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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. My support of CKAN extends as far as me checking the checkbox in Spacedock when I upload. I checked and it's still enabled for the mod. Please let the CKAN people know that you're having issues, I don't actually have any idea how CKAN operates.
  2. If I ever build a house, it's going to have a drive-through, so I can have pizza brought right to my desk without me getting up.
  3. Get too close to the orbit of one of the moons?
  4. Last couple days I've been flying and tweaking this guy.
  5. Really they're all BAD455, because being BAD455 is what makes them green.
  6. Your problem now is probably the lack of signal. If you look at the upper left just right of the MET, you see a small yellow icon. This tells you that you have limited probe control. You might be able to do basic things like open solar panels, but you don't be able to drive. Since the Mun is tidally locked to Kerbin (I'm assuming this is Mun and not Dres), you'll never get signal from the body rotating. You'll need some kind of relay satellite in orbit to bounce a signal off of to get back to Kerbin.
  7. This is very common. Your control point is facing towards the ground, as indicated by the navball being entirely brown. You can click on the probe core and switch its direction to "forward", however you're still going to have issues as it will still be upside down. I'm assuming that's an engineer since you added the battery. You could move the antenna to a different part of the rover, and then flip the probe core around.
  8. You can post here: You can also report the post and request a closure, or PM any of the moderation staff. Note though that you can only request threads you have started to be closed.
  9. Just shutdown. You can't. I can't do it for you, either. The only way to get around post merging is to wait at least 10 minutes between making them.
  10. https://www.cinemablend.com/television/star-trek-icon-nichelle-nichols-is-dead-at-89
  11. I don't believe this is the case. I believe it's more that they don't want to burn up margin that they don't have to. Remember, these things have offset CoMs and don't have magic unrealistically powerful gyros for control on re-entry. They use RCS for navigation when re-entering. If something goes amiss during that phase, you want as much fuel as possible for corrections.
  12. There is! The mod you're looking for is Hangar Extender
  13. What about a stock install? Do a fresh stock install. Check if it's there. If it is, add the mods in one at a time and fire up the game until it breaks. Then you'll know what mod did it
  14. This is a non-competitive single player game. As long as you're not doing this when competing in community challenges, you cannot cheat. Many people on the forum make changes like this all the time. Play however you want to play. The part you're looking for is the atmosphereCurve under Module Engines. You want to edit the numbers after key = 0 and key = 1. Higher means less fuel consumed. However, I suggest you make these changes using modulemanager patches instead of changing the stock config file directly. Safer and easier to revert if you want. MODULE { name = ModuleEngines thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform ~ atmosphereCurve { key = 0 310 <- Vacuum ISP key = 1 285 <- Sea Level ISP key = 9 0.001 } }
  15. If I were you, I would set up another stock install, but a fresh one from the installer/steam instead of just copying and trimming your modded game. It sounds like you had a mod that broke the stock indicator, and removing it did not reinstate it.
  16. Sounds like it might be time for a reinstall. Is your stock install one that was modded, and then you just removed the mods?
  17. This guy, down on the bottom. It's the stock dV menu.
  18. Is your dV indicator set to sea level on Kerbin? I just threw a terrier on a fuel tank, and the dV went to 0 when I switched it to Eve.
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