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Everything posted by Anth

  1. @Darrin H (QA Director) said on discord that people can resubmit bug reports through the new form system if a bug is still in the game. Just please put a link to the old one.
  2. This is most likely a timewarp bug that pulls another craft with it. I will have to figure out which bug report to merge that with and pull it from the archive. Wow. Thats something to behold. That has to be a different issue. So the develops can see it on a search of the bug reports is there any ay you can resubmit that as a new bug report? And a save file would be good if you have one.
  3. Did this happen with previous versions? Both your CPU and GPU are below specs which is probably why you are having problems. One way that has worked I think in the past is to drop the resolution down. Try dropping it to the lowest and see if that works.
  4. @mattihase Merged your bug report into this one.
  5. Yes that would be enough no matter where the original craft is. Could be at Eeloo and the problem would still happen.
  6. This is more Suggestion or Feedback. Important but not a bug at this time.
  7. @swagmeista Merged yours into this one. Thanks for the heads up that it was already reported and that you reported it again. Rereporting using the new bug reporting form is encouraged.
  8. @mattihase Does that craft exist already somewhere else? In If a craft with struts was launched twice the surviving struts of the original existing craft would cause the same struts of the second launched craft's physical struts to not be connected.
  9. @Davidian1024 When in dark mode black text looks like this: Can you keep the font colour whatever the default is?
  10. @SeismicSlammer85Merged your bug report into these ones.
  11. Target Icon: A targeted craft's icon should always be a different colour. As for Two Possibly Related Issues: If both issues happen 100% at the same time, then they could be related to each other. Then personally I would report two separate bug reports and have them mention each other in that case. That way the developers can't miss one of the issues because it's somewhere within the one post.
  12. @WastedJobe In regards to save files only the json file will work. Other than that your bug report describes the issue perfectly
  13. Thanks for redoing the video. I didn't notice the red circling of the massive change in altitude before. Thats the cause right there probably. Great improvement
  14. Thanks for the bug report. Any way you can supply a save file for when the scene on Duna is actually ok? Before all the issues start happening? I haven't played a lot of but in going directly to the KSC Screen is a sort reset point. Its not perfect but it does help sometimes. Most Importantly: I don't recommend returning directly to the VAB because a bug has been causing all the crafts left behind to end up under the ground on revisiting the scene.
  15. I had the number weirdly high when I had two crafts far apart like on the other side of the planet. However, once I got them close together things corrected themselves. In your screenshot the 3m icon was greyed out. Which means it shouldn't be the target. In this screenshot the other craft is targeted because the icon is blue.
  16. That must be what it is. I increased the volume and the music is definitely weird. Thanks for the clarification. Changed title and BGM to Back Ground Music.
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