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Everything posted by JadeOfMaar

  1. @LordOfMinecraft99 Please don't ever ask that question. He will when he can.
  2. @Gordon Dry Your problem is FAR. It does not work (or is not expected to) in KSP 1.3.
  3. I've been up to serious mischief with engines again. The ones firing here used to be stock NERVs but are now the ARI-73. Radiators not necessary. Let's just say they'll no longer be redundant and easily ignored next to the prettier ARI-75.
  4. The Codename Pterodactyl ultrasonic service shuttle. Its cockpit and center engine are nearly the only mod parts on this. With these, though, it can reach Mach 7 and deliver 8 crew or whatever payload can fit a Mk2 long bay/fuselage to up to maybe 600km circular orbit. It doesn't need to use Oxidizer at all while in atmosphere and needs every bit of power from the Rapiers to rev up the scramjet. With its reference payload weight (4 tons; the 2 cabins) it has about 640m/s dV in vacuum. That's more than plenty for meeting a station in at best under 400km altitude....And this is without any docking ports attached... The Pterodactyl is not meant to cross SOI, not even to get to Mun by itself (unlike the NOX BlueStreak Z). So the Rapiers' fair efficiency in closed cycle is no problem at all.
  5. I learned to change particle FX on engines... Also, I landed a plane on Iota. I'd like to do a legit flight real soon...because I'm always camping in the SPH and tweaking parts. Finally I made a rover that can fit this plane's size-- not in its cargo bay but in its size of deployment bay which affords the space of roughly 2x 2.5m stock service bays in vertical stack. There's a Spark engine underneath and it joins or leaves the plane in drop bay style. Finally I have a use for Clamp'O'Tron Jr. This little thing drives just fine on Ceti/Mun but needs a torque wheel and antenna. Once I have some action screenshots (and maybe a better name) I'll put on KerbalX. It's pure stock.
  6. @vossiewulf With what insight I have I can say that this helps a lot, if only in that other players have posted similar issues "OPT spaceplanes throttled up and not moving." I think some mention something about wheels but I doubt anyone has mentioned having a MJ controller on their planes. Well I'm sure the main dev will make sense of it. Thanks very much for your report.
  7. Well it is. OPT contains no plugins and works in nearly all versions of KSP. None of its dependencies are bundled anymore, except Firespitter for fuel switching. That's the best I can tell you as I don't use CKAN.
  8. I saw evidence of the stock Sun's ghosts when I adjusted your image.
  9. @Tuko I'm home now and had to raise the exposure in Paint.Net but I think I see some stock stuff in there. Alright then. I do hope you work out your issue. I fought that battle as well, recently.
  10. I'm about to get home soon so I can investigate this (or at least see that screenshot on a screen with high enough contrast ratio that I can discern the stock sunflare). I think that one you have installed just needs some proper scaling settings. Are you playing a scaled system? @Tuko
  11. Unzip everything once to ensure the proper folder structure. Then delete all the ones you don't want. If you use CKAN expect this to break.
  12. @KerbolExplorer The stock contract weirdness is incurable. The best you can do is send a random probe to the next place you want to go and it will distract the game from Olu'um. The contracts will focus on that new place. You're making @Gameslinx waste his time.
  13. @K.Yeon Hint hint, nudge nudge. Not enough H and KH in this. I'm loving all the new trophy pics like this one.
  14. Today I made realism (and sci-fi) games just a little more enjoyable. I finished my sunflares and installed BDB just to show off one of the realism ones. Linked in my sig, right next to the skyboxes.
  15. @cy4n Reinstalled what? My stuff or scatterer? I've been trying to reproduce the problem.
  16. @cy4n Did you extract my zip exactly as it is laid out inside it? No file overwriting? GameData\SunflaresOfMaar\UrsaMinor? Did you check wither SVE's Sunflare older exists? And delete it if it's there? Are you using a visual mod other than SVE?
  17. The Stock Pack has been posted. Get it while it's hot. Let me know if there are issues.
  18. @KeksOfWisdom You too seem to have multiple MM installed. Ensure that there is only ever one of this dll, and that it is the latest version for your version of KSP. There's apparently a version 2.5 of it along with 2.8.1. The errors are centered on your visual mods (EVE in particular). So check those if you still have problems after dealing with MM.
  19. Why is your Distant Object config still a separate download? Integrate it, Gameslinx. This disturbs me.
  20. I'm guessing that node is outside of the lookupRadius... Or nodes that are not used to cap (what I believe is) the aero shield imaginary cylinder are not considered by it.
  21. We'll be waiting for this like we've waited for the terrain seam fix... I think I can agree on this. I'd also like to see a resolution to this matter of competing standards.
  22. That's a point I didn't explicitly mention. Most planet pack makers haven't begun to use MM in their scatterer configs. They don't anticipate the problems of their visual pack colliding with others. So if they include an entire copy of scatterer that's an issue they have to deal with, and until they do, it's also an issue you have to deal with. I've had to switch out scatterer at times, and I hate when I do so, because: I generally know which exact file(s) a planet pack modified and that makes things tedious. I don't feel motivated to pick at and replace those files, and sometimes maybe more files are changed than I expect so I lazily replace the whole scatterer folder. I've seen first-hand Galileo's efforts and examples to overcome this as scatterer gets better.
  23. @Gordon Dry scatterer has always been in a prerelease state. Its version number still starts with 0. All us modders develop issues due to a number of things including: Most of us are neither Squad nor staffers of some giant software company KSP's source is not open to us KSP itself is still very unstable and buggy It's a fact of life as a coder. Code errors will crop up. At the same time one person fixes or improves something, the other finds something that needs to be fixed, or as a result of one fix, a new error will crop up. We're only human
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