does things very different from stock/ other mods and KER miscalculates at times. That being said, have you done the rocket equation on a test vehicle and compared it to it's actual performance vs. KER/ MJ? And as Cobaltwolf stated above, have to account for boiloff which varies between different mods as to the rate and other factors such as tank type/ EC usage. .
  6. Amazing work! You don't know how much you need this mod until you use it, then you wonder how you ever got by without it! o7
  7. @Daishi Well done, Sir! The sheer talent, effort and passion that you mod authors put into your work never ceases to awe, and inspire!
  8. @Paul Kingtiger These are truly amazing pieces of art - that's usable! UniStor 2.0 is going into my "must have" mod list!
  9. Kill the Poodle. Period. Then shoot it again until all available ammunition has been depleted, just to be sure. Then quarter it and and bury the corpse parts at the 4 corners of Kerbin to prevent resurrection. Seriously, the Poodle model is so bad, that the very first mod I looked for when playing KSP was something that fixed it, a la Ven's Stock Part Revamp. @Tyko Awesome work on this! As someone that tested MH, this is more inline with some of the suggestions I made to Squad.
  10. Please don't go on the forums and ask mod authors to update their mods as they have real lives, real jobs, real family etc. and are contributing their talent to the community with free time for free. Mod authors do not owe anything to the community, but we who use those mods owe them. Consider donating to those authors and be considerate and patient. They are fully aware an update was released and will get to their mods if/ when they feel like it.Don't be "That Guy". Asking a mod author to update is like a kid in the backseat of the car constantly asking "are we there yet?"
  11. I have used it, the screenshots above are from a year and a half ago. Here are more current ones! ;-)
  12. @Pak Awesome mod! Thanks for stopping in and hanging out in the stream! Here's some eye candy of your awesome work in action! ( @Galileo 's Planetary Perfection with @Poodmund 's epic Calm Nebula Skybox - GPP Save 001)
  13. Please don't ask mod authors to update their mods as they have real lives, real jobs, real family etc. and are contributing their talent to the community with free time for free. Mod authors do not owe anything to the community, but we who use those mods owe them. Consider donating to those authors and be considerate and patient. Many times by reading through the last few pages you may come across "interim fixes" such as on this mod and in some cases, the previous version may still work just fine. Thank you for your understanding!
  14. @NESD Don't take this the wrong way, but I think I LOVE YOU! :-P Thank you for creating this!
  15. @DMagic your name is on the button as this is Magic! Awesome work, Sir! @Sigma88 What would we all do without you! (Banana!)
  16. Please remember mod authors don't get access any sooner than you do. They also have real lives, real jobs, real family etc. and are contributing their talent to the community with free time for free. Mod authors do not owe anything to the community, but we who use those mods owe them. Consider donating to those authors and be considerate and patient.
  17. There are there now! Enjoy ;-) Yes, with GPP, GEP, and OPM installed, it's 3 stars and 55 celestial bodies to visit! 55 Planets/ moons and 3 stars!!!!
  18. Grannus - Red Dwarf Star Taranis - Planet 1 Nodens - Planet 2 Belisama - Moon 1, Nodens Sirona - Planet 3 Airmed - Moon 1, Sirona Brovo - Moon 2, Sirona Damona - Moon 3, Sirona Epona - Planet 4 Rosmerta - Moon 1, Epona RAB-58E, Moon 2, Epona Cernunnos - Planet 5 Congrats @OhioBob and Team Galileo for adding more epicness to the already epic Galileo's Planet Pack! Awesome work!
  19. @Galileo I haven't had much time to check out other streams lately, so today I noticed the majority of KSP streamers on twitch are now doing GPP :-P Shows how awesome this mod truly is!
  20. The Comms should be scaled with it, but check the settings menu and increase range by the scale amount and see if that improves it. Also, if using Kerbal Konstructs, it removes the ground stations other than the Tracking Station so if you don't have line of sight you won't have control.
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