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Everything posted by nascarlaser1

  1. I know ground construction is bundled, but if I wanted to could I still use EP to build my bases?
  2. *jaw drops on ground* *picks up jaw* *jaw drops again* This looks amazing!!!!
  3. Even though its a problem, it sounds awesome!! You can get little paper Mario and make your own real life Mario obstacle course complete with fireball spitting flowers (cardboard cut outs in front of where the fire is coming out of)
  5. The back of a Minecraft book had a "other games to play" section in the back and KSP was the #1 choice to play by the authors.
  6. The payload and whatever that deal with. If its a simple return craft, then just the top of it+parachute. If its a rescue craft, its whatever parts are needed to get them back safely. If its a non return craft however, nothing gets recovered and I just let it explode. I've never done well with career so money doesn't effect me.
  7. 20-40, depending on whether or not it crashes as soon as I hit "load save game"
  8. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2018/01/24/can-this-flat-earthers-long-delayed-rocket-launch-be-saved-we-may-soon-find-out/
  9. I do not belive I have updated CKAN in a while, and yesterday the program worked fine. Today I went to open it so I could update it and I got this error message: https://imgur.com/a/nmiY8 When I click continue, the program only shows me the mods that have been installed, and crashes if I open the list of compatible mods.
  10. Extra planetary launch pads work well for that, though it is a small resource chain in order to do it.
  11. After a looooonnngggggg time of trying to do it, and many attempts, (as I'm sure multiple people in the help section of the forums are aware ) I have finally not only landed on Duna, but also Ike! I took a big mother ship with me that included a small rover named spot and 1 lander. Thanks to the community for helping me make it there !! Here are two pics I remembered to take. https://imgur.com/a/vYAwm Disclaimer!: Hyperedit was used because I accidently flipped spot upside on his head so I had to revert and I didn't want to take the time to land again (also why the clock says the mission took 3 minutes). The original landing was 100% by hand.
  12. My plan was to find the UFO (didn't even know there was a monolith in the mountains). Flying planes just seemed boring to me, not ot mention that I'd just be usin a stock plane since none of my are long range. I will head towards the mountains to see if I can find the monolith instead, or I'll finally just give up and use the wiki if I have to (though to me that's a bit cheaty so I'll try not to.) Thanks I'll take a look at it!
  13. Hi guys! I have used SCANsat to find all of the anomalies in KSP, and then I am going to land crafts there to find them all in person. I have stumbled upon a slight problem though. The waypoint I placed for the anomaly in the northern ice shelf is at latitude 82 degrees, 29 and 45 north, and longitude is 128 degrees, 58 and 40 west. I drove all the way out here, but there is no anomaly. All I can see are some mountains in the distance and white terrain all around me. I have a list of all the coordinates of the anomalies (but not their names/what they are). Can someone give me an ideas as to where to drive so I can find this anomaly please? I have done most of the work on my own but I am starting to get agitated since I've spent weeks driving, only to be so close to my goal, yet still not there. Thanks! (p.s. SCANsat got me within 3 meters of a Mun arch on the same exact save, so I'm thinking I just had a severe human error when placing the waypoint, though I have tried multiple times and ended up in different, but nearby, spots of where I currently am.)
  14. I played the demo and I managed to escape the Kerbol system... (that was before I realized that orbit was not infact, straight up.. by the time I got the full game I'd learned the maneuver needed to get to orbit on the forums, but not the parts (I was learning as much on my own as possible at the time)... I ended up using 3 mammoth engines just to get to orbit... but hey, I made it .
  15. 39.99 is a very reasonable price for this game. I got a few years ago and have been happy ever since. My only annoyment came from when I got the game, and then a week later it went on sale , but that's just my bad timing. I think 39.99 is pretty generous really, since as @Geonovast pointed out, there are many games just as good, or sometimes not as good, that cost even more.
  16. I don't think I've seen a discussion go on for so long on the forums before. (not complaining/being offensive, just making an observation. If I seem offensive I am very sorry and it is not my intention)
  17. which mod does that??? Also, I mostly end up just deleting my save and moving on to sandbox mode.
  18. the Feline utility rover by @Nils277 has a special group of parts that can be used to make a fully flexiable join like on a trailer. EDIT: never mind just reread the OP and realized I missed this one in your list. ignore this message
  19. no, I don't. My current plan for hitting duna includes letting mechjeb set up the route and executing it by hand, and if mechjeb somehow manges to mess that up (which it does quite often when bringing large payloads to the Mun) I will just burn till my orbit intersects with duna, put my Kerbals to sleep with deepfreeze, and wait the years until I get an intercept (my biggest issues in the past of doing this was my Kerbals would run out of snacks while waiting for an intercept, but now that I can freeze them that's not a problem for me).
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