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Everything posted by Kertech

  1. I was wondering whether the detached shockwave affect would interfere with aeroheating, would be interesting to measure heating of a part at a given altitude and speed, probably beyond my time constraints though!
  2. I would always say wings are designed for purpose, wide, multi segmented wings are great for gliding (e.g. Albatross), narrow wings with fewer joints are better for surviving speed and tight corners!
  3. Not much playing more struggling! So got a new computer, beautiful thing, won't bore with details but it's gonna help with some big construction work! Question is 1.2 mod free for pre's, or 1.1.3?
  4. Well done! Eve is a right pain, but those vectors have made it much for friendly to get off (my first time for it was in 1.0.2 with linear aero spikes, was a nightmare to control!) now to repeat it all for science...
  5. So I normally come to this, Buena is easier to develop, fly in general, however if you're playing a money stressed career mode, getting those main engines back save more than just a plane (the shuttles logic in the first place) issue is if you're going pure financial, space plane ssto
  6. I've seen the spore argument before. Can't remember where but essentially it said, Kerbin is one giant fungus, kerbals are fruiting bodies, which have an uncontrollable urge to get to another planet as quickly as possible, in a suicidal fashion. This urge comes from when they "die" they seed the planet they land on turning it one day into another kerbin.
  7. Sooo, despite playing KSP for two years I've never built a functioning SSTO spaceplane! I've built shuttles, I've tried dreamliner style, I've tried spaceship one style. What finally forced my hand was a Simple Jool 5 mission and a need for it at Laythe. All been done on the 1.2 prerelease, which meant no mods so no idea of dv, twr! Laythe Dragon 3 (don't ask about 1 & 2, they were badly behaved so were sent back to the hanger to think about what they did), due to mission requirements it needed to have docking ports at either end and later would be fitted with RCS thrusters. Take off light and simple, though in future the rear gear need moving forward. At about 5000m acceleration run starts, Switch from air breathing to close cycle, speed roughly 1,100m/s. pushes the apoapsis above 80km Coast to orbit, extend solar panel Did orbital insertion burn Packed wayyyyy too much oxidiser, and gets worse I forgot to fix this for the laythe mission... Deorbit burn over crater lake, and had to get mandatory dramatic screenshot... Preparing for reentry, stow solar panels and orient nice and high, shove all fuel backwards, airbrake up and have an icecream. de-orbit got a bit hot, but nothing blew up... Those shield docking ports need more shielding though! The mountain above is mount whoops too short, had enough Liquid fuel to drop into ksc nicely Need to sort out the trim on it though cause flying this thing was awkward. Bounced on the runway and turned, apparently I was level, got a bit worried at this point But was able to stop by skidding and airbrake Taxied her over to infront of the SPH, permanent memorial to this flight and maybe future spaceplanes...
  8. Thankyou @Fwiffo, and good luck @sarbian dealing with all the "when is this ready" posts. I would like to say they all come from appreciation of your work (which mine would do) but people will be people.
  9. Couple of saves ago I got a pilot naked Jebson with the BadS trait, family breeding true methinks
  10. I might just do my mod spiel for me KAC (kerbal alarm clock) and KER (kerbal engineer redux) are essential and even my "clean" copies of the game have them. KW rocketry tends to be in there for more parts. Space Y as well just for some of the rare massive launchers needed for late career mode mad stuff! (Though they are expensive understandably!) near future construction, space craft and solar are great for advanced late stuff and well balanced into stock, engines and electrical aren't so balanced to stock so I would advice using a tech tree mod such as community tech tree, SETI or engineering tech tree to make getting the advanced stuff more rewarding. I've run interstellar, I would not advise it for a "vanilla" style save or if you're not used to resource management and complicated station stuff (see below for station stuff) but something to aim for, especially if you're going to run any added solar system mods! station science is amazing. Flat out what I want from a space research station. You have a lab, which you then fly separately an experiment to, do it the experiment module to kerbin for science. They also look great and fit into the stock aesthetic. surface experiment pack adds loads of new experiments that have to be set up on Eva by an engineer then run by a scientist, requires KIS and KAS (but then I rarely play without them) if if planes are what you're after though I'd recommend KAX, kerbal rotor expansion and mk 2, mk 3 and mk 4 expansions. (Firespitter as well)
  11. Prince Phillip to Queen Elizabeth II just after her coronation as queen, "where did you get that hat?!?"
  12. Some where there's a picture of me when I was five years old (about 17yrs ago) on a family holiday visiting Lyndon b Johnson space centre. running at an astronaut who was giving a talk to give him my chocolate bar so he could put me on the next shuttle flight!
  13. My original comment just looked way too much like I was paraphrasing the little prince. I design things to their nature, if it is in their nature to be ugly then they shall be.
  14. Retiring a station for whatever reason sucks, my laptop can't handle the frame rate for reentry so I don't even get the fireworks. So where possible I kick them out into a solar orbit to gather dust but still be visited ("discovered") by future explorers!
  15. I was thinking of the American equivalent of AA, which they decided to call the American AA, but batteries is probably a better shout! I cant speak for other fields but some medics use acronyms and long words with patients and it just confuses them, makes them feel helpless and ignorant. This is wrong, a good communicator should be able to tailor their language to their audience. But this is a gripe for another thread and another day!
  16. At what point does someone suggest making KAC and KER stock (and possibly KJR)
  17. RCS = Royal College of Surgeons (but then I do study medicine in the uk so...) (I actually hate hate acronyms cause every specialty, every field of study, every aspect of life has their own acronyms which often over lap! A bad one seems to be AAA, either a car recovery service or an abdominal aortic anneurism, depending on your point of view and don't get them mixed up! This sort of stuff has led to people being injured so never criticise someone for asking what an acronym means (not that ksp forumers are! ) )
  18. Hey @AlbertKermin, I just had a suggestion though no idea how it would work in reality. So IRL to accurately measure gradients and analyse a site you use a laser reflector and multiple points, I was thinking a basic stick you put into the ground somewhere and then a laser targeted wired to the main hub would be an effective experiment in the same vein as this pack. Like the stuff below
  19. I think I got this off a Scott Manley video. I tend to build a lander/skycrane assembley, then use a kas winch to lower and re-attach my rover. My mission profile is crew shuttle to station in low lunar orbit, transfer to lander, Do stuff, return to station, return to kerbin. yay for way too much orbital infrastructure!
  20. In early career mode I use abort to toggle my orbital functions (that awkward point before proper action groups) this has led to failing launches crashing into the ground with extended solar panels, radiators and antennas rather than parachutes and escape rockets!
  21. I would say do rockets until you can get about 10-20tonnes into orbit with little effort, then you can develop spaceplanes whilst still being able to do other fun stuff in the kerbal system. but don't listen to me, I'm jealous of the space plane fliers, mine always seem to reenter at about 40-60km without touching space
  22. Terra Program --- Funding 60,000 for three launches Each mission has an Odysseus module on a camelot booster. the aim is to assess orbital flight, whilst gathering basic kerbin orbit science. TP-1
  23. Gaea Program had a small team, namely Bill and Bob. They are given some SPH construction time with some VAB staff, but requests take a while to process. Gull 1 Whilst Jeb was reassigned back to the Terra Missions Bill and Bob busied themselves developing new ways of researching in the field Before taking the first rover out for a spin around the space centre in the first rover The Gaea programs small budget was mostly used up now but the research into flight was proving vaulable, Bob has come up with a way to stay in the air indefinately, balloons.
  24. The team working in Daedalus had been busy, 3 new rockets required testing, so some payloads were quickly thought up. Their new rocket series used 1.25m radius tanks. They named the series the Arnor series, someone in the team was a geek... Arnor 1 test Launch Arnor 2 test Arnor 3 Test For sake of brevity I won't be posting photos of the Dionysus missions. Dionysus Program funded for 6 launches first 3 on Axeminster rockets for a simple LKO network at 1,000,000 orbit using the basic comsat probe. The second set a higher orbit series of advanced comsat probes for covering the mun and minmus. The tedious fiddling of comsats into stable orbits, which won't drift, took far too long, especially when you don't have the tech for RCS. LKO network
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