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Everything posted by nascarlaser1

  1. since the docking port seems glitched/looks funny after separation, could it be that the game still thinks they are 1 ship? otherwise I'm out of ideas (haven't used those struts before since I don't dock anything).
  2. not right now. sadly my copy of wings3d is glitched (wont let me create the dumb UV map). and I don't have the real life time to reinstall the thing all over again (I have really slow downloads). I am going to make a different mod and try to retexture stock parts to fit in. If you'd like to try to help with that other project: Note: This deals with actual coding and not the model making/texturing.
  3. Hi guys! as explained here, I am attempting to create my own basic LS system for personal use. I am unable to figure out how to make it so that my Kerbals consume the resource called Oxygen and then create the resource called Carbon dioxide in my mod (similar to how in USI LS Kerbals eat snacks and create mulch). Can someone help me? Note: I haven't done anything beyond editing/creating part config files, so if this requires making a full on plugin can someone link me to a tutorial on how to start making a plugin as well? Thanks!
  4. thxs! I will open up a separate question in the plug in help section about the Kerbal consuming part.
  5. Cool mod! Not sure if your aware, but your imgur album currently shows a strange black and white dotted picture, but no actual parts. I love the sky cranes btw!
  6. I've encountered an Issue again (why does this always happen to me ). I was following @Benjamin Kerman's idea of just editing a texture from a stock RCS radial long fuel tank, but I cant figure out how to open up the texture in MS paint in order to edit it. The texture is a DDS image, which isn't an accepted file type to be opened in paint. Does anyone know how to make this file open? Thanks! Edit: Also, does anyone know how to create 2 new resources for in game and make it so a kerbal consumes them? I'd just like to make it so that my kerbal consumes oxygen and creates carbon dioxide. I haven't done anything outside of part config so if there is a tutorial somewhere it would be much appreciated Thank you again!.
  7. really?? Thanks! I thought that I'd have to recreate the UV map for each new texture!!
  8. yeah. Hopefully 1 day I'll get it fixed. I was wondering though, if I sent you the download for 99% completed models, would you be willing to just color them in for me? all I want is for the fuel tank to be blue and the other part to be 1 solid color of gray.
  9. I have the basic parts built, but my wings3d copy is glitched and wont let me make the UV map needed to texture them. I don't have the time irl nor the internet speed to reinstall the program again, so I'm at a stand still . Thank you for the advice though .
  10. Hi guys! I was wondering if someone in the moding community would be willing to make me some simple parts. All I 'd like is a grey colored version of the stock fuel cells and a light blue colored version of the monopropellant radial tanks. I am making my own LS mod for personal use and I am going to turn them into oxygen tanks and a carbon dioxide reclaimer. Thanks!
  11. @Kottabos has risen!!! great mod @Icecovery!
  12. I got a headache halfway through (too many words bunched together). From what I could tell it looks like every other (read as 2 others) EULA I've read. Did I miss something the thing that makes it bad?
  13. welp. The world is still here. There goes that theory XD.
  14. only a few hundred? That's not that many . also, I love the sub! Time to figure out how to make a stock one myself!
  15. I just found this via @Kottabos! Great mod! I've been looking for search lights for a while! btw here is a mod review he did! Edit: Also, Is/will this mod be on CKAN by any chance?
  16. Oh my kraken why hasn't anyone made this sooner... Thank you!! Take my rep please!!!!
  17. It all depends on the size of your ship, what orbit you are coming from, ect. Without more info I am not sure how to help .
  18. @RoverDude may be able to help. He has a mod that includes asteroid so he might have looked at the code a few times (not sure what the mod does exactly though, I have not used it).
  19. YAYAY!! welp... I've put it off long enough... time do upgrade to 1.3 .
  20. Where has this been my entire KSP career!? thank you!!!!
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