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Everything posted by Jimbodiah

  1. When even the camera wobble says "screw-it" and stops working.
  2. OK, I have Life Support and MKS-Lite running. I noticed that if I have two Habitats running with 2 kerbals in each (hab+recycler active) that I am self sustaining without the addition of anything else (nothing it used up, like fertilizer etc). Supplies do not run out, only mulch keeps accumulating. If I run 3 greenhouses (for 4 kerbals) I eat away more mulch than they produce, Dirt is used but I use a regolith to replenish. But basically I can run without the greenhouses, just two habitats, and the counter will stop counting down indefintely. Is this a bug? [edit] It behaves differently than I would expect seeing the flowchart. I have 4 kerbals, 2 habitats (2 kerbals each), one greenhouse and a regolith sifter and I am 100% self-sustained without using any fertilizer. Also two Nom-o-matic 2500s will become self-sustaining for 4 kerbals, but this does use up fertilizer.
  3. 1.) The launchpad explodes when you ignite the engines 2.) You can't see the sides or top of your rocket anymore in the hangar 3.) 120,000 thrust just won't cut it 4.) You have 3,000 tons worth of staging to get your payload into a 150km orbit 5.) You realize you are launching an entire 300 ton rocket into space, as the cargo 6.) The weight of your ship in tons is higher than the dV needed to put it into orbit 7.) KSP can barely handle the entire launch before giving up and crashing 8.) You're scratching your head wondering where it all went wrong that this thing it so big
  4. Hmm... annoying... too often I discover there are 6 kerbals on a craft meant to retrieve stranded kerbals...
  5. I'll check, maybe I just have the extend in the action group, and not toggle.
  6. Is there any way to turn off the function that kerbals are put into capsules automatically? I am getting tired of finding out I have a full set of kerbals on a ship that is to be unmanned (prep missions).
  7. Thanks Nookos. I just slapped the engine on the bottom for now, also works I tried the dish, but it only works once with an action group until you send data, then it will no longer extend. Ah well.
  8. What KSP needs - Atmosphere, clouds and water enhancements, see EVE and Scatterer - More detailed surface textures, see RSS - Option to play in solar system with real planets (still kerbal scale due to parts), see Small Solar System and RSS - Wheels and tracks, see Kerbal Foundries - Satelites, see Octosat for parts and SCANsat for functionality - Modular tanks/engines and real-life stuff, see SSTU and FASA - A shuttle that will fly!!!! - Better joints, see Kerbal Reinforced Joints - Alarm clock, see Kerbal Alarm Clock - Larger hangars and ability to zoom out more - Technical aspect of 64-bit, multi-core, GPU for graphics, not load every texture into ram, physics engine... I could go on...
  9. Cool additions!!!! Just one note on the dish, once you transmit, you can not unfold it again as it keeps saying "clamped". Is there any way to keep it open, just because it looks cool. Also the Dusk engine will not allow anything to go on top of it.
  10. MrMeeb, awesome video (coop). What shuttle mod is that? It's the only thing I have not been able to make fly properly. Just found your mods
  11. Kudos on the releases Mage!!!! The new modular tanks are awesome and offer a lot of possibilities, and I also notice we can now go to 10m diameter instead of 6.25. Gonna build me a huge, inefficient as a 1980's pickup, beast of a rocket now. just because I can! Hah! This thing is so huge that KSP just croaked on me.
  12. Added struts to the top of boosters to keep them from pushing against the main tank, so at least 4 extra parts due to KSP physics. Updated .crafts to reflect new SSTU version.
  13. @MrMeeb Haha, it is stubby compared to the realistic looking one. But it does the same job with about 1/3 the fuel and horsepower. Not as fun though, but better suited for career mode I now have SRB thrust set to 40% and main engine to 70% and have 100dV left when in a 245km orbit on a tank that is one step shorter. 1st stage 2107dV 1.63TWR 40% 2nd stage 1750dV 1.11TWR 70% There are no engines in the SSTU library between the J2 and the smaller ones that only give 50-60 thrust, else I could probably use a 300-350 thrust engine at 100%. I noticed I had one lower size SRB left in the SSTU package, but it becomes too short and will try to tumble while the booster is still on, and just flip over at the moment of separation. That and it looks funky.
  14. Ares I, the Kerbalized version. 1st stage: dV 2100 TWR 2.28 2nd stage: dV 1700 TWR 1.45 (will try to get dV down, but rocket is starting to topple over on launch, maybe less thrust in SRB)
  15. i use mechjeb and can see those values. I have two versions now; one realistic looking and one "kerbal appropriate" with smaller tanks/engines. like I said earlier, the realistic looking ones could take me to Duna instead of LEO thanks for those numbers. I'll see if I can match those.
  16. @blowfish I tried the other engines you suggested, but they don't have enough thrust to get into orbit. Right now I went from F1 to the 7x R25 and they can do the job as well (1/3 the thrust of the 5x F1B, but longer burn due to lower thrust and higher ISP). So depends on what you like: orginal look with 5 engines, or a cluster that is more suited. Second stages also have an RS25 now, indeed more balance than the bigger one I was using.
  17. OK, gotcha; the physical shape and not just the texture. But how does that rhyme with the shape of the colider not being handled properly by KSP?
  18. Awesome work, Mage!!! I see you included the DIRECT mount, but are there any engineclusters of 4 that fit in there in this release, or is it for future releases? I found the one with 3 in-line. Playing around with the parts. Awesome dude!!!!! The modular fueltank is great, shitload of options, but super! I take it SRBs are next? yes, they are, #70
  19. Working on a set of resource harvesters and converters to get Carbon/Oxygen/Hydrogen from other components like Water electrolysis and CarbonDioxide scrubbing, in order to make fuels and later on maybe extra life support in the form of water/oxygen. I find this more realistic than mining Ore and creating everything from one item that can be found on every surface. CarbonDioxide collected from atmosphere -> scrubber -> Carbon + Oxygen(2) Water mined from surface or ocean -> Electrolyses -> HydrogenGas(2) + Oxygen Distill Carbon(12) and Hydrogen(35) into LiquidFuel (c.q. Kerosene) Compress Hydrogen into LqdHydrogen Compress Oxygen into MonoProp or Oxidizer Maybe later have kerbals use Oxygen and create CarbonDioxide in return (can also plug into greenhouses), plus use Water and create WasteWater, use Food and make Dung ..., then create some sort of recycling loop. But let's try to get the resources first, whahahaha. My first modding attempt, well, hacking attempt....
  20. AH, found it.... Add a Resources.cfg file with the following: RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = Kerbalinium density = 0.1 unitCost = 1 hsp = 80 flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP isTweakable = false }
  21. Hi, Noob101 question... If you want to make your own resource, where do you define them? I made a tank with a resource name and a .cfg in a CommunityResourcePack, but it's not showing up in KSP (the item is, just not resource specs for it as if it was just a structural piece). I know there is a ResourcesGeneric.cfg that contains the standard resources, but am wondering how all the extra ones are added.
  22. What are colliders? I see the term often and go "yeah, okay, sure", but don't get how it works.
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