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Everything posted by DAL59

  1. This game is nearly a decade behind in terms of graphics, which is ridiculous, given the amount of modmakers, working alone, who were able to add clouds. They don't need to be 3-d, but not even having 2-d clouds on Eve makes the stock game horrible to look at. Also, look at what Space Engine, a game made for free by one person, looks like:
  2. Because there weren't many entries, this weeks architecture will be extended for another week.
  3. That game was ahead of its time in terms of gameplay content, but the graphics make it so hard to play. Elite 2 was way better, and also had newtonian physics, making it possibly the first orbital mechanics game, and the first game with brachistochrones. If you want to play Elite 2, but with modern graphics, check out Pioneer. If you want to play the original non-newtonian Elite, but with modern graphics, play Oolite.
  4. DAL59

    Shower thoughts

    Except when your submarine glitches through the sea floor.
  5. You could use your rocket engine as a morse code signaler if all your radios broke.
  6. You don't need Hohmann windows if you have nuclear gas cores, so it wouldn't necessarily ruin plots to have some orbital mechanics. Also, this new series has a unique non FTL method of interstellar travel, where gates accelerate crafts to near-relativistic speeds(not a problem, because the stars are in a cluster, so they are fairly close together). However, what makes no sense is how the craft slow down before the destination gate is in place.
  7. Someone else got the falling to the core glitch!

    1. Pds314


      Nice! I think I remember where I fell through the seafloor so I could probably replicate it. I will link the video of my last ~60 kilometers of falling!

  8. Lol that would be the most ineffective sabotage ever. Good job clearing away the misinformation @illectro
  9. His last video was 8 months ago @HatBat
  10. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/238632415_Mars_Free_Returns_via_Gravity_Assist_from_Venus
  11. There's now a bunch of click bait articles saying the ISS was sabotaged
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