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Everything posted by maja

  1. Of course not. Bill, who was not there, swears, that this was a legit Mun landing.
  2. RoverDude always accept PRs and is open to improvements. If you think, that your part placement in CTT will be better, bring it up in the appropriate USI thread and do a PR.
  3. I'm using TRR with the latest scatterer and I don't see any compatibility issues (no exceptions).
  4. Tested and that null ref spam is gone. Thanks for you work. There are some lonely null refs, but not in a flight, so don't worry about them.
  5. Both. Lone null ref is during scene change only. Null ref spam is in the flight on low orbit and on the surface. Did you tested it with scatterer only? Because I tried it right know and you're right, that there is a lonly null ref only, but if I add EVE, then there is suddenly null ref spam. Conclusion (my case): scatterer only - lonely null ref scatterer + EVE - null ref spam scatterer + SVE (EVE is required mod) - null ref spam I don't know, what EVE breaks, but something is out there I can look into it, if you want. It's affecting my game, so I want to find a fix, but I don't want to force you to fix it, if it's not on the scatterer side. Well, I don't want to force you to fix it in either case
  6. I tested it with both dev versions. Looking at your code, I think the culprit will be here, because when I switch to the Map View, the exception goes away. if (m_manager.hasOcean && Core.Instance.useOceanShaders) { if (!MapView.MapIsEnabled && m_manager.m_skyNode.farCamera && !m_manager.m_skyNode.inScaledSpace) { m_manager.GetOceanNode().updateStuff(m_manager.GetOceanNode().m_oceanMaterial, m_manager.m_skyNode.farCamera); } } Maybe add " m_manager.GetOceanNode() != null " check to the inner if, if what's causing it? I'll do it myself and do PR, but I had problems compiling your code in Visual Studio and hadn't time to dig into it. Null refs happens only when switching scenes and in low orbit and on the surface of the Mun.
  7. @kithylin I have one last recommendation to you. If you don't like, then don't use it. We were trying to help you with settings and better maneuveurs, but you don't want a help, just a tool which does everything instead of you. Your choice.
  8. Exactly. And one of the more fotogenic with the Kerbin in that position. I can't do a better shot, because I was clipping the camera through terrain. Look at reflection in the visor. Bob isn't reflected there.
  9. It seems, that I have steps to reproduce it in KSP 1.3.1. Mods: SVE 1.2.7 EVE scatterer - dev version from November 4 or version 0.0320b (it's the same with both versions) Module Manager 2.8.1 Steps: Ocean shaders on Put simple craft into orbit of the Mun (for example. Mark1-2Pod) Go back to Space Center Return to the craft via Tracking Station OnPreCull null ref spam Hope this helps. If you need more info, let me know.
  10. It's weird. I'm getting full spam around and on the Mun in my main install with a lot of mods, but not in a clean install with SVE and scatterer only. In clean install it's only exception when switching scenes (tested right now).
  11. I'm getting null ref around Mun and on every scene change with dev version from November 4 and Ocean shaders enabled (see screenshot of my settings bellow) too.
  12. Click on Edit ascent path (last checkbox in the Ascent Guidance window). There you can change ascent profile. Do a radial burn (Radial in/out) to move your periapsis. The best time is after a SOI change, when you will need the least amount of dV. Radial burns rotates your orbital plane and in your case of hyperbolic orbit ending with the very close Ike encounter the radial burn pushes your periapsis up to a fly-by. You need to choose the right radial burn (in or out), so it's usualy trial and error to get the right one from the two.
  13. First thing first, you're not helping with your attitude. 1) I don't have problems with ascent guidance in the latest stable (2.6.1) and KSP 1.3.1. Check your flight profile. I have it set to 60km end altitude, end angle 10° and turn shape 45%. 2) Don't do burns at 0s. Give MJ some time to set a node and turn a vessel. 60s works for me everytime. 3) Landing on the opposite side is a problem, but because landing worked in KSP 1.3, something changed in KSP not in MJ. 4) Again, not a problem with the latest stable in my game. You are free to stop using MechJeb or stop playing at all, but don't blame the mod developer, that something changed in the game and he don't have time to change his mod.
  14. Hit brakes, tell the rover where to go, click Poehali and go to the space center.
  15. BonVoyage doesn't move a rover in a flight scene. Only in the backround, when a rover isn't active vessel. If your rover is moving, then it's not BV, but something else. Check rover's speed and brakes.
  16. The PDU is near the ball hub in the front. It has antenna on top of it.
  17. It's a collider problem. KSP places a root of a craft on level with terrain. I "fixed" it by adding known height of the root part above the terrain, but it isn't allways enough. It's depending on a terrain, wheels and KSP. Another, not solved yet, issue is, that a body rotates under a rover during the time the rover moves. It's more pronounced on smaller bodies. It's usually resolved by KSP itself when scene loads, but sometimes you don't have the rover anymore but a spacecraft. I'm looking into it, but I have problems finding correct functions to rotate a rover during background move. Maybe Persistent Rotation mode's code can help. I found it recently
  18. Why do you need extra batteries and a reactor? Otter pod has its own reactor and enough batery storage. Only problem is, that there is currently a bug with the reactor cooling. The reactor overheats very quickly and an external radiator panel don't survive pressure under three hundred meters (on Kerbin) if you have pressure limits enabled in the settings.
  19. What?! GPP is not bundled with a donation? Then it must be really good that it sells itself
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