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Everything posted by notJebKerman

  1. So I have a problem with the docking ports. Recently I've been trying to dock my STS-12 mission to the station using APAS docks. Unsuccessfully. The problem is, that I can't use SAS to point towards the APAS port while I'm in contact with it, but I'm not docked yet and docking ring is still extended. The vessel will just (try to) point somewhere else. Previously I've been able to pull off a docking, so it's not broken, but I was using a 2.5m pod. Is this a feature or a bug (and if it's a feature, can I disable it?). Any advice on docking spaceplanes using APAS? EDIT: Tried a few more dockings with Dragon V2 inspired pod and it worked well every time. Maybe the problem is in the shuttle...
  2. How are 1.25m CBM docking ports supposed to be used? Active to the spacecraft, passive to the station?
  3. Tnx. I already wanted to do something like this with the LZ-1 but I'm terrible at modding.
  4. Could you share that config with us? I have the landing zone from Launchers Pack but having it as a structure, not just as a part would be great.
  5. it's okay now. at least for me. i did a bit of code changing and got parts i needed back while still having new tantares installed.
  6. i did try to install both but old docking ports werent using correct models and textures. ill try to create a separate folder where i will have the old soyuz folder.
  7. there is a problem with docking ports. i know its because of the diffirent names but is there a way to get both old docking ports, solar panels and rcs in new pack? (or have both old and new SOYUZ folder installed at the same time)
  8. is there an imgur gallery where i can see all the planets in the mod? and does anyone know if this mod interferes with kerbol origins or revamped stock solar system?
  9. I think this mod's effects are amazing. but for some reason i prefer stock effect on vector engine, (some) jet engines and in cryo engines mod. is there a way to get stock FX just on few parts?
  10. is 0.9375m active-passive docking port broken? or is just me because i cant use it (still dont know when should i retract). when i come close to docking i just bump and nothing happens. is anyone else having the same problem?
  11. after few reinstalls i figured out my realplume version wasn up to date. i feel so dumb right now.
  12. is there a way to make cubesats smaller without TweakScale? cubesats arent really small or tiny. i mean... cubesats are supposed to be small enough for bigger sounding rockets. i need a proper falcon 9 (ghidorah 9 from tundra exploration) to launch a 'small' cubesat. my first expectation was ability to use 0.625 or even 0.35 rockets as upper stages. apart from the size, its a great mod. models are amazing and ability to add small engines into the cubesats is great (tiny is the biggest size of a cubesat i will ever need. small is just an overkill)
  13. i cant see rocket exhaust on rodan landing engines. is anyone else having the same problem? is the fact that im using realplume the reason for that?
  14. which visual mods did u use? stock visual enhancenments? and how did u get fancy new animation on gigan rcs? i still have rcs animations from 1.1.3...
  15. is there a way to get those planes right now? they look amazing...
  16. i will probably try to do that. but i will just use it for myself or post it on this thread since i will use current part and simlply change its function.
  17. is there an album where i can see how this mod looks on other planets (and moons)?
  18. did u use original FMRS? i tried to install it for myself but that didnt work. but that was in 1.2.1...
  19. is there a way to get .craft files? download links on craft repository are broken. i mean... this mod is still great but since im new to it i sometimes have a hard time building realistic spacecraft.
  20. this IS download for sw launchsite, right? i mean... there is no download link on the thread itself... also, is this mod abbandoned? that looks amazing! where can i download it?
  21. was jool's atmosphere height changed? because on my recent jool mission i planned to do a capture without aerobraking and simply burn with the main engine about 400km above it. but when i reached periapsis (380km) spacecraft suddenly overheated. it wasnt design to take any reentry heat so if there is an atmosphere, it would break as soon as it enters it. is it possible that some instrument caused it or was jool's atmosphere configured so it would start at >400km?
  22. is new tantaresLV meant to overwrite an old one? was tantares (not tantaresLV) updated too?
  23. that was a quick reply... i just wanted to ask this because im using revamped solar system mod that makes planets look much, much better. it improves experience without sacrificing performance. but i also know that revsss is based on kopernicus and literally replaces celestial bodies while this one simply changes terrain. still gonna try it
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