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Everything posted by Geonovast

  1. It wasn't complicated. Just a Ctrl+A, Del. Since I'd already done it I figured it was easier to just save it. Also, moving to Kerbal Network... finally..
  2. Some games I wouldn't mind playing consistently with a group of people. L4D/L4D2. Any of the FPS Borderlands Games. Halo: Reach (No matchmaking preferably) Huh... I guess that's it.
  3. Moved to Kerbal Network. @Ceromancy, it's there to prevent spam bots from pestering legitimate users. It's there for the same reason that your first 5 posts (Outside of The Lounge) must be approved by moderators before they appear. Once you have two more approved posts, your account won't have any more restrictions. You will be able to have a signature and profile picture at that point as well.
  4. Copying time is probably negligible if you have many KSP starts per system boot. It could also be set up to do at boot so by the time you actually get around to playing KSP, it's already there. I think the biggest risk to keeping KSP in a RAM disk is either forgetting to copy your save files over to real storage before rebooting, or losing save progress to a power or system interruption. That right there I think is worth waiting a few minutes more to have it load.
  5. I think the problem is your relatively low amount of RAM. If you're allocating a significant portion to a RAM disk, then you're taking a pretty big chunk out of your available RAM, which is going to increase your paging. So while it might seem that you're doing everything exclusively with RAM, you may actually be paging a lot to your SSD. Interesting, though. I may have to play with RAM disk loading times. My system has 64 GB of physical RAM with swap disabled, so I should be able to get some pretty cut and dry numbers.
  6. Took care of it for ya. Your sig should be empty now.
  7. If you're building stations, then just use the docking ports as the separators. The docking port has an attach node in the editor, then you can decouple it either by staging it or by right-clicking on it and hitting decouple.
  8. No. That would be out of the scope for action groups. If you want to delete all your debris, go to your game settings, set your max debris to zero, then load the save. This will delete all your debris. After this, you can either leave it at zero, which I think is a bad idea, or put it back. Leaving it at zero would cause the game to delete debris as soon as you generate it, which could, in some cases, be a problem. If debris is a problem, it's probably best to put that setting at, say, 5. This way you won't lose something accidentally as soon as you stage it, and 5 pieces of debris won't really slow the game down a noticeable amount.
  9. IIRC, a major cause of this is the number of ships you have going in your save. Reducing debris count can help. You can either just destroy it from the tracking station or lower the "max debris" setting in your game settings. Even if they're not set to show in the tracking view, the game's still calculating their movement.
  10. Thread temporarily locked... stand by... --- Unlocking. Some comments have been edited or removed. Guys, debating the science is fine. But accusing other members of trolling and taunting for reactions is not ok. Let's play nice, alright? Thank you.
  11. KSP 2 De-confirmed. Disconfirmed? Irconfirmend? Unconfirmed? No, that's not right...
  12. If you don't care about their personal mission history, you could use the F12 menu to recreate all of them. If you do care, then it's going to take some precision safe file editing, I would think. This sounds like something a mod could be written to do.
  13. @Mukita12, we're going to have to lock this as it's against rule 2.2b. Religious and political discussion is not allowed on the forum as it has historically caused problems. No matter how good your intent, these discussions have caused too many problems for us to continue to allow them. Thank you for your understanding.
  14. My apologies, that was not my intent. The comment was made in jest, but I see your point. We do not know what happened. It was broken, and now it's not is all I can say because it's all I know.
  15. Thread locked at OP request. Please see previous post for continuation.
  16. Hello, @Dinnasty, and welcome to the forum! That does seem odd. Can you post a screenshot of what you're experiencing? Pressing F1 in game will generate a screenshot, which is saved inside the Screeshots folder in your game's main folder. You can then upload the image to a site such as imgur and post the link to it here. Do you have any mods installed? This seems more like a technical issue than a gameplay question.
  17. Hello, @Ceromancy, Unfortunately large log files like the one you posted can cause multiple issues for the forum, especially for users on mobile devices. Therefore I have removed the log file from your post. Please upload the log file itself to a file hosting site, such as Google Drive or similar, and post the link to the log file here. Thank you, and welcome aboard!
  18. Ok, friends, thread unlocked. We are all friends here. Let's remember that.
  19. I think you'll need to use GoG support to get the previous version. I've looked around and don't see any way to do it yourself. If they don't get back to you soon, keep getting at them. If they won't do it, they need to at least tell you "no". Let me know if they do provide them, though. I have all the GoG installers from 1.3.0 to 1.8.1 except 1.4.4... that dropped when I was on a KSP hiatus. I'll never play it, but I'd like to complete the collection..
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