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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. Will it start without the mods installed? Did you uninstall the old copy before installing the update one, install it to a different location, or just install overtop of the old on?
  2. Since I'm slowly increasing immersion in my shuttle program, I tested a shuttle recovery tug. Only change to my shuttle was replacing the front nose cone with the shielded docking port so the klaw had something to grab. (As expected, refused to grab the nose cone.) First the ASD-11 Trinity dumped a pointless satellite in orbit. Sent out the tug... which is dependent on solar, we'll need to change that, since we had to stop half way and wait for daylight. Also had to deploy the solar panels on the shuttle so they didn't die on the runway. (I really gotta see if my LS can exclude vessels landed at the KSC) Once leveled (There's gear on the front of the tug to level it for docking), lift the front gear of the orbiter for towing. Front wheels aren't too happy about it, apparently. Delivered to the VAB! Also, small PSA. If you use KJR and have noticed that the Klaw doesn't pivot like I did, the fix is here. Oh, also did my very first IVA docking.
  3. No, 1.4 will be an update just like 1.3. the DLC is separate, but will require 1.4.
  4. Might not be the save itself, but that it's trying to auto-load that massive thing when you go into the SPH. Go into the save's SPH folder and either delete, move, or re-name the autosaved craft file and see if you can go into the SPH.
  5. EOM? As far as the request, it would be handy, but there is essentially a way to do it. You can set how many pieces of debris you want the game to keep track of before it starts deleting. I do believe that slider goes down to 0. You can set it to 0, load your save, save it again, then go turn the setting back up, and all the debris should be gone. Be careful though, remember, it treats anything without a command pod or probe core as debris.
  6. #closeenough Actually bounced off the freakin' runway light.
  7. Sure will. None Few of the science experiments care about how they're mounted or stashed.
  8. I lost 4 hours once because I wrote "Teusday" on one line.
  9. What graphics hardware do you have? I've got an Nvidia GTX-1050Ti, and started with the 384 driver. When it upgraded to 387, KSP stopped working. I reverted back to 384, and it was fine. 390 seems to work fine now though. Are you sure you're starting the game and not the launcher? AFAIK, there's nothing in game you can click on to open a browser.
  10. I gotta stop reading Add-on releases at work. The next 5 hours are gonna drag. Can't wait to install. Awesome!
  11. It's so cute! Are you sure these are yours though? I mean, I'm not seeing any fairings... Looks great though! Shuttle an SSTO plane? Looks too complex to get strapped to a rocket.
  12. Firespitter, yeah. I really like that one because it folds up. The Kerbalx page lists all the mods used on the craft. Most real life prop plane engines are fundamentally car engines attached to propellers.
  13. Straight up until 50 m/s, then bank east until the navball is on 60 degrees. Once the prograde marker catches up, set prograde. Ride until AP is ~85km, then kill the engines. Circularize at AP. Tanks are configured to feed bottom first, probably why I can get away with no tail fins. Exception being the 4 small tanks that the swivels are attached to. Those are locked and reserved for de-orbit and landing (even though I always have a little left in the top tank when orbit is reached, but this guarantees I can get down.)
  14. What I meant was it's hard to leave Kerbin's SOI if you're trying to get to orbit. If you want to get to orbit, going straight up is not the way to do it. You need a hefty amount of horizontal velocity, by doing what's called a gravity turn. If you need help with doing that, or are going straight up because your rockets are flipping, head over to the Gameplay Question section and post there, and we'll get you to orbit.
  15. ..Are you shooting straight up? It's easy to not make orbit, it's pretty hard to accidentally leave Kerbin's SOI.
  16. 99% of the time from the SPH or VAB. Reverts could be either to Launch or VAB/SPH. I'll try to replicate the exact conditions and see how it behaves. I should probably get something that shows actual FPS as well...
  17. Firespitter has electric props. Near Future Electrical has nice sized nuclear reactors. Here's a small, packable planes I made that flies well on Kerbin, Eve, and Laythe. Might be able to tweak it for Duna, but flying on Duna is a completely different ball game than the other 3. https://kerbalx.com/Geonovast/Eve-Nuke-Plane
  18. I remembering doing that a lot in my early days. Check yo' stagin! What would be really funny is if the thing still made it to orbit.
  19. That's probably true, but the largest stock landing leg is still pretty small. I think they could go up to a larger falcon style aerodynamic leg without being too ridiculous on size.
  20. I think it if you build your rockets so the command pod is not the root part, it won't auto fill the pod before launch. You'll get the "This vessel will not be controllable" message when launching if you forget the board Val. At least that how it's behaved for me. Any time I'm mucking about in a rocket, and the root ends up not being a pod, it ends up launching empty. Of course if you have a probe core anywhere on the thing and forget to board her it won't pop up the message..
  21. I don't see a performance hit after a bunch of consecutive launches, but I do see one after a ton of consecutive reverts, to the point of sometimes needing to restart the game. i7-7700K GTX-1050Ti 32GB DDR.
  22. I wonder how hard it would be for an experienced modder to make some run-up lights and some of these bad boys: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_approach_path_indicator Lining up with the runway is something I'm just now thinking about starting to maybe get the hang of.
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