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Everything posted by He_162

  1. It looks great! I have never played that game, nor do I know the reference, but it looks really cool to me!
  2. I did not know that mod was updated, could you please link it for me? I am somewhat incapable of finding it myself.... thanks I am loving your flyer! I have never seen someone make this aircraft before, and it is nice to see it here among many other modern designs!
  3. It would make them look uglier too, I bet, since yours are quite close already, I think it would ruin the appearance if you made them taller, as well as the speed. Nice job though!
  4. The rudders, or vertical control surfaces are a little short compared to the real F-22. http://static.rcgroups.net/forums/attachments/2/0/7/2/5/0/a2968506-250-F-22%20Three-view.jpg?d=1262572034 Otherwise, nice job!
  5. It was in earths atmosphere, and it is orbital because I just re-entered, and I was not using jets, but again... it is possible... You have to use jet engines, but you also have to go to space. The jet engines also must have an insane amount of air intakes for them to work as such You may also need 30+ RAPIER engines to do so, and that is only using the RAPIER as a jet engine. The easiest way is with rockets, the hardest, and nearly impossible way is with the jet engines, which cut out WAY before your speed, so you have to find a way to gain enough momentum to get to that speed. It is really really hard, and I have only done so once, back in 0.90, I can't find the screenshot, but it is super duper hard to do, and I doubt it is possible on Kerbin. Question: Can you get to the speed with rocket engines, and then sustain it with jet engines?
  6. I am loving how this mod is turning out! I've been a user since version 1.0!
  7. Actually, I went to space, and re-entered the atmosphere at 7,500 m/s, it slowed down, and I screenshotted the numbers a few seconds before I exploded. Lots of heat shielding is needed to reproduce this. I used rocket engines as well, technically, but the jet engines I had, sustained the speed pretty well until I exploded.
  8. It is not impossible. http://i.imgur.com/sA65Msd.png?1
  9. Oh, and about the speed record thing... well, I tried it out, but not with jets, but a rocket powered spaceplane. My results: http://i.imgur.com/sA65Msd.png?1
  10. Are you planning on adding newer versions of them per say, like a Nero mk 2?
  11. You deserve the support, I am looking forward to your new additions! All of them!
  12. Nice! I can make charts if you need them, just ask, and I will do it when I can.
  13. I love some of the designs, and I believe they are inspiring towards people who want to make better designs! Why not make everything, like add one to each, every week or whenever you feel like it? I love all of the designs, not just one aspect of your awesome creations!
  14. I love your designs! From Me-262 to Sr-72 its awesome!
  15. Like this comment when you release another update, so I will be up to date as soon as possible with your mod, I love it!
  16. Looks good to me, I will have to try the challenge, we shall see. For now, it is mod-less, however, the modded version I made simply has 2x 20mm cannon under the nose section, and a single clip for each. F-G4-Lane mk3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyecHKwFVII
  17. I have both of those, but none suit the reason I want this, this would be part of a progression system I want to use for career mode, where it starts out with early Soviet rocket planes, and moves to the soviet space age.
  18. *bumps and waits in anticipation, and in hope that someone who hasn't already seen it wants to work on it*
  19. Maximum thrust and efficiency is at mach 1.2, but it goes down by very little, until about mach 2.5, where it would decrease in a very large curve, as the pressure gets too high for the amount it's expanding, and the flame holder starts to go out.
  20. 10/10 - Germany, 1938.
  21. I downloaded the update, and the Sanger version 2 is a bit odd, neither ramjet should work past mach 2.7, the second variant not working past mach 2.9 at most. They produce insane amounts of thrust, yes, but the pressure of the air coming into the intake would cause the flame holder to flameout, or lose it's flame, and with no gas burning, it shouldn't work past that speed. However, if they had shock cones, that would solve that problem, but they do not, so that should be modified, just a little information.
  22. Thanks for the help, I am currently working on a stock He-162, my current He-162 with mods looks like this: http://live.warthunder.com/post/305692/en/
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