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Everything posted by He_162

  1. I like it a lot! I saw the youtube video first! I have been subscribed since the channel started pretty much! I love your craft!
  2. Put some wing flaps clipped inside the nose, and turn on only pitch, by doing this, you can get rid of the canards completely, and by rotating the flaps vertically, you can adjust the center of lift to be above and behind as Rune is saying, but then you may also be able to get it to be point in just such a direction that when you pull maneuvers, you can easily pull out of them as well.
  3. Stick two small wing flaps with only pitch turned on in the nose, so that they don't peek out or anything, and that should allow for the Pugachev's Cobra. I suspect it has something to do with the game registering the drag from the wings on top of the other wings near the front of your aircraft. I feel like 1 cockpit looks better than having 2, but either way, it still flies, and the second cockpit moves the center of mass forward, reducing supermaneuverability even more.
  4. Show me what stealth aircraft you have built! These are mine! https://kerbalx.com/He_162/He44 https://kerbalx.com/He_162/MBB-Lampyridae I want to see some more of these types of aircraft, and for a few reasons, listed below: 1. They are hard to build due to random angles and wings everywhere 2. They are very hard to get in the air, and to fly right! 3. They look awesome! Spectacular! SO LETS SEE EM!
  5. ~ All future updates for this will be included in a changelog in the OP. I will not reply in order to keep this thread "quiet" longer, and to keep from annoying people with every few things added, instead, every couple of months when the front page of it has fresh content, I will probably reply. I added the following He42 He43 He44 - WIP will be updating through tomorrow to finish, and make sure it flies right, it is very hard to get an aircraft to fly well with such shapes. ----- Updated he40, and 41. Fixed aerodynamics a bit, and redid the strutting to better hold the craft together. He33 was fixed, one of the flaps internally was missing. Added "roles" next to the names of some aircraft. I.E. Fighter, Stealth Fighter etc.
  6. He43 Air Superiority Fighter I thought it needed it's own post, since it is my best craft to date. - Full imgur link: http://imgur.com/a/UIac3 https://kerbalx.com/He_162/He43
  7. I like them! I like them alot! Mediafire links aren't allowed, use dropbox, google drive, imgur, etc
  8. There is a 2000 part ship here, for space purposes! (only mod is tweakscale, and it's only used for the rear engines) https://kerbalx.com/lemlur-kerman/UNSC-Pillar-of-Autumn Not mine, all credit goes to https://kerbalx.com/lemlur-kerman
  9. Added He39, and He40, I recommend you download and fly these, they are the best things I have created yet. Only use stage two in He40 for emergency landings, or to avoid crashing. (NOT EJECTION SEAT, BUT TO SAVE KERBAL IN CASE OF CRASH, AS WELL AS MOST OF THE CRAFT)
  10. I built this, but it doesn't qualify because it has 301 parts, not 300 https://kerbalx.com/He_162/He35 Lots of solar panels I guess
  11. Added the He-35, He-36, He-37, He-38, and finalized the He-34 (improvements not aesthetically, but removal of some struts, and placed more where they were needed better)
  12. Your name says otherwise. Re-name it to something more catchy, and that reveals it goes to space.
  13. Nice job dude, I love it when people make unique designs, and ludacris idea's! Or should I say "Lun" acris? ha!
  14. I was trying something earlier today... the fastest I could get a craft to go in Kerbins atmosphere....... New rule for challenge: 1. Only one engine can be used for the final craft, nothing else can be used to gain speed, only to get the craft into space. 2. Infinite fuel is the only cheat allowed. 3. Get as fast as you can, and take screenshots of the craft to post them below (also get speed in some of the shots) 4. Must be stock, or with visual mods installed (of some kind, as long as they do not interfere with the "Stock" challenge)
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