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Everything posted by Calvin_Maclure

  1. Is there anything in particular one needs to do in order to apply this correctly?
  2. Im still using KSP 1.1.2 atm. What version of this mod should I be using? Thanks!
  3. Huh... would that cause it to remain flipped like that? Like one face is programmed to point downwards always?
  4. Im having an issue with something (see screenshot - imgur url) http://imgur.com/3p9Fquc Thoughts?? It should be pointing downwards. Not sure why its doing this...
  5. Love it. Thanks a lot for your time and efforts! Love the results. Cheers,
  6. Good day. First off, great mod, love it, thanks to all who are involve. Quick question, is there any way to increase to rate at which the turbofan spools up? It does so rather slowly. IRL, turbofans can spool up rather quickly.
  7. Please make it good for 1.2. it really needs to be!
  8. Good day! Great mod, but I need help... I made a B-52 and when I took it for a test flight, the wings were SUPER wobbly!! How do I fix this? Did I not use the right wings?? What am I missing? http://imgur.com/a/9cdkg Many thanks!
  9. Damnit @Shadowmage, why werent you a part of the Squad team from the start?! That's some DAMN fine work! Well done!
  10. Thought you would like to see these. Two of my latest creations thanks to AJE! http://imgur.com/gallery/JMhgB http://imgur.com/a/usfC5
  11. Damnit @cxg2827, if you keep this up, I'll have to build a whole new station! IM TRYING TO HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE KSP!! Damn you! ... but keep up the nice work!
  12. Yeah but, you can totally make your own (especially the SLS), unless what you're into is an exact replica.
  13. Yes it does. Bring with you some Portable Struts, install two where you want to attach whatever (one on each item) and then link them. The one thing you cannot do is attach different vehicles together.
  14. Ive been following this mod for a little while now and from what I gather it helps reduce that dreadful in game stutter. Im just not completely sure how one goes about using it to do this. is there a step-by-step that's easy to implement?
  15. Hmm... so is there anything that can be done to improve the looks or not really? What would you suggest?
  16. Hey @sarbian, so is Avera9eJoe on to something? Ive been wanting for some time now (just never took the time) to increase the flames coming out of the SRBs, both the speed and size of it, really get that genuine SRB look. Is that how to go about it? Just increasing the particle speed? Or is there something else to do?
  17. While we're on the subject of SRB plume, is it not possible to tweak the cfg in order to change the plume's appearance? Or does one go to SmokeScreen for that?
  18. Indeed. This is particularly noticeable if you launch a Shuttle type vehicle where the ship moves forward with a noticeable AoA. The greataer the AoA, the more noticeable the issue.
  19. That's some pretty awesome stuff. My only concern is, as you stated, will be the docking. But I rather like the possibility of being able to build truss segments in orbit while not needing to use docking ports in between the truss segments.
  20. @Beale, just thought Id say, glad to see you still being able to work on this mod, after all that Brexit stuff. Question: Im assuming that the latest (or next eventual build of Tantares) with these sweet updates is gonna be craftbreaking from the Tantares version for KSP 1.1.2, huh?
  21. I can pretty much guarantee that your Kerbal helmet lights not working has absolutely nothing to do with KIS. Nor have I ever heard of any such issue related to it. You are using the "L" key while in EVA, right?
  22. *Gasp!* Sad to see you go... but thanks so much for your great work on this mod! Honestly, I practically started crying when I first saw how amazing Kerbin looked with it. I dont think I could ever play KSP without it. Guys like you who make great mods like this are where its at! Cheers, and all the best to you!
  23. This happened to me during (I believe) the mod update for 64bit KSP. I just rebuilt my station in the SPH and HyperEdited it back into orbit. You could always do that, worse comes to worse... Just make sure you dont have any Kerbals onboard before you perform that craft-breaking update! Else... RIP...
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