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Everything posted by notJebKerman

  1. Oh, and the log is here. I uploaded it to Dropbox when I first posted about the incompatibility but forgot to add it to the reply.
  2. I didn't really consider that. But yeah, Skylab was enormous - it had a pressurised volume similar to that of Mir, but required a single launch.
  3. Thank you for a quick reply. It just seemed odd to me that such a small module would be launched the same way other, way bigger modules are. Russians, for example, used Soyuz rather than Proton for Pirs and Poisk (that actually seem quite similar to SL airlock).
  4. This seems like a good place to ask this, so... Does anyone know how Spacelab airlock was delievered in ETS? It seems too small to justify a Saturn 1C launch, yet it required a tug - probably AARDV for randzevous and docking.
  5. @CobaltWolf I really like the new Spacelab parts. But were the ion engines & RCS ever released? From the screenshots posted they seemed pretty much done...
  6. This doesn't seem to work in 1.3.1. If I have this installed the game doesn't even finish loading. Without it it works fine...
  7. @linuxgurugamer Is there a 1.3 compatible version of this? Or should I look at some other mod?
  8. I've been busy lately so I had to put KSP to the side for a few days, but I'm back and the RTG decay patch is here. However, this doesn't actually require NFE's patch, so this should probably be included separate of the core mod.
  9. Glad to see block 4 is here. This is just an idea for the future, but... I think universal 1.25 m androgynous port, combination between APAS and CBM would be a great addition. Why? From what I’ve seen of ETS Freedom the same port appears to be used both for docking of B4 CSM and station modules. None of the CxA ports are great for that. APAS is too small (.9 m) and CBM is not even a docking port (technically it’s a berthing port).
  10. KOL-1, the first space station in my new save.
  11. I already have NFE installed so I will enable the config and if I figure it out, I may write a patch file for CA.
  12. Is there a mod that would make RTGs degrade, like irl (and is compatible with 1.3)? If there is one, is it compatible with CA?
  13. Gemini 3 and 4 flying in formation following the first successful rendezvous of two manned spacecraft
  14. Well... They are available... But not for unmanned probes (Sputnik 3, Lunar Orbiter, Mariner, Ranger). And some of them are outdated - they aren't taking advantage of the parts that were added later.
  15. Which Gemini service module is meant to be used with MOL? .craft file on KerbalX is using the full-size version, but since the smaller one is included... Also, there is one problem with Connected living space for MOL: While the G heatshield is passable, service module and both 1.5 m & 1.875 m size decouplers are not. Btw,
  16. That's not a problem. Kane ports are included in the config and Skylab parts have crew (and therefore allow transfer) anyways.
  17. Are these thrusters going to be less efficient and located earlier in the tech tree than NF Propulsion's and stock ones? After all, they are based of 60s technology...
  18. Controls for MMU are the same as for any other spacecraft
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