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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Yeah, that's how it works. Each like has its own 24 hour timer, essentially.
  2. My plan is to wait until 1.0, or at least until the beta is stable. However I imagine everyone that knows me fairly well is assuming that's a lie and I'll be buying it on day zero. They're probably right.
  3. I think we've all found ourselves in a situation like this. Either no engines or no fuel. One thing you can do, if you have the ability to go on an EVA, is use the Get Out And Push procedure. Have a kerbal go on EVA, and use their jetpack to push the capsule retrograde until you get your PE under 70km. EVA propellant is effectively infinite, as it is refilled when you get in the pod. Just don't let the kerbal run out while you're out there! I usually push until the kerbal is down to one unit left (out of 5, IIRC), then get in the pod and back out again to refill the jetpack. Anything under 70km will eventually bring you back down, but the lower you get it, the faster you'll deorbit. Pushing will be most effective at your AP.
  4. I wouldn't mind the patter if they talked about the hardware instead of spending 75% of their time acknowledging chat donations.
  5. Your underscores have no power here, @Vanamonde
  6. Looks to me like the contract has completed. Finish your flight, and you'll get the payout from the contract.
  7. Upper left. Make sure you're in build mode, and there will be 4 smaller tool buttons underneath it. The offset tool is the second one (from the left)
  8. Brakes can be activated by pressing/holding 'B', or by toggling the brake button at the top middle of your screen, to the right of the altimeter. It's not automatic. I've found that the brakes are really, really..... let's say finicky. 100% or higher will instantly weld the wheels to the ground and cause your plane to spin out, < 100% doesn't do a whole lot. I recommend quicksaving shortly before landing, and touching down with various settings to see which one works best.
  9. Did you turn angle snap off? Toggle with 'C'. Green arrow. Hex is snap on, circle is snap off.
  10. This is basically how I exist all the time. And they're usually by the same artist, too. New find a couple days ago.
  11. Warning: The camera in this video is spinning, just in case that's the kind of thing that would bother you.
  12. There's a folder in your save's folder called "Backup". In there should be 5 auto-saved backups. Take the most recent one, and copy it to the folder above (where the rest of your saves are). There you can rename it to persistent.sfs and your game should load normally. You'll lose a little bit of progress, but your game should be mostly intact.
  13. I don't know where you read this, but it is not the case. The shuttle did not store any hydrolox for the main SSMEs. That came solely from the external tank. The main engines would shut off, then the tank would be detached, and the main engines would not run again for duration of the mission. It had two orbital maneuvering engines for on-orbit, but those ran on a completely different propellant.
  14. KSP on Steam does not have DRM. If KSP 2 on Steam ends up with some kind of DRM, it will have DRM from every storefront.
  15. It could depend on the thread. If you followed a couple of big mod thread, that could explain it. There's a quirk in the forum software during thread merges. It's possible that when a smaller thread is merged with a bigger one, say when someone posts a question about a popular mod and we toss it in with the mod's thread, all the followers are lost. The issue has been reported and we have a way to try to prevent it, but it still happens.
  16. Looks to me like it's a reflection of the person taking the picture of it, holding the camera.
  17. Louise Fletcher has died at 88. https://www.startrek.com/news/remembering-louise-fletcher I think I only ever saw her as Kai/Vedek Winn, but it seems she had quite a career
  18. Tech issues are basically what this forum is for. Besides, having your issue and (hopefully) resolution posted and published for all to see is likely to help someone else down the road.
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