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Everything posted by Rodger

  1. I think thats normally from firespitter not being installed properly. It uses the “FScoolant” resource, so firespitter needs to have the resource definition config, not just the plugin.
  2. Just to let people know, I've updated my black textures mod to include support for SXT: The thread for the mod:
  3. Small issue with the new localization - the localized names for LOC_IFS_TextureSwitch_TextureName and LOC_IFS_MeshSwitch_MeshName, and probably others, overwrite any user defined strings for those fields. So even though I have "switcherDescription = Stealth mode" in a texture switch module, it only shows as 'Texturename' in-game:
  4. Updated, thanks for letting me know (I don't use CKAN myself) Also, not quite a review, but Scott Manly was playing with BIB in a recent stream! Highlight vid here:
  5. For people who miss the black texture option on the Adjustable Landing Gear, I've added black textures for them to my black textures mod: https://spacedock.info/mod/1478/Back In Black (And you'll need to download the mod compatibility component too) https://spacedock.info/mod/1498/Back In Black Mods texture pack It's not the original black textures, it's one I've made to be in-line with the rest of my mod, but it should still do the job
  6. Just in case people who use this are interested, I've added compatibility for Airplane Plus to my black textures mod: https://spacedock.info/mod/1478/Back In Black (And you'll need to download mod compat component too) https://spacedock.info/mod/1498/Back In Black Mods texture pack
  7. I don't think I'll be making a navy blue mod, that's just too much to add now lol But in other news, a teaser for the next update, out now!
  8. All the cargo bays should be working fine (though I have missed Ven's mk1 cargo bay)... And about Airplane Plus, just going by the license it looks like I can't distribute edited textures, but I've asked the mod author about it still. And the textures are black, you might just be seeing it with the alpha channel as transparency, when that channel is meant to be specular/shinyness.
  9. Wait, that's a thing? That's fantastic, thanks for letting me know!
  10. Is there any chance of a UI update for the servo controller? It's not the most intuitive thing to use at the moment... Maybe even some tool-tips for the buttons?
  11. Hm, I'm using it in my game with MKS etc no problem. How is it incompatible? You only need the plugin from IFS, you can delete it's patches and parts, which will probably prevent conflicts.
  12. 18k storage and I think about 700 or so. I read in the KSPedia that a consumer can only request 10% of it's cap at a time though, so I'm gonna add some big batteries to the miners.
  13. I'm having problems with power distribution, it's not keeping up with the power usage on my drilling platforms, so the drills shut down after about a minute of running. Each time the power transfers, it gets slightly less than it's used since last transfer. I'm using 4x medium drills, it uses about 280ec/s. Is there just a limit to how much power the distributors can handle?
  14. WOTC is pretty good, though I play softcore non-ironman, so not sure how it plays on ironman - apparently it's more RNGy, making it harder. Maybe a little expensive atm, might be worth waiting for a sale. The new classes and mechanics are cool though, and the whole game plays smoother now than at release too, they seem to have done a whole bunch of optimization.
  15. Request for a weird part, totally understand if you don't want to make one, but would some kinda procedural length structural part be possible, to make up differences in part length between different modules? Even if not procedural but just mesh switching for different lengths designed to even up differences in parts?
  16. Just found a couple issues - the radial banshee seems to have something wrong with it's surface attachment, and it's missing a node for in-line attachment too. And the blade cockpit's leftmost window's front point has s 'missing' patch of mesh or something, and the hatch window has some gaps around it too...
  17. Haha, yeah I'm still around, though I did take a couple of days off KSP to try XCom2 WOTC. Next update will fix M2X's updated parts.
  18. No idea, but if the engine module SSTU hasn't changed much since a 1.2.2 version, it should?
  19. Just checked out some of the new part models, looking great! Thanks for fixing the specular maps too!
  20. I haven't tried re-creating yet, but a 'return tourists from hotel/casino' failed to complete when I recovered all the tourists. I'd sent up two batches of tourists to my casino, and then accepted the contract to recover all 48 of them (I'd cancelled the contract to recover just the first batch, so the new contract was to recover every tourist on the station), and returned them all using just the first craft I'd sent up (manually transferring the tourists form the 2nd craft to the first). Then after landing at the runway and recovering, none of the kerbals listed in the contract were listed as recovered. Not lost, just not recovered. Double checked the station, and no-one was left, so I just alt-f12 completed the contract. In the log, it only listed 30 kerbals as available again, not the full 49 (48 tourists and Jeb) I can try re-create if that helps.
  21. So, after setting up the casino, I now have a good reason to make a spaceplane! Holds 60 crew in the 'saddletank' sections. Powered by 3 OPT Legacy J-60 Screamjets, and and two NFLV R1-D 'Kite' rockets. I use the rockets to boost upwards at 30° just after takeoff, till about 10km and 500m/s, at which point the J60s really start going nuts, running all the way to about 35km at about 10°, then just a short boost with the rockets into LKO, with about 1400m/s dV to play with. After docking. I will have to rotate the docking port part to be ventral instead of dorsal, the tail bumped into the asteroids once or twice lol (and/or add an extension to the station so the main dock clears the asteroids better) And a beautiful touchdown! Plenty of fuel left too to help aim for the runway. Twin tail canards make for a decent areobrake too.
  22. I'm pretty pleased with this Tourism Plus casino station... Just need to decide on which colour asteroid to plug into the last slot - magenta or light blue?
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