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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. There would be no issue. Angel's mods in Classic Mode are self-contained and will not try to change every other mod over to use Classic Mode. It's an opt-in thing. The other mod has to want to rise the Classic Bandwagon. Everything else that operates on CRP will not be disturbed.
  2. There is a way. But no one who respects Thomas is going to tell you how. Nudging mod makers to meet a specific date convenient to you is a bad idea. Just saying.
  3. The existing USI configs already in Station Parts Redux .....no longer work? The USI updates lately have made them invalid?
  4. You can see just about everything available to engine configs on the ModuleEngines page on the KSP API website. Here are the various engine curves, where they go in a part config, with accompanying activation keys and references for where to expect them in irl engines brought into KSP. PART { // basic stuff like title, manufacturer, mass, desc MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX // engine stuff // propellant nodes atmChangeFlow = True // allow atmosphere to change fuel flow and therefore, thrust // Typical Isp curve for a rocket engine. // Air-breathing engines tend to only have one key in this floatCurve. // By default, thrust scales with Isp (with vacuum as the baseline). // x is atm pressure, y is Isp atmosphereCurve { key = 0 303 0 0 key = 1 258 0 0 } // Use custom power curve for atmosphere pressure, // Detach from fraction of vac Isp in atmosphereCurve{}. // This behavior may be expected of hydrolox engines. // x is atm pressure, y is thrust multiplier useAtmCurve = True atmCurve { key = 0 1 0 0 key = 1 0.4 0 0 } // Use custom Isp curve for atmosphere pressure. // The idea of this seems redundant next to atmosphereCurve{} but can be handy. // It likely requires atmosphereCurve{} to have only one key. // x is atm pressure, y is Isp multiplier useAtmCurveIsp = True atmCurveIsp { key = 0 1 0 0 key = 1 0.85 0 0 } // Throttle affects Isp. Not used in stock but this example shows // the Isp side of the true nature of afterburning turbofan engines. // Makes you wonder why the Panther is multi-mode when irl it would not be. // x is throttle state, y is Isp multiplier useThrottleIspCurve = True throttleIspCurve { key = 1 0.5 0 0 key = 0.9 1 0 0 } // Scales the effectiveness of throttleIspCurve{} with atm pressure. // I have not explored this so it's up to you to confirm if inclined to use this. // This example assumes an engine whose Isp will scale with throttle // while in vacuum but not in atmosphere. // x = atm pressure, y = effect multiplier throttleIspCurveAtmStrength { key = 0 1 0 0 key = 0.5 0 0 0 } // Fraction of propellant remaining affects thrust. // The stock solid rocket engines are missing this very badly. // x is propellant available (0~1), y is thrust multiplier useThrustCurve = True thrustCurve { key = 0 0.2 0.0474578 0.0474578 key = 0.3695251 0.4 key = 0.8 1 -0.01682135 -0.01682135 key = 1 0.2 -12.33899 -4 } // Velocity affects thrust. You will find this in all air-breathing engines. // x is Mach, y is thrust multiplier useVelCurve = True velCurve { key = 0 0.85 key = 1 1 key = 2.5 4 0 0 key = 5 0 } // Velocity affects Isp. This is an example of scramjet Isp falloff // as it theoretically accelerates infinitely. // x is Mach, y is Isp multiplier useVelCurveIsp = True velCurveIsp { key = 4 1 0 0 key = 7 0.6 -0.09088219 -0.09088219 key = 15 0.3 0 0 } } }
  5. @Arrowstar KSP provides float curves for at least the following to affect thrust: Isp (in turn controlled by atmosphere pressure) Throttle Percentage of propellant remaining Velocity (mach) in atmosphere KSP provides at least these other float curves to affect other aspects of engine behavior (likely unrelated to your query but may be interesting in your field) Isp affected by velocity in atmosphere Isp affected by throttle The thing with tangents in KSP float curves is: By default a curve will tend towards parabolic and be very bendy when visualized. This is bad as when the curve has many points or its points are very close on one axis but far apart on the other, it can either go negative or far greater positive than you desire-- causing extreme buffing and nerfing of the engine as it crosses its performance envelope. If you set tangent values (at the very least, all 0's are sufficient in most cases) then the curve will be sharper or straighter as it goes through its points and will avoid the issues I've described. Unity float curves may be a different kettle of fish to float curve calculators elsewhere. For the best experience I'd recommend you get the Unity IDE and this tool for it:
  6. Codename "Phantom ES," another very promising OPT + Thor Tech mix. This rather short plane employs a small dose of shameless part clipping to meet the design needs. Its design is still WIP (after the first image, the legacy wings are replaced and a missing OPT drone core added, and the cockpit may have to change). The Phantom ES is built for sandbox exploration and VTOL/STOL in 2.5x, and, well, it can SSTO from Kerbin with 15 tons of payload (way OP for stock scale), and operate very well on the likes of Duna without using LiquidFuel. I might find a place for this in my science game, and I brought the SAGE engines to near melting point while flying on Duna. Unfortunately, the current cockpit drags stronger than anything else, even overpowering the surprisingly weak Big S Elevon cluster I added just to attempt to counter-drag the plane... And yaw control is rather scarce. The nose cones in the tail are Shieldnir cones but their textures are invalidated by the part revamp in KSP 1.6. Shieldnir's purpose on the plane is to give some amount of guarantee that the Thor Tech VTOL engines survive the shock heat of ascending or descending at Kerbin.
  7. I've been refusing to do much with trailing smoke until now because of issues with how the prefab smoke plumes work, and lack of experience dealing with trailing smoke at high velocities. Two problems at least: Only those cut out at < 1kPa of atmosphere and the toggle for this is not provided in PartTools; KSP does not provide the proper reference frame for trailing particles at orbital speeds/in vacuum. The known reference frames are Absolute (considering only the world and assuming it's non-moving. Fine for trailing smoke as long as velocities are very low) Absolute (considering only the emitter and ignoring the world moving around it) Relative (considering the emitter's motion through space and inheriting momentum into the particles themselves) is the missing reference frame. That said, the linked video shows my departure from stockalike (left) and highlights trailing plumes. I'm trying to capture the essence of the flight of Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo and adapt this to typical SRM sizes, and not have them easily confused for the "Generic" series Kerolox LFO plumes I'm also making. @Jso Ping!
  8. @Barar The problem with Squad's plumes and localScale is that for localScale to work, a plume needs to be made differently (and it's easy to assume Squad wouldn't be bothered to remake their plumes accordingly), therefore nearly all of Squad's plumes won't work with it.
  9. I sent additional crew in a science retrieval vehicle up to my polar observatory station. Part of the crew's job was to install extra docking ports to enable proper "Control From Here" for guiding the WBI "DenEye" telescope which contains a TST camera. Things got a little trippy while trying to operate precisely but the camera is swinging at the station passes exact North/South. This stand-up guy child of a science plane and its launcher were deployed. The plane doesn't pitch easily and can't pass Mach 1, so the launcher's purpose was to give a headstart to where the plane was going. It managed a peak altitude of 44km but only maybe 1/5 the ground distance, but it got a golden opportunity for high alt science. Sandbox fun and learning with Pathfinder features I haven't used ever, or since its release(s) for KSP 1.5, and the new, tall, 3.75m EL part near the drills. By juggling timewarp I managed to get the rover to fall through the ground and explode for several seconds afterwards and I really enjoyed the pulsating LED emissive on Ven's fuel cells.
  10. @Flipflops But Kopernicus is available (now) for KSP 1.6. To choose between Galileo and Whirligig, answer these questions: Do you want familiarity in a Kerbin-like homeworld and somewhat stock+OPM alike planetary arrangement or do you want to start on an air-less super-Tylo in an entirely different and unusual arrangement of worlds? Do you want planets specifically engineered for making ISRU (namely for the USI mods) interesting and challenging or you don't care about that kind of thing? Do you prefer having many atmospheres to potentially explore and the prospect of designing aerodynamic off-world craft or do wings and plane parts mean next-to nothing and you're chill with an astounding array of gas giants and highly diverse asteroids? Galileo largely builds upon realism alone meanwhile Whirligig serves realism along with inspiration from famous sci-fi novels/authors. If you choose Galileo but find it's not quite enough then get the Grannus Expansion Pack which adds planets specialty-made for the red star in Galileo's. If you want a third option I'd like to suggest this combination: After Kerbin by Gameslinx and Extrasolar by AndrewDraws. Well... "Futuristic rocket parts" is a hard one for me but you'll find a lot of what you want in these mods: Plane parts OPT Spaceplane Parts feature-filled obviously sci-fi looking large plane parts OPT Legacy mainly for engines that work very well (not needing Oxygen to run efficiently) on Duna, Eve and Tekto.... OPT Reconfig to grant several much desired adjustments and new features to OPT Spaceplane Parts Mk2 (and Mk3) Stockalike Expansion -- plane parts you did't know you needed! Nertea's mods Near Future Technologies (All of Nertea's mods. All of them) Station Parts Expansion Redux Off-world/in-flight construction Extraplanetary Launchpads - build and launch a whole craft while landed or orbiting Global Construction - build and launch a whole craft while landed or orbiting OSE Workshop - build individual parts and store them in KIS until needed. Angel-125's mods: A different taste from the usual USI or Kerbalism if you're so inclined. Pathfinder for bases that are amazingly configurable (and you can deflate and pack up most of a base when you're done and want to move on). Supports Extraplanetary Launchpads and OSE Workshop Snacks! for a basic life support mod (make sure to turn on Death. It's off by default) BARIS for part failures (replacement for Kerbalism's part failure scheme. You may want to turn it down. It's vicious by default) DSEV for station parts and torch drives Kerbal Flying Saucers -- what it says on the tin Space weather mod: Kerbal Health which brings radiation, diseases and mental issues on a similar level to Kerbalism but without the history of breaking other mods that Kerbalism has. Galaxy mods: Because you reeeeeeeally like planets. Each one is modular but fully installed adds 100+ worlds! Kerbal Star Systems for the realism junkie. But it makes the stock solar system into a "stock-sized real solar system" and makes Sun orbit something else. The World Beyond for the fantasy fan. It centers around a distant blue giant star (does not change the stock system) and overflows with colorful planets and Kerbin-like planets.
  11. There are other stars, yes. But they are only in the planning phase. When these will appear is very uncertain. He's still revamping the Cercani worlds and developing the solar sail thing.
  12. Just so you know. It's rude to go into a mod's thread and shout the KSP version number or otherwise jab the mod maker. Every mod maker already learns fast enough when a KSP release has arrived.
  13. @Mecripp heh lol. That smoke is not my FX. That's Squad's own. It's when you take out the legacy code and reattach the prefab smoke through EFFECTS{} and ModuleEnginesFX{} that it does that. I got ya covered. Send me your engine files.
  14. @Snark Squad implemented localScale = 1, 1, 1 which goes inside of MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE{} with, I think, KSP 1.4.5. However, it's half-baked and will break and misbehave: At the fourth effect transform in any mod's multi-nozzle engine. At the sixth effect transform in any multi-nozzle RCS block At the second effect transform in any of Sqaud's multi-nozzle engines. Come on, Squad..... Oh yes. The particular plume has to be made in a different way to support the localScale feature. Most of Squad's plumes may not support it. (In Unity, the same transform that carries the particle emitter module must also carry the PartTools module.) @Mecripp RealPlume/SmokeScreen are not required for this feature. I've been up to quite a lot of mischief with it ever since... (example of Squad engine --> Twin-boar LFB)
  15. Pink Hadrian. I have a wiki format image of that. Many of the other GPP worlds changed majorly as GPP grew. Hadrian in particular, was tossed around for whether it and certain other worlds should have lakes and geysers and which gas giant should have a moon hosting whole oceans. We wanted to avoid having a perfect Laythe-alike or couldn't see reason for that to exist in the GPP system so Hadrian ended up the way it is. Also, pink Hadrian would be pretty plain and boring for a world with atmosphere if it stayed. And it would be quite redundant coexisting with Niven and Augustus. The current released version of Gauss is #3. I think the release versions of Gratian and Nero are also 3. #2 #1 (with scatterer haze)
  16. @Vaga in that case, go here GameData/WildBlueIndustries/MOLE/Templates/ClassicStock (or /Templates/CRP). If you see same-named .cfg AND .txt files in here then delete all the WBI mods and re-download them fresh, namely, MOLE or newer. The duplicate files (if that's what you have) are a packaging bug that Angel recently fixed.
  17. @Vaga What you're experiencing is one of the major glitches in KSP 1.6 itself and the corrupt Steam files issue. Angel is already looking into the issues of the MOLE engines due to a flaw in the WBI multimode engine module, but for KSP, look around for the means to validate your KSP files via Steam, and possibly, delete the file <KSP folder>/PartDatabase.cfg and let KSP rebuild it next time you launch KSP.
  18. I think the title of this thread should be more like "The Comprehensive STS Shuttle Challenge Series" Wow, thsi thing is loaded. It would make a fabulous chain of milestones to lace and guide a science or sandbox save with.
  19. A mod for customizing the background music (when what plays) exists already. I don't use it and don't know if it works in 1.6 (surely it works in 1.5) so I can't say anything further. But it's awesome that you can make music. Have fun.
  20. It's funny you say that. In USI and Snacks! I have found references that describe the vital resource as less than appealing to the taste buds. I've played both of these enough to be so familiar. The framework for the science experiments is roughly all laid out now. Some polishing waits to be done, and new icons to be drawn, then I can invite players to try them out.
  21. I went out of my way to carve out a rare gem and I spent all afternoon yesterday making sure it could meet the request behind it and more. I normally totally agree with @RocketPCGaming philosophy of not building spaceplanes that can go beyond LKO by themselves (its aero and air-breathing parts all become dead weight). But for the purpose of this plane it indeed needs to be convincingly be able to carry itself and a worthwhile payload fraction between planets. I've landed this vertically on Duna and Tylo with just 15 tons, and successfully launched off of them, but it easily brings 45 tons to LKO, its jet engines don't need Oxygen, and there is well-placed built-in ISRU. Building this reminded me why I personally avoid the OPT Dark Drive. Apart from reserving it for my biggest and best builds, it's awkward to place on a plane, it provokes rogue body lift, and I refuse to Tweakscale it. Today i built this small spaceplane. It attempts to replace the one I built several months ago for one of my trophy ships, the H.M.S. Manta. Sadly it seems inferior to its predecessor (short on TWR all the way) but it fits the "Manta Star" theme. I may revisit this.
  22. OPT Reconfig is only config files. You only need it if you want OPT to be better compatible with mods (including Kerbalism) and perform more reasonably (engine and aerodynamics tuning, and some other fixes).
  23. NF Propulsion already provides a host of alternative Xenon tanks and engines. It makes no sense to put something meant for this mod and this purpose (to make stock look better), into any other mod (which largely ignores stock).
  24. That's "part of the idea" yes. I do have an idea for kerbals to use a KIS fishing rod, and scout for fishing hot spots in the sea like with WBI GoldStrike. But I'm no plugin writer so it's all up to Angel-125 (once he's ready and willing) or whoever else is able and sufficiently interested to provide the functionality for me to piggyback on.
  25. "SeaQuest KSP" :: Powered by Wild Blue Industries It's time to build that fishing gear. The ocean is becoming even more playable! Carrying the legacy of my "The Spice" mod, this one seeks to attempt to fill a very well known void in KSP and to open another door to (mostly) untapped gameplay opportunities. SeaQuest gives the player more to do with Kerbin's ocean, and adds value to (large) planet mods or large installs thereof. SeaQuest KSP builds upon the Wild Blue Tools core mod made and owned by @Angel-125. Currently, no new parts (specifically, no new part models) are on the roadmap for this mod. Pathfinder is recommended for installation in order to get the most out of SeaQuest. The "Lasso" scoop devices in Pathfinder will be the example fish catching devices. MOLE (Mark One Laboratory Extensions) is additionally recommended for the science aspect and the complete experience. This mod fits right into the subtitle of Pathfinder: "Space Camping & Geoscience," and is not meant to be a full mod on its own, but rather, to only be an expansion. What is a camping trip without catching a few fish and frying them? Unlike "The Spice" (to those who know of and have tried it), mining, traveling and colonization aspects will not be chained down by a single habitable mystery planet and its OP handwavium engine stuff hoping to be found, but will be open to any and every planet mod with worlds capable of hosting life. Fishes will not spawn and be visible and jump around, no. They are merely resources and may occur in any undisclosed number of oceans on varying compatible planets assuming the player has many planets with oceans installed. Gameplay dimensions: Fishing. With RNG! Powered by the WBI OmniConverter module, fishing will actually require a splashed vessel to sit and wait for a solid haul of the chosen category of fish. There will be chances to catch a bonus, catch less, or even none at all. TBA various classes of fish will be select-able and mine-able. Each class may require its own amount or size of time interval between catches. Some classes of fish can or will be common to multiple worlds. Others can be rare and exclusive. Economy Every sort of fish has its price, weight, and amount per tank volume. By default, the tank templates will include a hefty ratio of Water or Classic Stock GrayWater for them to live in, but the water must be added separately when configured in OmniStorage (when available)... There is no penalty to not providing water for the fish but for roleplay's sake and "realism" would you keep fish in a dry, empty tank and expect them to live? Floating and seaside bases become just a little more practical and their harvests can be sold for funds for your career. Some classes of fish will be convertible to life support resources but the conversion process will involve varying fractions of waste output (convenient for buffing Fertilizer production or meeting other edge cases that need waste resources). Science A small host of LDEF-alike experiments focused on fish will be included. Some with very high demands. Most will have clones per unique compatible world for fresh science gathering per unique compatible world. Planned Compatibility Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux by @Nertea. (see 3.75m Aquaculture module) Snacks! and Classic Stock by Angel-125 Stock planets (of course) and Outer Planets Mod. Other planet packs are TBD. Supply and Demand by @Eskandare.
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